U.S. To The World: 'Don’t Worry Be Happy'

Addiction,Barack Obama,Bush,Europe,Federal Reserve Bank,Inflation


“World worries how US will pay for stimulus,” blared a headline in The International Herald Tribune.

But, like the lyrics to that 1988 drone, the US’s message to the world is: “Don’t Worry Be Happy.”

Obama’s cool with spending more than even “W” the wastrel managed to spend. What does it say about galloping central planning in the US, when even statist France, where 2.5 million protesters took to the streets, is refusing to go beyond its Keynesian comfort zone:

Prime Minister François Fillon on Monday rejected demands that the French government seek to stimulate consumer spending … to lift France out of its economic slump”:

‘It would be irresponsible to chose [sic] another policy, which would increase our country’s indebtedness …,’ Fillon said in a speech in Lyon.”

To cure the addict, the world must stop enabling the American government: dethrone the dollar as the world’s reserve currency—a status that comes with a license to print money promiscuously. Successive American governments have abused this status and debased their country’s coin.

The American people refused to stop the madmen in change (they could have, by electing Ron Paul, the only sane representative running). Maybe the world must stop enabling the madmen and the addicted American electorate.

3 thoughts on “U.S. To The World: 'Don’t Worry Be Happy'

  1. Steve Hogan

    It’s a sad commentary on the state of affairs when the French look fiscally responsible by comparison. Stop the train. I want to get off!

    By the way, I think you meant to write “madmen in charge” rather than “mandmen in change.” On the other hand, when Obama and crew get done “stimulating” our economy, pocket change is all we’ll have left.

  2. gunjam

    U.S. To The World: ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’

    Ms. Mercer: Are you sure you don’t mean: “What, Me Worry?” (a la Alfred E. Obama)?

  3. Myron Pauli

    One should read Grover Cleveland’s 2nd inaugural: [http://www.bartleby.com/124/pres39.html] “..Manifestly nothing is more vital to our supremacy as a nation and to the beneficent purposes of our Government than a sound and stable currency. Its exposure to degradation should at once arouse to activity the most enlightened statesmanship, and the danger of depreciation in the purchasing power of the wages paid to toil should furnish the strongest incentive to prompt and conservative precaution….. The verdict of our voters which condemned the injustice of maintaining protection for protection’s sake… It perverts the patriotic sentiments of our countrymen and tempts them to pitiful calculation of the sordid gain to be derived from their Government’s maintenance. It undermines the self-reliance of our people and substitutes in its place dependence upon governmental favoritism. It stifles the spirit of true Americanism and stupefies every ennobling trait of American citizenship. The lessons of paternalism ought to be unlearned and the better lesson taught that while the people should patriotically and cheerfully support their Government its functions do not include the support of the people. The acceptance of this principle leads to a refusal of bounties and subsidies, which burden the labor and thrift of a portion of our citizens to aid ill-advised or languishing enterprises in which they have no concern….”

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