On Petitioning ANC Kleptocrats About Crime in South Africa



I keep getting petitions—plaintive pleas I am asked to sign, destined for the government of South Africa, to make it stop crime.
The premise here is worse than naïve: just let those good old thugs at the African National Congress know you’ve had enough of the pillage and murder around you, and they’ll break down in tears, and do something. After all, they do have good intentions and are such able individuals—each and every one. All this bunch of underutilized talent needs to do, apparently, is to allocate more money to the “South African Police Service’s —mostly an illiterate, ill-trained force, riven by feuds, fetishes, and factional loyalties,” and often complicit in crime.

C’mon, South Africans, if you want to survive, you have to rediscover your proverbial male appendages: demand the thugs stop stripping you of your guns–take to the streets with those; not with petitions and scented candles–and demand your old police force back, not the new warlord force, and above all, understand and prepare for what’s in store for you.

I’ll help from here, but I won’t petition a bunch of oleaginous kleptocrats, who encourage the idea of black entitlement, and who’ve set the minority population up for a shakedown–and worse–the likes of which has not been witnessed since Zimbabwe, RIP.

Recommended Reading:


9 thoughts on “On Petitioning ANC Kleptocrats About Crime in South Africa

  1. Sshaun004

    I used to be idealistic about South Africa and other “liberated” African nations but no more.

    The situations seems to be that culturally, they’re not ready. Western Civilization is the product of thousands of years of unique developments and ideas. It’s very fragile and it’s something that probably cannot be “instituted” within a generation of illiterate people given newfound “freedom”. Secondly, it seems that most of Africa is economically setup for some of what we see in places like SA. Where you have multitudes of illiterate poor who now have the chance to take what they can get violently and without recourse, many of them will. Granted, it’s always a minority of the population even among poor that will do so, but that large minority will have a devastating effect of destabilizing society. Lastly, their leadership is dumb, greedy, and inept. They’re either extremely short-sighted or they are wholly self-serving and have no love of country, willing to ride the gravy train that ultimate power bestows upon them and then flee when it all runs out.

    Petitions will have zero effect in a society like that. Heck, it often has zero effect in civilized Western societies. Only the threat of and use of controlled force seems to be the answer.

  2. Johan Van Beek

    Dear lady,

    Thank you very much for the interesting recommendations. I fully agree with them.

  3. james huggins

    I have never been idealistic about South Africa. Since way back in the 70s when I saw the struggle for the preservation of civilization in that accursed part of the world and saw the hatchet job being launched by the MSM on South Africa’s whites. I saw the same hatchet job done in the American South in the 50s and 60s. The only hope the whites have is the type of armed insurrection mentioned above. The Whites are unarmed, grossly outnumbered and facing an enemy which can and probably would commit all sorts of mass atrocities, with a complete pass from the western media. They will have no support from anybody outside their borders. Best of luck to the Afrikaaners. They’re going to need it.

    The very idea that we can petition that bunch of post stone-age thugs to please be nice is ludicrous at best and just illuminates the incredible ignorance of the western public. Come on people. Wake up and smell the coffee. We live in the real world. We don’t live in a rerun of “Leave it to Beaver”.

  4. Leonard

    Democracy (meaning one-man one-vote, not a semi-democratic system like the USA) is incompatible with wealthy minorities that are racially, religiously, or culturally distinct. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner.

    The writing’s on the wall for SA. I’d suggest emulating Ilana and immigrating. It’s a pity we won’t take you all here in America; but I’d suggest learning how the system here works and getting started. Basically, the “family reunification” rules make it a bootstrapping affair, where you need to get one member of an extended family in to sponsor the rest.

    Of course, this takes time, and it’s definitely worthwhile to fight crime in SA using the concept of gun rights to hold off the looters as long as possible, and give as many as possible the chance to flee in time.

  5. Stephen W. Browne

    Western civilization, and the legal philosophy of liberalism that evolved within it, rests on cultural/legal traditions thousands of years old and not easily grafted onto other cultures. Where they have taken root, it seems to have been the result of colonization and imperialism (which we know is always and forever a Bad Thing), more than emulation.

    This gives rise to the depressing thought that perhaps liberal civilization has spread about as far as it’s going to in the foreseeable future.

    We’re probably going to disagree on the causes and consequences of this, but it doesn’t make the long-term prospects for peace look good, no matter whose ideal drives foreign policy.

  6. Michael P. Moran

    Back in the 70’s, when Rhodesia was in the UHURU mode [explain], I knew what would eventually happen there and it did. All that the white settlers worked for was being taken away from them. All that they built and did for the country they loved.

    South Africa will also be lost to those who built the country and made it what it once was. I imagine that the only hope white South Africans have is to fight for what is theirs but success will be difficult to acheive and… brutal. I wish them luck!

  7. A B

    Dear Ilana,

    I wanted to post my comment on your other article
    but I guess the comment section on it is switched off.

    I am from India. India in the past, gave shelter (rather welcomed as desirable guests) the Jews and the Zoroastrians (when they were persecuted elsewhere), and the Syrian Christians, when they too were persecuted by the muslims. I wonder why at present the Indian goverment, does not extend a similar invitation to the Boers.

    The Hindus will be glad to host anyone who is genuinely persecuted, but as elsewhere in world, the “democratically elcted” government rarely reflects the views and the intent of the silent majority. They are busy being politically correct, or appeasing minorities (or the fake persecuted ones) which amounts to the same.

  8. Jerry Conner

    Morning Ilana,
    You obviously have the complete unwavering support of a missionary friend of mine who works in / and is presently operating throughout Africa.
    He has time and again told me of how bad things are in S. Africa and your column entitled ‘The ugly truth about democratic South Africa’ reinforces everything he’s been telling me.
    Even now, I just received a note from him telling me about a friend of his whose parents were “…tortured to death in their bathroom by guys who broke in and didn[t even bother to steal anything.”

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