Update III: ‘A Nation Of Cowards’

Affirmative Action,Barack Obama,Race,Racism


Update III: Attorney General Eric Holder demanded an honest conversation about race. He got it from the intrepid Pat Buchanan. The thing is, Holder doesn’t really want a two-way exchange. What he wants is a one-way “conversation,” where brothers like him talk AT the errant American people. The kind of “conversation” one might have with G-d. Pat Buchanan was having none of it. Watch Pat have that frank discussion against the protestations of his interlocutor.

Feb. 18: For electing a black president, you get called “a nation of cowards on issues involving race.”

So hissed the newly appointed Attorney General Eric Holder, as he promised to lead the nation to “to the new birth of freedom so long ago promised by our greatest president”:

“Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been, and we, I believe, continue to be, in too many ways, a nation of cowards,” Holder said in remarks to his staff in honor of Black History Month. His comments appear on a transcript provided by the Justice Department.

“Even as we fight a war against terrorism; deal with the reality of electing an African-American, for the first time, as the president of the United States; and deal with other significant issues of the day, the need to confront our racial past and to understand our racial present, and to understand the history of African people in this country — that all endures,” the attorney general added.

“Though race-related issues continue to occupy a significant portion of our political discussion, and though there remain many unresolved racial issues in this nation, we, average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about things racial.”

Holder said that the Department of Justice, in particular, bears a singular responsibility.

“And we, in this room, bear a special responsibility,” he said. “Through its work and through its example, the Department of Justice — this Department of Justice — as long as I’m here, must and will leave [sic] the nation to the new birth of freedom so long ago promised by our greatest president. This is our duty, this is our solemn responsibility.”

Holder said that the country is now a “fundamentally different” place than it used to be, but that the nation “still had not come to grips with its racial past, nor has it been willing to contemplate, in a truly meaningful way, the diverse future it is fated to have.”

“To our detriment, this is typical of the way in which this nation deals with issues of race,” he said.

As I said, “Non-stop, relentless propaganda, enforced by the tyranny of political correctness, helps explain why most Americans, who harbor no racial animus, believe racism saturates their society. As they see it, in electing Barack Obama, they’ve begun to atone for their original sin.”

To get an inkling of what’s in store, read about Obama’s “Uncivil Agenda.”

This might edify too (that’s right; expect nothing from the GOP):

UCLA Bureaucrats Subvert Anti-Quota Law. But Where Is GOP?”

Update II (Feb. 19): Is she playing “Did you know?” Or is she playing at increasing the racial hostility and entitlement, also the hallmarks of black identity?

“‘Did you know that African American slaves helped to build this house?’ First Lady Michelle Obama asked a group 6th and 7th graders on a visit to the White House Wednesday, an event celebrating African American History Month.”

The First Lady would help her constituency more if she okayed a few internships mowing the White House lawns.

3 thoughts on “Update III: ‘A Nation Of Cowards’

  1. Blode0322

    Your article on UCLA was excellent but one quotation seems to have understated how much distortion affirmative action creates. You quoted: “[t]he median SAT score of blacks and Hispanics in Berkeley’s liberal arts programs was 250 points lower (on a 1,600-point scale) than that of whites and Asians.”

    Looks correct except that the parenthetical section seems to assume that the minimum SAT score is 0, with AA contributing just under one sixth of a perfect score to a candidate of the correct skin color. In fact the minimum score is 200; the combined range is only 1200 points. Thus AA contributes over one fifth of a perfect score to a correctly pigmented candidate.

  2. Myron Pauli

    Of course, admission to the elite colleges does absolutely zero – nothing – about the problem of the semi-permanent underclass. Eliminating the damage caused by welfare, minimum wage laws, anti-competitive laws, governmental schools, and the war on drugs would help the urban poor more. Meanwhile, forcing the remnants of the capitalist system to promote minority “credentialed” mediocrities will actually help transfer wealth to “people of color” – in India, Korea, China, and other countries. Ironically, the big joke is that the so-called elite colleges are essentially overrated – consider this gedanken-experiment: What is better – spending 4 years at Harvard and receiving a diploma saying “U. of North Dakota” or spending 4 years at North Dakota and receiving a diploma that says “Harvard”?

  3. Van Wijk

    Ha! So much for Post-Racial America.

    Unfortunately for Nefertiti and her ilk, the history of slavery didn’t begin with the first purchase of a black by a white (and very probably sold at a market in Africa by African slavecatchers). Slavery began before the first word was written. The Romans enslaved the white Gauls, Britons and Spaniards, and before them the Greeks enslaved each other. Go back far enough in time and everyone reading this blog probably has a slave ancestor. But gelded whites in this country have allowed blacks to take special possession of slavery, and blacks immediately put it to use hustling whites out of their money.

    This is the tip of the iceberg. Hopefully an angry race-baiting black will eventually slap white America hard enough to wake it up.

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