The Unbearable Nothingness of News



It doesn’t matter how many mocking clips a real newsman like Jon Stewart does of the fake news media, they never change their ways. (View “Algebra of Cable News”). They continue to run entire programs on…nothing. The number of experts willing to bang on about absolutely nothing is never-ending too.

Thus it came as no surprise when the news nincompoops repeated suspect John Mark Karr’s claim quite seriously that he was alone with JonBenet Ramsey when she died (in the basement of her home on Dec. 26, 1996), but that her death was an accident.

Are we talking about the same child who perished gruesomely by garroting and rape? You’d think the poor thing died peacefully with her loved ones surrounding her, Karr included. It reminds me of how the media persisted in calling Andrea Yates, the woman who drowned all her kids, “the Houston mom” (technically incorrect and morally reprehensible). I suspect this latest development is yet another brick in the edifice of bungling the case represents. Other than the odd meta-comment, you’re not going to read much on BAB about this latest obscenity. I’ll say this much for the record: whoever turned that poppet into a sexualized miniature adult and pimped her out like that was revolting in their own right.

3 thoughts on “The Unbearable Nothingness of News

  1. sshaun2

    That’s true, but news is big business and the bottom line is what’s at stake. News has to entertaining to keep the ratings up. Accuracy is a secondary concern. It reminds me of a Mark Twain quote:
    “If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed..
    If you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed.”

    I agree that having JonBenet prance around like a scantily clad adult was not just in bad taste but obscene.

  2. james huggins

    I hope Karr is the guilty one so we can close this whole sordid mess, but I’m not so sure he is. And yes, tricking out children to look like Las Vegas show girls is revolting. And yes again, the MSM is going to play this for all they can because they have a hungry audience. As I’ve said many times, nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.

    Just sign me;

    Disgusted Dad..

  3. Richard Allen

    I think the news media thinks like PT Barnum, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” It’s the old give’em what they want routine.
    Terrorist? What terrorist? We got JonBenet.
    Like the old joke about General Custer’s famous last words. “Indians? What Indians?”

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