Top House Democrat Dumbfounded By Report On ‘Right-Wing Extremism’

Fascism,Homeland Security,Intelligence,Military,Propaganda,Terrorism


By now most of you will have heard that, as the Washington Times divulged, the Department of Homeland Security, headed by Janet Napolitano, “issued April 7 a nine-page document titled ‘Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.'”

Rightwing extremism,” the report said in a footnote on Page 2, goes beyond religious and racial hate groups and extends to “those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely.”

“It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration,” said the report, which also listed gun owners and veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as potential risks.

To one Democrat’s credit, he protested. Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, the top House Democrat with oversight of the Department of Homeland Security, demanded that “Homeland Security officials explain how and why they wrote the report and whether it poses any threat to civil liberties.”

“As I am certain you agree, freedom of association and freedom of speech are guaranteed to all Americans – whether a person’s beliefs, whatever their political orientation, are ‘extremist’ or not,” Mr. Thompson said.

Everyone is up in arms about the libel this is to army men. What about to immigration patriots? Second Amendment defenders? Limited government crusaders? Tax protesters?

Every time, someone cries “the children; we’re saddling our children with debt, ” I cringe. F-ck the children. What about We the Workings Stiffs? I’m beginning to feel the same about “our men and women in the military” mantra. The military is not more deserving than the rest of us.

One more thing: The report was commissioned during the administration of President George W. Bush and completed by his worthy successor.

8 thoughts on “Top House Democrat Dumbfounded By Report On ‘Right-Wing Extremism’

  1. Roger Chaillet

    Napolitano was the one who unilaterally re-named Squaw Peak in Arizona to “Piestawa Peak.”

    She reminds me of nothing more than another Janet Reno.

    I have a gut feeling that another Waco cannot be far behind.

    The demonization of those who oppose the Left will only increase over the next 4 years.

  2. Robert

    Everyone is up in arms about the libel this is to army men. What about to immigration patriots? Second Amendment defenders? Limited government crusaders? Tax protesters?

    Every time, someone cries “the children; we’re saddling our children with debt, ” I cringe. F-ck the children. What about We the Workings Stiffs? I’m beginning to feel the same about “our men and women in the military” mantra. The military is not more deserving than the rest of us.

    Easy. For a woman of your tenacity a simple bark would suffice to send these types packing. Save your bite for “our leaders” who first inspire and then spread this nonsense.

  3. Roy Bleckert

    You are starting to see some of the tactics the ruling elite use: they use the children, military, police officers etc. as props to pull at the hearts strings of the people to convince you to buy their agenda. Also, isn’t it interesting that TARP, stimulus package ,this report, etc—where all started under Bush and continue under Obama. Makes you wonder. (Or not really.)

  4. Myron Pauli

    And to think that after a 3 year non-flying hiatus, I am heading into the belly of the DHS beast – the Transportation Security Administration. Will they examine my EXTREMIST views on the US Constitution – similar to James “Terrorist” Madison and other rightwing nutjobs. I may be posting from Gitmo. By the way, for those who remember the movie “Casablanca” – the airport scene was supposed to take place in fascist Vichy-controlled Morocco. But Bogart, Bergman, and Henreid showed up at the airport 10 minutes before the flight. Imagine nowadays in the “free” USA – Henreid would be arrested for having a cigarette lighter, Ingrid Bergman would get fondled, but the TSA goons wouldn’t find Bogart’s gun!

  5. Barbara Grant

    Ilana’s last line gets to the point, for me: The report was commissioned during the administration of G. W. Bush, and only finished by the current administration.

    Why didn’t people howl when Bush was upending the Constitution? Sure, some did (civil libertarians and others) but the mass protests, tea parties, etc., occur only now. Why?

    Maybe Coulter et. al. are correct, and it really is a “Democrats vs. Republicans” issue. In terms of doctrine, I don’t think so; but in terms of response, it appears to be. To gain credibility, at least in my eyes, folks should have protested long before Obama was elected.

  6. Van Wijk

    You’re a breath of fresh air. The knee-jerk soldier-and-cop worship gets very tiresome very quickly. When some fool tells me that soldiers are fighting for my “freedom” in Iraq, I can’t even laugh anymore.

    Also, I’d like your permission to use “F-ck the children” as my epitaph.

    [Go ahead, but don’t go anywhere anytime soon.]

  7. seriously?

    um… speaking of “worship” — can anyone tell me why people are worshiping Obama? He really IS NOT a savior ya know. If you can defend anything the new administration is doing, tell us “why”. There is plenty of blame to go around, but we could spend all day pointing fingers. Tell us why it is okay to be so non-liberal? When you look up the term, it says: showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; “a broad political stance”; “generous and broad sympathies”; “a liberal newspaper”; “tolerant…” Lately, libs aren’t really holding to the definition.

  8. gunjam

    Ms. Mercer, I am disappointed at your lack of respect for the recent report issued by Janet “Butch” Napolitano! I am even more deeply disappointed by your refusal to sacrifice your Constitutional liberties at the altar of “for the children!” 🙂

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