UPDATED: Suing Arizona

Barack Obama,Homeland Security,IMMIGRATION,States' Rights


Taking cover, the American Treason Class, with Hillary Clinton at the helm, made the announcement from Ecuador: “The Justice Department, under [Obama’s] direction, will be bringing a lawsuit against the act” [Arizona immigration-enforcement law, SB 1070].

VIA The Right Scoop, here’s the Hildebeest herself:

UPDATE (June 20): “Our federal government should be using its legal resources to fight illegal immigration, not the law-abiding citizens of Arizona,” said Gov. Jan Brewer.

Brewer “refused to flinch after Obama administration officials confirmed Friday that they plan to file a lawsuit challenging the state’s anti-illegal immigration law.
In a statement issued late Friday, Brewer called Obama’s decision ‘outrageous’ but ‘not surprising.'”

6 thoughts on “UPDATED: Suing Arizona

  1. Van Wijk

    So the federal government is going to sue a state for a law which is less stringent than the federal immigration law. Arizona’s law is certainly constitutional, but I have a feeling that the Great Pharaoh and his lackeys are going to at least try to persuade the Supreme Court that it isn’t. If the JD wins, we will have taken another step towards hard rather than soft federal despotism.

    Fed to states: Obey

  2. Robert Glisson

    True, she may have said it, but that doesn’t necessary make it so; She’s made a lot of forgettable statements in the past. The fact that she said it out of the country only makes it more quasi. But, even if the White House does file a lawsuit nothing says they’ll win. But they might make some political points out of it for the next election. I prefer to wait this one out.

  3. Derek

    I find it unbelievable the elites of this nation are able to pull off such a massive demographic change. Assuming large scale legal and illegal immigration began around 1980, as a result of the infamous 1965 act, then it will have taken 70 years by 2050 for them to have successfully replaced the historical, dominant population with, at best third world folks who wish to rejoin a third world nation, and at worst third world folks who wish to spread an aggressive religion.

    Folks like Pat Buchanan were sounding the alarm 20 years ago, but few listened. We were sold a bill of goods by the elites in the form of oxymoronic sayings like “diversity is our strength”, and outright falsehoods such as immigrants are going to keep social security solvent. If those didn’t keep the rubes quiet, there was always the option to play the race card.

    Now 30 years into this scheme many people have finally awoken and voiced alarm, hence the legislation in Arizona. But the elites can’t allow this. After all we still have another 40 years to go of unrestricted immigration to reach the desired outcome.

    So speaking on behalf of these elites, Hillary has let it be known that they will use the full force and backing of the feds, i.e. our tax dollars, to fight us court. What will come next?

  4. Myron Pauli

    Basically, the administration claims a right to NULLIFY those federal laws (like immigration restrictions) that it does not like and furthermore challenge any state that is acting consistently with federal law. An inverse nullification process.

    But, this is not surprising – after all, government, which is supposed to “secure these rights” (Jefferson) has become the biggest threat to our own rights. We have lived in an upside down world for a long time. It just gets more brazen in each administration.


    Hey, who really cares what the White House et al says? They have violated the Constitution time after time and still they expect the Citizens of this country to follow these invalid rules they force upon us. My suggestion is to tie them up in the courts. Keep the media howling about it every time they talk out of their A**** and we can kick those very A**** as Obama has threatened to do to BP et al. I’m going to order a pair of STEEL-TOED WORK BOOTS…..I wouldn’t want to violate OSHA rules now, would I?

  6. james huggins

    It’s long past the time for the states to stand their ground against the federal behemoth. It has long been obvious that the federal government views the states as nothing but cash cows for the big show. Evidently there are a dozen or more states who want to copy the Arizona law. Naturally, there is going to be intense political pressure from Washington to cease and desist. I will be interested to see how many states, if any, stand up to the force of the feds. Maybe, hopefully, a precedent will be set.

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