Updated: Palin’s Fiorina Frivoloty

Conservatism,Elections,John McCain,Military,Republicans,Sarah Palin


Perhaps Palin could not abide the fact that Chuck DeVore tempers his pro-military position with skepticism about intervention around the world. Perhaps, as a raving feminist, Palin feels obliged to support a woman over a man. And perhaps her endorsement of Carly Florina “in the GOP contest for the California Senate nomination” is just a bit of the same polite politics she played when campaigning for McMussolini:
Palin knows Fiorina, “a top surrogate to Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) presidential campaign.”

Politico says “Fiorina recently warned against the ‘racist’ tone that has taken over the debate of Arizona’s new immigration law.” That’s the kind of Republican she is.

Whatever Palin is playing at, it is clear she goes with some mysterious flow—menstrual maybe?

DeVore has been called a “Tea Party darling” and a “most reliably Reaganesque representative.”

Update (May 10): The allusion to hormonal fluctuations was humor; meant not to be taken literally, but as a metaphor for Palin’s unreliable nature when it comes to liberty.

9 thoughts on “Updated: Palin’s Fiorina Frivoloty

  1. Randy Sanders

    Yep, Fiorina is a real winner. She ran HP nearly into the ground when she was CEO. With credentials like that, she would be sure to be the one I’d pick! (Heavy sarcasm here)

  2. Roy Bleckert

    Chuck DeVore has been a solid advocate for Freedom & Liberty in his time in the Ca Assembly

    I would rate him right behind Tom McClintock in telling us the truth about how the establishment in Ca has & is continuing to run this State into the ground

    You may not agree with everything Chuck stands for , but his record in politics shows that he will stand up for principle, rather than knuckle under to the establishment. I will take that any day of the week against what we have now in the political scene

    “He’s pro-life and pro-business, against big government and against big taxes. He’s for job growth by having government leave private employers alone, and he’s for the military, reasonably tempered with skepticism about direct interventions. He promotes nuclear power and bristles at global warming laws that curb production and use of energy.”


    Palin…. I held out hope that she would be one of the ones that would point out what the establishment has been up to

    Sadly it seems Palin is moving more towards promoting the establishment than standing up for what is right

  3. Barbara Grant

    From CNNmoney.com, 2/10/05:

    “Fiorina, the only female CEO at a company in the Dow Jones industrial average, had been with HP since 1999. But the company’s controversial deal to buy Compaq in the spring of 2002 — after a bruising proxy fight led by one of the Hewlett family heirs — has not produced the shareholder returns or profits she had promised.”


    Fiorina is also known, more colloquially, as the “woman who ruined Compaq.” (I had a great Compaq desktop computer that served me well between 1994-200; can’t find its like in today’s marketplace.)

    Palin’s support? I doubt whether it is due to hormonal influences. Palin is a shrewd politician and well-suited to her new role as GOP hack. Tea-partiers? They need to “pick a party.” GOP Texas gubernatorial candidate? Perry, rather than Medina (no “sisterhood” there!)

    It seems to be her own ambition, rather than principle, that drives Sarah Palin these days.

  4. Robert Glisson

    One year and a half ago, I had a thought that we might see another Margaret Thatcher in training. However, the more I think, the more I am convinced that Palin is a four- letter word. [five, no?] Outside of endorsing Rand Paul, I can’t think of a thing she’s done right. If the GOP endorses any other than DeVore they deserve to lose the election.

  5. robert

    This is an example of the GOP saying to their tea party supporters– enough is enough!! You folks work for us, we don’t work for you and don’t forget that.

  6. a harrison smith

    I think you are unreasonable when talking about palin, her credentials speak for themselves. No one is perfect.I think always bringing her down like boardroom chauvinists do (I have had a lifetime of these demeaning attacks and I was a great CEO who made millions for my company:I was the only woman in the boardroom for 15 years!) is wrong. in politics and business one has to deal with the real world: only academics and journos have the luxury of surviving as “purist analyzers”;to get government to change radically by 2012 is not a joke it is a HUGE task and on the ground in politics you are dealing with a limited amount of people you can get into position in such a short time! Let’s face it!!there is presently NOT ENOUGH people available and ready to SHIFt THIS DEVASTATING CONGRESS: pelosi should be removed by all means: she is a purist and look where that’s taking america:this woman is driven by ? Evil? Money?deranged dreams of. grandeur..we have many of these kind here in Africa.

    [Pelosi is a plain idiot, not a purist. Please read the Palin Articles and Blog archives to see the progression of the disappointment with Palin.]

  7. Nora Brinker

    “One year and a half ago, I had a thought that we might see another Margaret Thatcher in training.”

    Margaret Thatcher played her game by the men’s rules. That made her so credible. Palin is cashing in on her (considerable) female charm. That is the basic and irreconcilable difference between the two women.

  8. a harrison smith

    What I meant in my last post: don’t insult her being female:just criticize her issues and what she says/ not looni left sexual degrading. [Come again? The Left never makes a “sexist” joke, otherwise known as humor. If you want political correctness; this is the wrong place. Palin’s degrading comments about men make her more than a fair target.–IM]

    next:Thatcher was very charming! And men of her age were very attracted to her!I met her in Bahrain where she was at a conference:fascinating and then she was over sixty!charm and a clear brain
    Palin is not thatcher but she is unique and she has energy.

    usa is not UK and palin is her own person (with a large family) whatever her shortcomings perceived;;she is not a fool.she
    Is, as I said also dealing with getting people in position to shift gove direction at least:bigger picture and her love of usa and liberty! She is not simply building a career on one path.so…let’s see where it takes her.she’s so much more interesting than most.she does not seem to me driven to get to top job…

    [As I recommended, read the Palin essays on this site and blog to get an informed run-down and analysis of her actions and “philosophy.”–IM]

  9. Van Wijk

    I think Sarah Palin believes in acquiring money and influence for Sarah Palin. Everything else is incidental.

    She’s been shrewd enough to tap into righteous anger as a way to further her own ambitions (and fill her coffers), but I doubt she has anything approaching a genuine philosophy. Count on her to flow with the winds.

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