A Day In The Life Of White South Africa



This Live Leak depicts a typical South African crime scene. A relative endured a similar ordeal, except that she was knocked on the head with a gun and packed into the trunk. By dint of a miracle, the car the black criminals intended to drive away with my relative in tow would not start. The black “guard,” like this Live-Leak specimen, cowered in his sealed booth. The damage was done… The life of a person beautiful inside and out was devastated by scum.

Watch how said guard puts up no fight. Observe how the savages head straight for the woman who has just driven in. Not content to simply steal her belongings, pay attention to the way they gratuitously kick and repeatedly shoot her. Do they abuse the proverbial fox guarding the chicken coop? Not on your life. The Brother is unharmed. Finally, I hope you didn’t need me to point out the manner in which other black onlookers swarm the crime scene … after the fact, once the danger has passed.

A day in the life of white South Africa.

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4 thoughts on “A Day In The Life Of White South Africa

  1. M. B. Moon

    Speaking of US immigration reform, why not evacuate South African and Rhodesian whites to the US?

  2. Virgil

    These sort of things make me grateful to God that I live where I do. Excessive ethnic diversity and multiculturalism always seem to end in violence (visible from South Africa to Iraq to Kosovo to France), especially for the whites that encourage it.

  3. Van Wijk

    Speaking of US immigration reform, why not evacuate South African and Rhodesian whites to the US?

    Because the United States government values whites at 3/5 the value of browns. When those whites come from “racist” countries, that value falls to 2/5.

    South Africa is a warzone. I wouldn’t walk around SA unarmed any more than I would Grozny in ’95. The Afrikaners need to accept that they live in a fortress nation and act accordingly (as they do in Israel), or abandon the country to the blacks. Either option is better than getting picked off one by one.

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