You say Foley; I Say Iraq



Florida Rep. Mark Foley, a Republican, “abruptly quit Congress on Friday after reports surfaced that he had sent sexually charged electronic messages to boys working as pages,”reports the Washington Times. Foley is under the FBI’s criminal investigation, although it’s not clear what federal or state laws, if any, he has violated. (The Law Against Lowlifes in Politics?) It appears the agency is searching for that law. (The country’s journalists are incapable of writing a news lead, much less properly fleshing out a story.)

Foley, like Debra LaFave, another paragon of the public-sector, claimed one of those bogus illnesses: alcoholism (at the root of the diseasing of behavior is the eradication of good and bad). To quickly establish the presence of mitigating factors, Foley checked himself into a rehab facility. However, he doesn’t have slut appeal; so it probably won’t work.

If Democrats weren’t so dumb, they’d comment tersely on this sordid affair, and then move on post haste to the real corruption: Iraq. (Condi Rice—as fleet of foot as ever in evading responsibility for anything, really—has used the distraction to deny her contribution to the lack of preparedness for the 9/11 onslaught. She’s resurrecting the same excuses I deconstructed in “Hold their Feet to the Fire.”)

The Republicans don’t deserve to govern because of Iraq (and immigration), not Foley. But neither do the Democrats (a pox on both their houses). As for traditional conservatives, (as opposed establishment Republicans), at the very least, they ought to consider President Bush’s positions on mass immigration and the national identity, the debt, and the growth in the size and power of government inimical to conservatism. However, they rarely pipe up these days about the accretion of the state under Bush. If only their concept of good government extended beyond pious homilies to family values, faith and fetuses.

4 thoughts on “You say Foley; I Say Iraq

  1. Richard Allen

    I agree that neither the Democrats or the Republicans should be running this country. Our society no longer produces men capable of conducting the affairs of this country. Yes, Condi Rice is fleet of foot when it comes to accepting responsibility for the gross inadaquacies of the US government. Let’s see now.., which of the many government officials, from the presidents down, responsible for the safety of our nation was it that did in fact accept responsibility for the many terrorist attacks against our nation? As I recall it is only the Islamics that accept responsibility for their terrorists attacks against a cowering western world and it’s so called leaders. The Islamics make videos of themselves accepting responsibility for their actions. Hummm. Maybe our leaders could learn some lessons here.
    Bush is busy, or not busy, making sure that Methico, Canada, and the US all become part of just one big happy world. Borders? What borders? Illegal immigrants? Well just make’em citizens then they won’t be illegals. Islamic terrorists? You mean Islamofascists? And so goes Bush’s thinking. That is if he thinks at all. Bush’s bumbling fight against the Islamics is because he and his family have a great deal at stake with the war on terrorist. This is one of the rare instances when an elite has a problem that can be identified with the rest of us common folk. If it wasn’t for that common problem we would already be on our knees with our hind end in the air.
    It’s like in our schools, God has been taken out and replaced by kids firing well placed shots as if militarily trained.
    Mr. Foley was an elected gay. Being gay was not too long ago a crime in this country.
    And so goes it.

  2. james huggins

    “A pox on both their houses.” Well said. Got any other houses in mind? I would myself run but since I quit my job selling cars I always try to take the moral high ground. Politics sure aint it.

  3. concha

    I say let’s investigate the rampant prostitution rings in Washington. Expose ’em all. Teenagers, male or female, should not have to put up with these disgusting old pervs. What seventeen year-old wants that? Obviously they’re afraid for their jobs and are being intimidated.

  4. Steve Brazil

    Let’s see. We have islamofascists on the march–soon to have nuclear capability. We have a running fight going on with a bunch of them in the most unconventional war we’ve ever been engaged in. The Chinese are sitting back watching and waiting for us to weaken so they can expand. Our borders are being over run to the extent that they may as well not exist. The North Koreans are getting ready to test a nuclear device and our so-called leaders are acting like monkeys in a cage throwing poo at each other.

    Finding an isolated place to hide and wait for the smoke to clear is really beginning to sound like a plan.

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