Comments on: Update II: Warning: Postal Worker Coming to A Clinic Near You (The Race Rot) by ilana mercer Thu, 15 Aug 2024 20:31:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Barbara Grant Mon, 07 Sep 2009 21:33:29 +0000 Reading Myron’s comments and recalling my own experience traveling to Israel from Athens on El Al, I think that the Israelis have every right to “laugh at our ineptitude.” They use “profiling,” whereas we do not. They are looking for certain “types,” it seems, which appeared to include young (at the time) ladies like me, self-identifying as Christians but traveling solo, with no church group, and boarding a plane from a particular city that had been a notorious point of embarkation in the past. My Israeli interlocutor’s rapid-fire questions reduced me to tears in less than a minute, after which he apologized. Rather than pegging this as “anti-Christian discrimination” I thought of it, when I recovered, in the legitimate terms of wishing to protect the lives of passengers on board, at least. Far better than our TSA, who manhandle elderly ladies for their presumed “threat” to us all on domestic, US flights.

But maybe with the post office, it’s different; and if a particular facility is notorious for poor, inefficient treatment, perhaps all customers will be treated equally badly.

By: Roger Chaillet Mon, 07 Sep 2009 04:51:28 +0000 This is timely.

A few months ago I witnessed an encounter at my local post office. It was between a South African and a local postal worker. The South African was bellowing at the worker about getting the manager; the postal worker was standing his ground.

I have no idea what precipitated the incident. I walked in while it was unfolding. I was there to retrieve a certified letter. I had visions of fisticuffs erupting or worse, so I left as quickly as possible.

I have a suggestion for Ilana and others.

Rent a postal box at one of those outlets that handle US mail and FedEx and UPS shipping. Life will be simpler and less stressful. And you will avoid the chance of fisticuffs.

By: Myron Pauli Sun, 06 Sep 2009 03:36:40 +0000 I’m heading to Chicago on business so I went to the USPS to stop mail and a nice guy collected the stuff from people on line to take into the back room and process so I was out in about 1 minute – amazing. But, even if you get some bad USPS idiots, at least they cannot arrest you. [I’m not so sure.] The same cannot be said for the yogurt-confiscating, boob-fondling, psychotics known as the TSA whose sole existence is to prove Franklin’s dictum: “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”. I will encounter the goon squad on Tuesday and Thursday. My (federal) coworker was screamed at and threatened with arrest if he did not go BACK to the beginning of the security line and re-enter after they confiscated his killer toothpaste tube. The Israelis laugh at our ineptitude.

Unfortunately, even semi-decent people will sink to the surly level expected of them by “the system” whether it is the DMV, USPS, TSA, “public schools”, a medical practice, or the MIT Physics Department. I have watched somewhat normal human beings become completely arrogant burnouts within the span of a few years.

By: L. D. Davis Sat, 05 Sep 2009 20:43:21 +0000 Wow. On behalf of all sane Americans, I say you’re welcomed here; and we need more competent, thinking people like you in this country. I apologize for the surly obnoxiousness of the PO personnel that you have had to endure for 7 hard years. I can personally attest to your woes, for I have come to the depressing realization that I work in a 85% ghetto-feral colony of some of the most unhousebroken, adult mammals that I have ever be forced to refer to as coworkers, in all my 19 years of employment. I am a Window/Distribution Clerk for the USPS, who has been told by several customers that I am one of the happiest postal workers they have ever met. I understand why they tell me this because I work with some of the “true-living-horror-stories” that you have so skillfully described in your blog. The feral Postal customer, who sneered their mangy suggestion that you should depart this country, basically declared the abysmal depths of their own ignorance. It’s not like you were asking “Madame Sour-Dour” to do anything that was impossible or inappropriate. You were only asking that she Do Her Job Correctly, which is what the more pleasant clerk was able, or to be more accurate, was WILLING to do. I am African American, and I saw nothing bigoted about your article. Your descriptions accurately describe the reprehensibly miserable attitudes of some government workers, regardless of race or agency. I understood that your references to the races were made to describe and distinguish the people you were discussing, and nothing more. I enjoyed your blog. My sister and I read it and belly-laughed all the way through it!

[Wonderful letter. You are a saint to retain your good cheer among your “colleagues.” You’ve given me a few laughs: “unhousebroken.” That’s classic.]

By: Barbara Grant Sat, 05 Sep 2009 20:37:01 +0000 At the risk of being labeled, “bigot,” as well, I think that there is a role played by ethnicity and race, as well as the location of the USPS facility. For example, last year I mailed many heavy packages from a mid-sized, bi-cultural city and I received excellent help making sure they were wrapped properly by a USPS employee of the other ethnicity. This year, among a number of trips for simple mailing tasks to a facility in a large, multicultural metropolitan area, I was not only forced to interpret Asian pidgin English, but was also treated in a manner that made me think my patronage was not valued–which of course, it wasn’t!

By: Mike D Sat, 05 Sep 2009 04:27:07 +0000 How is it that one woman is so witty, thoughtful, precise, lucid and beautiful??? Ilana is the most interesting columnist on WND for sure.

By: Benjamin LaMoure Sat, 05 Sep 2009 03:39:26 +0000 If perhaps some of you out there have not yet experienced the “plain stupidity” that Ilana has had to tolerate for the past 7 years at her local US postal de jure, you may have had your taste of petty Tyrants at your local DMV office.
Over the years I have developed a strategy in how to deal with these little Himmler’s. Sparing you of any historical details, what do I do when I encounter resistance to common sense and fairness? I politely retreat, get back in line, go to another branch or office, come back when the “sour ethnic lady” is not working, and so on… until I finally hear the words “Sure no problem sir, I can do that for you”.
How refreshing it is when I encounter a “Civil Service” worker who is willing to break the rules for the sake of common sense, fairness and respect.

By: Carole Sat, 05 Sep 2009 01:44:54 +0000 I read and enjoy your columns in WND. I truly DO sympathize with your feelings about the USPS. I, too, have had my run ins. Four years ago, I went to the post office to pick up a package. The line was over 20 people long and only one clerk was “working.” As I finally edged my way in the door, I happened to be at an angle where I could see into the interior of the building. What did I see? A postal worker with a radio up to his ear, dancing away. I happened to catch his eye and made a motion for him to come and get my slip or at least to come to the window and begin to help other customers. He simply shrugged and turned away. I filed a complaint with the local postmaster, who in turned referred me to the Post Master General of the U.S. in Washington. I sent my complaint four years ago and am still waiting for a reply. You are not alone!

By: Tim Fri, 04 Sep 2009 23:21:39 +0000 Dear Ilana,

Responding to your article ‘Warning: Postal worker coming to a clinic near you’. Your experience with bureaucratic mediocrity reminds me of the film title, ‘The good, the bad and the ugly’. The problem is that you got the bad and ugly with good left out. Clearly, you made the point as to why government and bureaucrats should both be as rare as possible. The American founders understood such things. Modern American citizens often do not and thus tolerate shoddy treatment when they should not.

However, if I may make the observation, in actuality good was there, as good often is, having to withstand abuse at the hands of the bad and the ugly…you are someone very good about America and we Americans should be very pleased that you make domicile here and write to remind us of better things and better days.

By: Paul Fri, 04 Sep 2009 23:05:34 +0000 As a current USPS employee I apologize for the rude behavior of my co-workers. I have worked for the post office for over 30 years and have seen many who take their job as a position of power and then treat customers, employees and colleagues with disdain. Although these people are everywhere there does seem to be an unusually high percentage of them in the post office. But there are some polite, hard working, accomodating people in the post office. We just aren’t running things, nor the country.
