The Plight that Never Shuts Up

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,Palestinian Authority


An import from ‘liberated’ Iraq, hostage taking is an increasingly popular pastime in the Palestinian Authority. There are no aversive consequences such as, say, punishment. Opportunity costs are minimal too. If he were not terrorizing his captives, what would your garden-variety Palestinian thug be doing instead? Singing for his supper?
Mainstream media has ‘explained’ ad nauseam the vexing nuances of the ‘Palestinian problem.’ We know why jobs are unavailable in that otherwise economically viable anarcho-terrorist territory, why government consists of competing terrorist gangs (rather than only one), and why civil society, such as it is, canonizes killers. Israel; it’s all Israel’s fault!
Given this much-rehashed media consensus, I was surprised to hear Fox correspondent Steve Centanni and his colleague, photographer Olaf Wiig, lament that the Palestinian story was “underreported.”

In “The Plight that Never Shuts Up,” my latest weekly WorldNetDaily column, I refute the above fiction and tell how “world peace became tethered to the Palestinian cause.”

4 thoughts on “The Plight that Never Shuts Up

  1. james huggins

    Anti-Semitism is an integral part of Catholic European history. It’s only natural that the Europeans subconciously, or conciously side with the anti-Jewish side of any question. The Palestinians are made to order for this.

    I often wonder why the oil rich Arabs don’t do something to help the poverty ridden Palestinians. I suspect it’s because they are made to order for the world-wide propaganda campaign against Israel and the US. European and American MSM are sucked into the deception and willingly advance the Islamic cause even in the face of obvious truth and common sense, which dictate otherwise. The Palestinians are doomed by their religion and by the manipulation of their more powerful allies to remain in the dung heap where they are a most useful weapon in the arsenal for world jihad.

    This business of taking hostages, like suicide bombing and numerous other “tactics” of jihad are natural results of a culture steeped in blind obedience to a cause which can only thrive in ignorance and violence.

  2. Carolus

    Great article, Ilana. Thanks also for bringing the background provided by the great Bat Y’eor to place this madness in some sort of perspective. The one thing you did not mention was the forced coversion of the two journalists to Islam. As many have pointed out on both Larry Auster’s VFR and Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch sites, they’s best retire if they’ve any survival instinct. It’s a bit like joining the Mafia, the only way to really leave the “family” is via death, natural or un-natural.

    If I were a mobster, I’d very seriously consider converting to the “religion of love and peace.” I could liquidate anyone who got in the way, all in the name of jihad. I could own a harem, and do whatever I liked. Mohammed’s cult is the perfect gangsta religion.

  3. Frank Zavisca


    Centanni and Wiig are correct, in part:

    Fox News “underreports” the “Palsetinian Problem” because, not being a part of the hysterical Leftist mainstream media, they are not obsessed with altering the reality of Palestinian corruption with their media machine.

  4. Boomer

    In the book, “From Time Immemorial,” Joan Peters documents that in wars where one people is displaced by another due to the outcome of the conflict, only in the Israel/Arab conflict did a people (the Palestinians) not get absorbed into the surrounding nations. In all other cases, the world has expected and ensured that a displaced people merge into peoples of similar culture, language and religion. In the case of the Palestinians, the surrounding Arab peoples are ethnically identical, speak the same language, practice the same culture and religion, yet the Arabs keep the Palestinians in refugee camps as political pawns to be used against Israel for fictitiously displacing them from their “homeland.” This is done to constantly keep the “plight” of the Palestinians before the world, regardless of the truth of the matter–that they displaced themselves before the 1948 conflict under the promise by the Arab armies that Israel would be pushed into the sea. I guess they’re all still waiting. It is also unfortunate that American presidents’ have increasingly bought into the lie that the Palestinian’s were displaced and therefore deserve their own country. The current president has made it the unfortunate policy of the United States that “the ONLY solution for peace in the middle east is two nations, Israel and Palestine living side by side.” Seems to me that the way things are going in this regard, the Bible is appearing correct in that, “It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.” Zechariah 12:3.

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