Updated: ‘Jews Jeopardized By Muslim Immigration’



“…the violent assaults on Jews and their property in Europe, England, and Canada are nourished by an old hatred rooted in the Qur’an and in anti-infidel Islamic laws. Remember, Muslims invented the yellow rag with which the Nazis tagged Jews. The ghetto, “mellah” in Arabic, was a Muslim-devised gated community for the Jews of the Maghrib back in the 15th century. Not for naught did Maimonides, the 12th century Jewish philosopher and physician, write about the Arabs that, “Never did a nation molest, degrade, debase, and hate us as much as they.”

The excerpt is from “Jews Jeopardized By Muslim Immigration,” now on WorldNetDaily.com. Discuss.

Update: Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch tells of an unfortunate Israeli professor, from whom the Australian Jewish community has parted company, because he dared say what I said in “jews Jeopardized By Muslim Immigration.” Reality these Jews equate with racism.

Paul Gottfried had this to say: “I agree with you entirely but I fear that your warnings will have no effect in bringing around Jewish opinion either here or in Europe. Most Jews, from what I have seen, are social liberals because of an irrational, anachronistic fear of white Christians. At this point their phobia against Western Christians as the main threat to Jewry is both lunatic and suicidal but continues to gain ground, particularly since most Christian intellectuals and journalists, who have been taught to hate their own civilization, share and propagate the same foolishness.

21 thoughts on “Updated: ‘Jews Jeopardized By Muslim Immigration’

  1. Pam Maltzman

    So far in my lifetime, the worst comment to me about my Jewishness came from some former neighbors of mine who were Armenian: I was called a “dirty Jew.”

    There have also been a few men who claimed they could not date me because I am Jewish and they were not.

    But I suppose that will all change with mass immigration of more Muslims.

    As for Mormons: No, I am not particularly worried about them, although I think that their baptizing of dead Jews as Mormons is plain silly and uncalled-for; but neither have I liked the way I was treated by several Mormon men of my acquaintance. I also don’t plan to move to Utah, or to any other Mormon stronghold, in this lifetime either.

  2. concha

    you may not like this comment, but I’ll say it anyway: many Jews themselves are leftists, and have been actively promoting unfettered immigration for decades. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Many Jewish people I have met believe that America is the great oppressor, owes the world, and demonizes white Christians and the Catholic church.
    I don’t get it, this attraction to the left and communism that many Jews have.
    Adn here’s another zinger: it is the Ashkenazi, never the Sephardic jews, who embrace these ideas.
    Where is the sense of self-preservation?
    Why must people give their nation, livlihood, and history away? Just like the WASP who must wrestle alligators, or photograph vicious bears, many Jewish politicians in California anyway, have put out the welcome mat for any criminal refugee on the doorsteps of the working, beleagured
    Ilana, these are things I have observed while living in California. Peace.

  3. Graham Strouse

    Just to throw some gasoline on the fire…

    I thought it might be worth noting that Martin Luther, in 1543, after his first career started to tank (this being his gig as an anti-establishment cleric who had the nerve to take on the Papacy for trying to commodify the Afterlife) did some career re-training and became a raging anti-Semite.

    Luther’s essay on Judaism (and the strategic destruction thereof) were copied by Hitler, the KKK, radical feminism & just about other victim-supremicist movement, uh, well, everywhere.

    I believe at last count there were 1.4 billion Christians spread through the world, 1.2 billion Muslims & 14 million Jews.

    Bad odds. Hard to blame a Jew for feeling a bit Islamaphobic…or Goyphobic, don’tcherknow?

  4. Steve Brazil

    If the nation building exercise in Iraq collapses, I suspect there will be a mass exodus of Sunnis when the Shiites take over. I expect a huge number of them will end up here in the U.S. as refugees. This is going to be fun!

  5. Jeff Grill

    Shalom Ilana,
    Major Kudos to you writing that latest essay that appeared in World Net Daily.
    Unfortunately, the majority of our brethren have not learned from their past mistakes and continue to ignore Islam.
    In the Tanach, the prophet Hosea proclaims (Hosea 4:6): “…my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and understanding…”
    Obviously, many Jews (in the U.S., Europe and in Israel) refuse to face reality and attempt to that which is necessary. Also, Jewish leadership (including Israeli government and major organizations) is treasonous and perfidious. I need only to refer to Ben Hecht’s outstanding work, ‘Perfidy’ to make my point.
    Might I suggest the following website -www.hirhome.com – to glean some understanding of Jewish behavior in the past when the worldwide Jewish community was threatend with annihilation? It appears to be 1938 all over again.

  6. Gary Whitaker

    Most in our government make it seem like prejudice is the biggest evil in the world. Muslim’s are the most prejudiced people in the world. So by the governments own definition, they allow, if not encourage evil with their immigration policy. There have been times when I say the government is useless, but useless would be an elephantine improvement.

  7. Scott Burger

    Hallo Ilana.. Hoe gaan dit? I am not Jewish but I am Christian. However, I have noticed that American Jews, e.g., Spielberg the movie director, Alan Colmes of Hannity and Colmes et.al., will support someone who is devoted to the destruction of Israel more so than they will support Israel. This I never could understand. Why is this? Also, I also have noticed as Dick Morris, the political commentator and advisor, that Christians (Evangelical and some Liturgical) tend to support Israel more so than American Jews. Is there a rhyme or reason to this?

  8. Pam Maltzman

    I agree with the comments about most Jews being leftists. At least two of my friends from high school became lawyers, and they seem to think that (1) disarming people will somehow “protect” them, and (2) if there’s a problem, you must pass yet another law (even if it was gov’t. intervention which caused the problem in the first place).

    Personally, I don’t understand why so many Jews are against self-defense; but it seems to be the case. [But the most strident defenders of self-defense are also Jews. See Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership.]

    One of my sisters left the U.S. for Canada just after high-school graduation. She apparently thinks that the mere presence of guns here in the U.S. caused all that nasty violence they read so much about up there in the Great White North.

  9. P..J. Moderson

    Ilana, I’m sure you have mentioned her and I have missed it, but Brigitte Gabriel writes and speaks passionately about Muslim determination to destroy not only Israel but us, while we waste time with fear of profiling and PC. Her story can be found at her web site, http://www.americancongressfortruth.com and in her book Because They Hate. She lived it, and she doesn’t want it to happen here.

  10. Jeanne

    Which western nation has allowed an influx of Muslims and subsequently had them assimilate without any problems? Is there one? If so, I am unaware of it. I am aware, however, of the multitude of problems that western nations have had with their Muslims immigrants.

    Of course, we all know what happens when Jews immigrate into a nation now don’t we? Jewish people are industrious, hard-working, respectful of law and order, respectful of the host nation’s culture, and not only assimilate well into a culture, they are quite productive and are a positive asset to the host nation. Indeed, in general, Jews seem to excel at whatever they do. I know some may accuse me of stereotyping when I say this, and that is fine. After all, stereotypes are largely based on truth.

  11. Leonard

    Concha, the left has historically been the party of internationalism, of post-nationalism. That is to say, they have emphasized the “brotherhood of man” as the polity one should feel loyalty to. (And they added into that women, too, earlier than the right did.)

    This has always been attractive to Jews, and to other racial, ethnic, and religious minorities. If people feel loyalty to the human race, then they won’t feel any particular reason to attack any group defined on such lines.

    Jews know, from long, hard experience, that they are vulnerable to attack.

    The right today is split, in a sense, between a nationalist right which is by far the majority, and libertarians, a small minority. (Here I use “nationalism” in the sense of being for a political nation, a set of people who are alike in religion, culture, and race.) The elites of both groups are philosemitic. However the average nationalist conservative is not. Jews are not Christians, and thus, are not part of the imagined nation that many Americans feel ought to be the focus of policial action.

    The left today, however, remains almost monolithic in being non-religious, internationalist and antimilitarist, and feminist (in its good sense). This can end up seeming very unrealistic sometimes; “can’t we all just get along?” (No, we can’t.) But it is much more welcoming to Jews.

    As for the Ashkenazim, being on average very bright people, they just tend to be more extreme in ideology. So they don’t tend to be mushy middle types politically, instead gravitating into the more extreme left or right according to their temperment.

  12. Pam Maltzman

    Hi, Ilana: Yes, I am familiar with JPFO. I am very glad that at least some Jews are for self-defense.

    Among some of my Jewish friends (and even relatives), there seems to be a sort of schizophrenia about self-defense.

    On the one hand, they don’t believe in owning guns or shooting a criminal if he breaks into their house. And, as I stated above, one of my sisters, who became a Canadian citizen, believes that the mere presence of guns in the U.S. accounts for our allegedly high level of violence.

    On the other hand, many of the same folks were very glad that Israel whupped her enemies in the Six-Day War.

    Can you say cognitive dissonance? I knew you could! 😉

  13. Tim M

    Abraham Foxman will NOT have to worry about anyone denying the next Holocaust. The whole World will be watching it on Al Jazeera……..

  14. Sshaun004

    Jeanne writes: “Indeed, in general, Jews seem to excel at whatever they do. I know some may accuse me of stereotyping when I say this, and that is fine. After all, stereotypes are largely based on truth.”

    So the stereotype of Jews as being in control of the media and politics, of subverting societies, and of being morally and ethically hollow is based on truth?

    Stereotyping does serve a purpose but, be cautious, because it’s a double edged sword.

    [You are incapable of differentiating a conspiracy from a stereotype. A person who can reason properly will not conflate 1) the fact that there are many Jews in the media—and in other top professions–with 2) the illogical libel that all those Jews get together to conspire to do X, Y, and Z.

    For those who wonder why I don’t publish their letters, this is a good example. I’d have to append to each such letter a little lesson in clear thinking, which consumes time I don’t have. This is a good example of gross errors that mislead.

    Stereotypes, as opposed conspiracy, about Jews are: preoccupation with making money, liberal, prejudice against and hostility to Christians, etc.]

  15. Eric Hall

    The following refers to your article, “Is Hirsi Ali the only Lionheart in America?”
    One courageous watchman on the wall you did not mention in your article was the late Oriana Fallaci, who tried her best to warn her fellow countrymen, the Italians, and the West of the Islamic threat in her passionate book, “The Rage and The Pride”.

    [One can’t accuse Hirsi of not mentioning the dead. Of course IÂ have praised Oriana Fallaci in many a post. Here and here.]

    I believe, however, that the offical currying favor with the Muslim lobby is purposeful, as the promotion of this political correct multicultralism serves as the antithesis for the thesis to create a new synthesis, AKA the coming New World Order fascist police state, a la “1984” by George Orwell.

    Just look at Britain today, cameras everyone, of course, for the “protection” of the British people. Remember the old saying, “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help you.” Yeah, sure. Like they really helped the poor slob from Brazil by blowing him away, referring to the aftermath of the bombings in London last July.

    I came across an apparent new book by Brigitte Gabriel, entitled “Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America”, St. Martin’s Press. [She too I have mentioned here.]

    So, there is more than one Lionheart in America. And be sure to include yourself.

  16. james huggins

    Why are so many Jews left/liberal? Not a real mystery if you look deeply. Where do most Jews in the US live. The northeast (specificaly the New York City area). Southern California and south Florida. Those in south Florida are mostly transplanted New Yorkers. Secondly Jews are culturally hard wired to pursue higher education. The leading left/liberals in our society tend to be educated elitists who look down their noses at the red state rubes in flyover country. These wealthy and upper middle-class Jews who have been raised to feel superior to the common people and enjoying the benefits of a socialist education from today’s finest schools can’t help but become the leftist darlings that they are. They have been taught to hate the United States and to feel superior the working stiffs out there who drive trucks, work the land, and believe in God, the flag, motherhood and the right to bear arms. I’m not an anti-semite. I think Ilana can back me on that one but the problem of the left/liberal Jew is here to stay. They are smart, well connected, well financed and they know everything better than all the rest of us. If you don’t believe it, just ask one of them.

    [The same can be said of all left-liberals, period. Perhaps Jews are just disproportionately represented in left-liberal circles. Your explanation is not exhaustive: Jews also mistakenly believe Judaism compels leftism. But it’s a horrible mistake. For a future article.]

  17. concha

    Edward, thank you so much for your reply. While I believe that all cultures are charitable, it is Jews and Christians who are the most generous to strangers, as opposed to just “taking care of your own.” We share that commonality. Monogamy is another shared value, and that benefits women. Regarding intelligence, I believe that every race has the same potential when given the opportunity. I don’t know if that makes me a liberal or not, but it’s my truth. I have both Ashkenazi and Sephardic heritage, but I do not believe that I am special, smarter, or better for it. I do not “know what’s best” for other people, and I refuse to run over to poor countries to “fix” them. And regarding communism, I believe it to be a cruel fraud perpetrated by the rich elite, but the current form of capitalism may become just as cold-hearted.
    I am a big fan of Nacy Levant, and she has written an article entitled “Pretty Fascist Communism” that I think you iwll enjoy. Here’s the link:

  18. Marc

    Concha, in regard to things that can be empirically tested (e.g. average IQs of the various races) there is no such thing as “personal truth.” There is only truth and delusion. If someone were to say that, given the opportunity, men and women are equally physically strong, people would rightfully look at that person as a nutjob. Similarly, given the mountains of evidence suggesting innate differences in IQ between the races, you may want to consider whether your personal truth in this regard aligns with reality.

  19. Phil Manger

    Regarding American Jewish leftism, I’m surprised nobody has mentioned the obvious. Jewish immigration to the United States occurred in three distinct waves, each one involving a different group of Jews. The first wave, during the colonial period, consisted mostly of Sephardi Jews who came from Spain by way of France (where they had fled to escape the Spanish Inquisition) and Jews from Great Britain and other British colonies. Politically, their views were indistinguishable from those of other Americans of their era, as they tended to adopt the opinions of those among whom they lived. A representative member of this group was Judah Benjamin, who represented Louisiana in the U.S. Senate and later served as Secretary of State for the Confederacy.
    The second wave of Jewish immigration was part of the huge influx of German immigrants in the 1840s and ’50s. This group consisted mostly of middle class merchants, shopkeepers and professionals. They and their descendants founded some of the great retail establishments and investment banking houses that later became household words. They had a bourgeois outlook that they passed on to their children (who continued to vote Republican, even after FDR). A representative descendant of this group was the late Sen. Barry Goldwater (they also married off their sons and daughters to Episcopalians).
    The last, and by far largest wave of Jewish immigration, came from Eastern Europe and Russia between 1880 and World War I. These were mostly working class Jews. By the 1880s the working class in Russia and Eastern Europe had pretty much embraced the more radical strains of socialism, and working class Jewish immigrants from that region brought their radical socialist views with them. They were instrumental in founding the American Communist Party and several left-wing labor unions, and they passed their radical beliefs onto their children. There are so many well-known representatives of this group, I don’t need to mention any names. (But I will mention one descendant of this group who later changed his views — David Horowitz, who has also written on the subject.)
    I believe about 80 percent of American Jews today are descendants of these Eastern European working class immigrants. That’s also about the same as the percentage of Jews who regularly vote for Democrats, although I admit I don’t know whether those two facts are related.

  20. Phil Manger

    Sorry, Goldwater wasn’t a good example. His grandfather came from Poland, not Germany. I was going to say Lewis Strauss, but hardly anybody today will remember who he was. [Provide a link to Wikipedia entry, then.]

  21. D. Saul Weiner

    Frankly, I agree with your conclusions, yet I believe that your contempt for the liberal[s position does not give justice to it. After all, Jews were great beneficiaries of the open immigration policy of the U.S. in the late 19th and early 20th century. Jews saw the consequences to them of closed borders before WW2. Israel has always had a policy of open borders (to Jews anyway, that is). Given all of this history, it is understandable why many Jews would be supportive of open immigration. [The US did not have an open-border policy, and it certaily did not have a welfare state when Jews came here. It was swim or sink. As for Israel, it’s insane to call that country’s highly selective, Jews-only immigration policy, “open-borders.”]

    Unfortunately, just like the generals always seem to prepare for and fight the last war, Jews seem to do the same thing. Given the virility of Muslim anti-Semitism and the problems associated with Muslim immigrant communities in Europe, the Jewish community needs to refine its position. It needs to take a principled stand, instead of maintaining a foolish consistency.

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