Third World Immigration and Islam



France’s Nicolas Sarkozy had better start flexing his muscles. “The darling buds of France—her raging Muslim youths” are at it again, and this time they want to taste blood.

Here’s a refresher of the last bloody outbreak. Nothing has changed since, in “Rah-Rah For Rioters,” I detailed the “reasons” for the fury:

“What have the French ever done for “les beurs,” now rioting in 300 French cities and towns, having destroyed more than 6,000 cars, burned busses, businesses, shops, schools, police stations, libraries; beaten bystanders, and snuffed out at least one life?
They’ve replaced the mud huts of their ancestors with subsidized housing and modern plumbing, given them schools, job-training institutes, cradle-to-crypt welfare, and, my personal favorite, the Musée du Louvre.
To listen to their enablers among the media, however, not much. Whether the mediacrats are applying their cerebral sinew to individual or group-orchestrated crime; to psychological or sociological “causal factors,” bad deeds are invariably caused—never committed. And they are caused by factors outside the perpetrators. …

…French Muslims endure untold oppression. France’s holidays are largely saints’ days. School cafeterias serve fish on Fridays. Restaurants still serve wine and pork, and souvenir shops peddle porcelain pigs. As the Times Literary Supplement recently complained, “Nuns do not have to remove their headscarves for passport or driver’s license photographs; Muslim women do.” Oh the indignities! My favorite newsman (and co-religionist) Jon Stewart, added his invaluable perspective as an “alienated” minority: “Do you know what it’s like to be sent to a Christian school every Passover with a hardboiled egg?” (Italians would have similar stories of “survival.”)

By the way, this will eventually unfold at a theatre near you. We Americans love to delude ourselves to the contrary, but it is a matter of time.