Category Archives: Propaganda

New Essay: Why The Israel-Occupied Levant Must Be Liberated, S.O.S. & News Updates Oct 19 Onward. Shaban al-Dalou.

Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Palestinian Authority, Palestinians, Political Philosophy, Propaganda, Terrorism, The State, War

You don’t negotiate with Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer… You stop them

NEW ESSAY IS “Why The Israel-Occupied Levant Must Be Liberated, S.O.S.” It is currently featured on The Unz Review.


…Living Alongside Serial-Killing Sexual Sadists

The pairing, in Israel, of sexual arousal and violence toward Palestinians makes for a particularly irremediable pathology, the stuff of serial killers.

Israel’s bacchanalia in Gaza and the West Bank includes a Gulag of clandestine rendition torture camps, wherein thousands of Palestinian detainees languish without charges or due process, and are systemically and systematically raped, beaten, starved and left traumatized, twisted and deformed, disabled or dead. (“Something very sick and evil is happening in Israel’s jails. Welcome to hell is not an exaggeration,” reports the legendary Peter Oborne.)

Honed in rendition torture camps, sexual violence has become the coin of the Greater Israel realm. Settler-conquerors now roam the hamlets of the South Hebron Hills, out, loud and proud in threatening rape. Apparently, raping another helpless man is considered manly in Israel, a country that is otherwise more woke than any in the West.

In the one unremarkable vignette, filmed by B’Tselem, an armed settler threatens a Palestinian farmer in the South Hebron Hills with rape. “Rape in the name of God,” a la Sde Teiman, promises settler Shem Tov Luski, to a horrified Palestinian.

In yet another typical settler vignette, Turkish TV captured a uniformed IDF manhandling himself on camera, in a manner not fit to print. Reflexively. Apparently, threatening a helpless group of Palestinian homesteaders has aroused this IDF.

Holy Redemption: Stealing Palestinian Land,” a TRT World Exclusive documentary, plainly follows and records these settlers in character. There is no editorializing. Twenty-nine minutes and 20 seconds into this TRT settler odyssey we find said IDF soldier, in cahoots with settlers, hissing: “I spit on Palestine. F-ck your mother. I’m the Israeli Army.” He is not done.

Just as I imagined this breed of Cain could not expose itself as more indecent, the hissing, uniformed IDF soldier comes close to indecent exposure. At the said timestamp, the atavistic, low-brow individual shows himself to be lacking the inhibitions to keep his perversion private.

The Palestinian olive growers and shepherds of the austere Hebron Hills are necessarily a Spartan people. For centuries they have made things grow despite arid soil and the scarcity of water. They look like they belong; like authentic outdoor folk. The Settlers, on the other hand, look ridiculous. Out of place. In marked contrast to the dignity of the Palestinians of the Hebron Hills, settler flotsam and jetsam are an epitome of degeneracy.

Why, then, would Palestinians, a traditional, rather regal people, wish to “draw strength” and inspiration, in the future, from their genocidal neighbors, the great Israeli unwashed, who’ve done to them things that make the thickest skin crawl?

This I ask in the context of peacemaking—for also talked up among some is a utopic time when “the two peoples [Jewish-Israeli and Palestinian] will get along, and actually draw strength from each other.”

Daily, the Palestinians’ closest neighbors, the settlers, make manifest their red-hot hatred toward them, stealing land, regularly slaughtering helpless livestock with biblical cruelty, and generally menacing Palestinian property owners. Most disturbing is the overt, perverted sexual sadism of settlers and their soldier helpers.

The Nazis, whose spiritual heirs Israel is shaping up to be, paradoxically, hid their systematic crimes against humanity; Israeli Jews—a majority, at least—either celebrate or are callously nonchalant about felonies, perversions and crimes against Palestinians.

Israeli shamelessness is the quality that has helped the Al Jazeera Investigation Unit (IU) commit to a database thousands of videos, photos and social media posts “posted online by Israeli soldiers themselves during the year-long genocide” in the Gaza Strip.

The exultant whoops of individual IDF soldiers, mid murder, are now part of a dossier, a database. “Where possible, the Investigation Unit has identified the posters and those who appear,” leaving the International Criminal Court (ICC) with little else to do but to verify, and then initiate criminal proceedings. (Small wonder IDF squirrels are frantically deleting their social media accounts pursuant to the airing of “War Crimes in Gaza,” and to the filing, by Belgium’s “Hind Rajab Foundation,” of  a complaint to the ICC against at least 1000 IDF putative war criminals.)

Israel’s soldier sons and daughters are the stars in the country’s genocide constellation. In addition to “a range of illegal activities, from wanton destruction and looting to the demolition of entire neighborhoods and murder,” what emerges most palpably from “War Crimes in Gaza,” and from my own year-long observations, is the sexual undercurrent that accompanies IDF sadism—from pilfering Palestinian women’s panties to raping their men.

The nub and the rub of it: How do you extinguish, for the purpose of peacemaking, pathologically murderous sexual arousal? Do you chemically castrate IDF soldiers and settlers?

… Israeli society … is a picture of moral decadence. Israeli sofa tv pundits are as chatty and blasé about “mowing the lawn” as they are about the sexual rupturing of Palestinian anatomy. Israelis themselves have partied on. It’s vodka in the bars, volleyball on the beaches. All the while, a few kilometers south of this Dionysian debauchery is genocide. Watch footage montage from Israel proper. Down south of the coast from these frolicking Israelis, on Gaza’s shores, fishermen are blown out of the waters should they try to fish to feed their families. (“How Israel destroyed Gaza’s ability to feed itself,” Al Jazeera, July 2, 2024.)

…. what other country proudly names one of its killer creeds, the “Dahiyeh Doctrine,” “after an area of Beirut” where it had perfected its predation? No other than Israel.

Israel is the proud promulgator of the immoral, illegal “doctrine of inflicting massive harm to civilians,” perversely named for its victims. Imagine a serial killer, Randall Woodfield, for example—he hunted along Highway I-5—calling his killer craft the “Highway I-5 Doctrine.” Imagine Wikipedia describing Woodfield as originator of the “I-5 Doctrine.”

By all accounts, special prestige is attached in Jewish-Israeli society to the perpetrators of the kind of crimes that “knock the cosmos out of kilter.”

Rescue Plan Required, Not A Political Strategy

When a serial killer is loosed in your neighborhood; crime-reduction social programs are not the things you reach for.

Imagine your 911 dispatcher answering your “I am dying, send help” emergency call with, “We are working on community based, crime-reduction strategies.” By extension, boycotts and embargoes relate to Israel mid-murder as crime-reduction policies relate to a crime in progress.

It would seem fair to surmise, then, that stopping an ideology—Israel’s genocidal mindset or America’s sacralization of Israel—is a long-term endeavor, a strategy. A strategy, political or other, does not a rescue plan make. A long-term strategy is not the answer to an S.O.S. life-and-death situation.

When a serial killer is loosed in your neighborhood; crime-reduction social programs or political strategies are not the things you reach for.

Crime-reduction strategies, in the case of Israel, are those long-term incentive-based plans to increase humanity’s safety and security, by disincentivizing an entity that has proven to constitute a danger to the comity and safety of nations.

The private, voluntary, slow-motion Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement “works to end international support for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law.” Voluntary economic boycotts on Israel and mandatory state embargoes on shipments of weapons to Israel: these are all well and good. But they are long-term strategies, not S.O.S. interventions in regional mass murder ongoing; these are not solutions to the problem of a mass murderer loosed on the Near East.

Israel is a promiscuous and licentious killer. To the mass-murdering medinah, the lives of Arabs are as cheap as the talk we in the West deploy about “stopping Israel.”

We’ve watched all of civilization’s edifices destroyed by Israel—from the sanctity of life, liberty and property to well-meaning legal frameworks designed to uphold these inalienable individual rights.

Israel, moreover, is humanity’s most barbaric instantiation. Not only does it target humanity’s most vulnerable, but also its finest and noblest; the people we most rely on: altruistic aid and rescue workers, healers in their clinics ministering to their patients, peace activists, writers, reporters and intellectuals recording the crimes for posterity.

For the better part of a year, we the people of Rome’s provinces have appealed to Rome on the Potomac. The magnificent, human rights and rescue community has “warned” and cajoled the Axis of Genocide—begged anyone they could buttonhole—while working and dying with their Palestinian charges in the field.

No petition to the United States has worked so far. America is not the solution, it’s the problem. On top of its already strong presence in the region as a standby and backup to its cheerless satellite—the United States is now sending Israel “an advanced anti-missile system and soldiers to operate it,” symbolically, at least, deepening America’s craven commitment to Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza, the West Bank and their regional defenders.

Because he considers Israel a rib from the United States’ rib cage, Matthew Miller at Foggy Bottom gives us The Talk: “We’re calling on our Israeli allies to improve their ways in war, to look into this or that massacre having spontaneously materialized in Palestine. These massacres are indeed very disturbing.”

Wryly, Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah, Palestinian activist and thinker, offers up an apt syllogism for this American-Israeli stagecraft, 58 minutes into a conversation with journalist extraordinaire Rania Khalek:

“These reports of young men and women disappearing across America, and showing up brutally murdered are very disturbing. We ask Charles Manson, and John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer to carry out a very serious investigation and to hold those responsible accountable. It is really important that we hold people accountable, so we would really like Jeffrey Dhamer and John Wayne Gacy and Charles Manson to investigate this. And, the United State will work with them to do that.”

We cannot be lulled into the torpor of such talk.

Bullies must be stood up to and stopped. By definition, a bully is a coward. A bully, especially one imbued with a messianic, millenarian sense of supremacy, understands one thing: a united show of force. Israel’s regional serial killing needs to be stopped forthwith, and by force!

The attitude of the Arab countries, the Arab League, has been to let Israel do what it wants just so long as they were not the ones being targeted. But then they were.

The nub and the rub: War on civilians is a war on civilization. The coward’s aggression must be forcefully and righteously countered.

The Israeli State, which continues to operate outside the remits of man-made law and God’s law, must be defanged. You don’t negotiate with Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer…

The plan to stop Israel will have to involve righteous, regional, counterforce. Details next.

…READ THE COMPLETE ESSAY. Why The Israel-Occupied Levant Must Be Liberated, S.O.S.,” is now on The Unz Review.

UPDATED: Share the story of Shaban al-Dalou, the sweet boy whom Israel burned alive. Take care to share ONLY media that does not sneakily use the passive voice, as in, “Killed in a fire.” Use media that assign blame where it belongs: “Murdered by Israel.”

Kind, beautiful, bright, loyal to his family and community: Shaban al-Dalou was everything you want in a son, a daughter, a friend.

UPDATED (10/10): One Year Of Genocide. Hassan Nasrallah. Detonating Pagers & Mosques, Dismembering Babies, ‘Mowing The Lawn’ In West Bank. Palestine Essay, ‘De Sade At Sde Teiman’ & IDF Einsatzgruppen News

America, Argument, Foreign Policy, GAZA, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Judaism & Jews, Middle East, Military, Morality, Palestinian Authority, Political Philosophy, Propaganda, South-Africa, War

UPDATED (10/10): Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip are documented through the medium of photos and videos posted online by Israeli soldiers themselves during the year-long genocide.

Named and shamed. All the International Criminal Court need do is start criminal proceedings.
The Nazis hid their systematic crimes; Israelis–a majority–celebrate them, even use their depraved exploits on dating apps. Israeli society has a sadistic pornographic edge to it.

One Year of Genocide. Courtesy of BBOBBY, Lowkey and DoubleDownNews. Take it from one who has a facility with words: this is powerful, brilliantly done. Not a word is misplaced. Not a rhythm in this calculated genocide is uncalculated.

UPDATE 10/1:  The Arab world mourns the death of Hassan Nasrallah, a man Norman Finkelstein called, in conversation with Glenn Greenwald a week prior to Nasrallah’s murder, “The frankest most impressive leader on the world stage.” (“Gaza is Gone.”)


The munitions dropped on a city block in the south of Beirut, by the mad dog medinah, to murder Hassan Nasrallah, are described thus by the New York Times, otherwise known as Israel’s stenographer:

A video published by the Israeli military showed that planes it said were used in the attack that killed Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, on Friday night carried 2,000-pound bombs, according to munitions experts and a New York Times analysis.
The video showed eight planes fitted with at least 15 2,000-pound bombs, including the American-manufactured BLU-109 with a JDAM kit, a precision guidance system that attaches to bombs, according to Trevor Ball, a former U.S. Army explosive ordnance disposal technician. These bombs, a type of munition known as bunker busters, can penetrate underground before detonating.


UPDATE 9/30: Luckily I have Hebrew. Two versions do America’s overlords who are in Israel transmit to the world. The Hebrew Maariv lede reads, “The Americans got the message: ground invasion of Lebanon is not a question of ‘if’ but of ‘when.'”

UPDATE 9/28: As Mouin Rabbani reasons, the late Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hizballah, did the principled thing: He stood foursquare with the Palestinians of Gaza against the mass murderers of Israel. The world stood by during the Jewish Holocaust, even though by 1942, the Final Solution was quite well-known among Allied powers.

Mad dog Medinah (=country in Hebrew) Israel dropped 85 tons of explosives on southern Beirut’s civilians to murder a major Arab political leader, Hassan Nasrallah. Hezbollah? holds a majority seats in Lebanon’s Parliament. By the way, where do u think the Kirya, Israel’s major military compound, is located? In the heart of Tel Aviv
2:32 PM · Sep 28, 2024

Writes Ali Abunimah:

Confirmed by Hizballah on Saturday, Nasrallah’s killing comes after a series of tactical successes in the early stages of Israel’s unfolding full-scale attack on Lebanon, an open-ended assault that may well equal in barbarity Tel Aviv’s ongoing genocide in Gaza. These are terrible and difficult thoughts to absorb after almost a year of genocide. …
Nasrallah’s stature as a tactical and strategic thinker, as the most prominent and trusted leader of the Axis of Resistance, and as a personality capable of inspiring and reassuring supporters even in the worst of times, cannot be overstated.
The euphoria in Israel, Washington and some Arab capitals, will be exceeded only by the grief of Nasrallah’s supporters, who are far more numerous.
And there is no doubt that the loss is real and great from the perspective of a resistance that faces not only Israel’s formidable arsenal, but all the resources of the United States and the collective West.
Israel’s ability to carry out this series of attacks in quick succession will shake the confidence of many in Hizballah’s legendary prowess and operational security.
The attacks will go some way to restoring the prestige Tel Aviv has lost among its Western and Arab backers after a year of military failure in Gaza, and its failure to prevent the Hamas military offensive that wiped out the Gaza division of Israel’s army on 7 October 2023.
And although Hizballah has been hammering Israeli military assets and settlements in the north of historic Palestine with rockets, many in the region are asking why the resistance group’s response to Israel’s escalating aggression has not been harder and harsher – even as Israel intensifies its bombardment of civilians across Lebanon and within its capital.
Like others before him, Nasrallah gave his life on the road to liberate Palestine, and that struggle did not end today.


UPDATE 9/19: The long arc of the Israeli terroristic enterprise has expanded into Beirut, Lebanon, in the form of a staggered operation against civilians, which saw the yellow-bellied Mossad operatives (allegedly) booby trap thousands of pagers and other devices deployed by Hezbollah non-combatants in civilian life (Hezbollah is an elected Lebanese political party).  The Israelis killed dozens and caused gruesome injuries to thousands, all to the whooping and cawing of their flaccid girly fanboys and groupies stateside. Need I say that all this is prohibited by the laws of armed conflict? (George Galloway’s “The Biggest Act of Mass terrorism” renders the best analysis of the biggest act of mass terrorism .)

A particularly disgusting aspect is the weaponization by Israel of electronic commodities. Let us hope that this malevolent tampering spurs local Lebanese industries. It will certainly lend the competition an edge.

Two things to bear in mind: First, Israeli mama’s boys opt for digital warfare because they lack the courage to fight combatants openly and up close like men would. Second, Israel is the proud promulgator of the “doctrine of inflicting massive harm to civilians.” Israel, the neighborhood bully, proudly named its killer creed “after an area of Beirut, Dahiya.” (MEI) All this occurred practically in the presence of US special envoy Amos Hochstein, which shows how Israel spits on its biggest benefactor, the US.

Few are the solid technical reports about what Israel did, except to fellate the morally flaccid terrorist state. “Lessons from the Lebanon pager bombing attack: Threats by Remote Execution and Activating Sleeper Devices in the Context of IoT and Connected Devices” by By Srikanth RP, at Express Computer, is thoughtful.

It touches on “Remote Execution and Weaponization of Devices” in a connected universe, “Supply Chain Infiltration and Trust Issues”, “Activation of Sleeper Devices and Latent Threats,” etc, concluding that “Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) must manage devices from procurement through decommissioning to ensure security throughout.

UPDATE: To paraphrase the great Scott Ritter on the Mint Press News podcast: “Israel is a genocidal NATION doing what it is incline to do.” What you see here, the IDF kicking an injured man off a West Bank rooftop, is “The Truth of Israel”:

Also what I demonstrated in a comprehensive essay, “The Jewish State Is Genocidal, But Is Israeli Society Sick, Too?”

UPDATE 9/13: Detonating Mosques with jubilation. “Today we are blowing up a mosque. No more Friday prayers, yeah!” Watch:

A mosque, with love to vampiric wifey.

Dismembering babies, minds and little bodies shattered for life:

UPDATE 9/11: Murdering Animals and Owners, as in “mowing the lawn”; it’s all in a day’s work for Israel’s finest. I give you The Chosen People’s Settlers. What a mindset it takes to slaughter a helpless creature:

Turmusaya, Ramallah District: Israeli settlers chase Palestinian shepherd, steal five sheep and kill two“:

UPDATE (9/5/2024): ‘Mowing the Lawn.’ The Devil and its handlers, IDF under Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, said on Wednesday that the military has been “mowing the lawn” during an ongoing major operation” in the West Bank, which will require the need to “pull out the roots.”

The West Bank has now been invaded by IDF. The orgiastic destruction of built and natural habitat has begun there in earnest. Ethnic cleansing has commenced there too. Since October 7, one child has been killed in the West Bank every 2nd day

The “operation” dubbed “Summer Camps” now openly uses terms Israel had once denied were in use.

Suffer the children.

UPDATE (9/2/024): Genocidal impetus is underway in the West Bank courtesy of Satan’s forces on earth. Via Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur to the occupied territories, comes the news that the IDF is in the midst of a full military assault, destroying hospitals, roads, infrastructure already damaged in prior raids, replete with telling the Palestinians to evacuate en mass. (Drop Site)

Via Bashir Matahen, the director of Public Relations and Media at the Jenin Municipality: “The occupying (Israeli) forces have demolished more than 70% of the city’s streets completely (…) to a depth of approximately one to one-and-half meters, which has led to the destruction of water and sewage networks, as well as communication and electricity cables, in the areas that were demolished, initially estimated to cover 20 kilometers.” (Middle East Monitor)

IDF Einsatzgruppen streams into East Jerusalem (WorldBeyondWar):

(8/30/024): If you support this scum, you are scum. IDF Einsatzgruppen

UPDATE (8/29/024): Israel: What Moral Rot Looks Like: As Israel’s IDF death squads, Einsatzgruppen, murder, maim, starve and destroy all human life in Gaza, and increasingly the West Bank—where land and pitiful possessions are being stolen daily with impunity by armed settlers—the IDF’s auxiliaries, says Mouin Rabbani—Israelis party on. The picture of moral decadence:

According to UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund), on average, “one Palestinian child [has been] killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, every two days since October 2023.”

Since the Demon State began its genocide in Gaza, young Bisan, a heroic reporter, chronicler of life under Genocide, has prefaced each of her many transmissions from Gaza like this: “This is Bisan in Gaza, and I am still alive.” In what universe is a young woman forced into such a reality for close on a year? Now Bisan’s skin is ulcerating. Due to the absence of sanitation infrastructure (bombed) and products (aid delivery halted by the Satan State) in Gaza; a human being’s largest organ and barrier to pestilence—the skin—is losing its capacity to protect internal organs. This is very dangerous, since all roads lead, via Israel, to sepsis and organ damage, even death.

Via B’Tselem” “Forcible transfer of isolated Palestinian communities and families in Area C under cover of Gaza fighting.”

Oren Ziv from +972, August 19, 2024, reports on the latest Settler Pogroms. IDF soldiers watch on as settlers rampage through West Bank villages, burning, looting and, yes, murdering. Arrests? Nah. For what? Nothing to see. Move on. Jewish supremacy; Jews über alles. “If you try to defend yourself, you’re dead’”.

Degeneracy v. Dignity. A settler—they are such lovelies—threatens a West Bank Palestinian man with rape a la Sde Teiman (and Christians-For-Fellating-Israel fire me for penning “De Sade At Sde Teiman: When Genocide, Snuff Films, Extra-Judicial Assassinations & Rape Are De Facto Legal“) My indelicate language befits a way worse reality.

Watch this Twitter video, via the Human Rights organization, B’Tselem. “Rape in the name of God,” threatens a Settler named Shem Tov Luski . And Christians defend these people and alienate me. I’ve added “Christian Ethics” to my skill set on LinkedIn.

Degeneracy v. dignity

In the latest essay, I had also mused about the Israeli sexual prurience:

“When they are not fantasizing and embellishing about mass rape by their enemies (read Ali Abunimah’s ‘Debunking ‘Screams Before Silence,’ Sheryl Sandberg’s 7 Oct. ‘mass rape’ film‘), and raping Palestinian prisoners—the Israel defense Forces (IDF), and Israel’s other policing agencies, in conjunction with the societal structures that support them, are striving to codify their de facto daily criminal conduct in law.”

As do I mention the temperamental difference between the peoples, Israeli and Palestinian. You can see it in the video. The Palestinian man is embarrassed at the sexual brazenness. Not the Settler.

NEW ESSAY is “De Sade At Sde Teiman: When Genocide, Snuff Films, Extra-Judicial Assassinations & Rape Are De Facto Legal.” It is currently featured on The Unz Review, The New American (NOT), and Power & Market at The Mises Institute.

Essay was cancelled here, author dismissed, for adhering to Christian, not AIPAC, ethics. We know what Jesus would have done. Actually, as one Christian told me, Christ did inveigh exactly against what he termed “The Synagogue of Satan.”

The New American fired me for this recent piece on Israel,, and will accept from me NO essays, even on topics not Genocide related. It’s me, the only voice for Christian Ethics on their New American page, that they want GONE. AIPAC American is unapologetic. I, however, can sleep at night and will continue to do what’s right.

Read ‘De Sade SdeTeiman: When Genocide, Snuff Films, Extra-Judicial Assassinations & Rape Are De Facto Legal,’ on

Like, Follow and Share on Social Media to defeat the AIPAC algorithm. Remember that Facebook has long since banned all hyperlinks.

The essay is now on


The totem words and adjectives we use to describe Israel, a perverse and pornographically murderous society, fail. One day flows into the next, each indistinguishable in the level of sadistic torture and carnage dreamed up by the IDF Einsatzgruppen.

As televised vignettes at July’s end showed, the Israelis, a “bizarre specimen of moral laxity,” in the 1728 words of Southern gentleman William Byrd, had been openly rationalizing the need to codify in law the rape of Palestinian hostages.

From Knesset members to the distinguishably dumb panelists who festoon that country’s tv networks, “Israeli media’s coverage of the rape of Palestinian [hostages] shows support for sexual violence in service of genocide.”

The crimes of genocide, the making and mass-marketing of online snuff films featuring murdered Palestinians, and the commission of extra-judicial assassination the globe over—these Israel has already de facto legalized in what passes for law in that thugocracy.

By the Middle East Monitor’s telling, “A Gaza detainee allegedly sexually abused by Israeli soldiers at Sde Teiman … suffered ‘a ruptured bowel, a severe injury to his anus, lung damage and broken ribs’ as a result of the immense torture he was subjected to by Israeli occupation soldiers. …One of the nine Israeli soldiers arrested for abusing him was released without charge. Deliberations about the other eight are continuing.”

Like Israel’s genocide in Gaza, the rape in Sde Teiman was captured on camera. Watch! Have an emesis dish close by. ……

A deception embedded deep in this lattice of lies is that, contrary to most criminal enterprises and individuals, a spectacular democracy like Israel has the absolute ability to investigate itself. Indeed, a new report authored by the aforementioned +972 Magazine, “for the human rights group Yesh Din, shows how the main role of Israel’s military law-enforcement system is to maintain the appearance of internal accountability in order to shield itself from external criticism.”

In this case, the greater goal of Israel’s legal apparatus and jurisprudence is to fend off charges of genocide and war-crimes in international courts of law. Be mindful, then, that any investigation ever launched or any arrests made by Israeli authorities are symbolic, cursory and inconsequential, part of a well-established strategy to safeguard the greater criminal enterprise. …

Essentially, expect the Jewish State’s stooges (Alan Dershowitz in the lead) to be trotted out to huff and puff indignantly at the very notion that a manifestly lawless thug of a state, whose justice system is complicit in minting maniacal laws in support of unfathomable thuggery and cruelty, is incapable of investigating itself. Antisemitism.

…Ultimately, Israel has become adept at narrative, at manufacturing mantras about its unsurpassed morality, this, as it is mired in illegality and criminality. (Read my own analysis of how Israel and its courts “CO-OPT HUMAN-RIGHTS LAW,” in the essay, “Defending Gaza (II): Israel Engaged In The Mother Of All Performative Contradictions: Denying Genocide, While Committing Genocide, Effectively Asserting A Right To Genocide”.) …

… THE REST, so far, is on The Unz Review, The New American (NOT), and Power & Market, The Mises Institute, August 23.

OR, now on

*Images as screen posts via Gazan photojournalists Adel Al-Hawajri and Hosni Salah. Introduced by Talia Mullin of ScheerPost

IMPORTANT ESSAY: ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law

America, Crime, Europe, Foreign Aid, Foreign Policy, GAZA, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Just War, Law, Media, Morality, Natural Law, Political Philosophy, Propaganda, UN, War

Over and above industrial-scale mass murder of individual people—Israel is engaged in the eradication of Gazans as a People ~ilana

NEW ESSAY in its totality is on The Unz Review: “Israel: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law.”

AND serialized on the Mises Institute’s Power & Market:

The State of Israel Abandons Law and Morality in Its War on Gaza,” Part I, April 2
“The US Vetoes International Action on Gaza,” Part II, April 3
Why Genocide?: Every Law of War Has Been Violated in Gaza,” Part III, April 4
Gaza: What If America Were the Good Guy?” Part IV, April 5

The title is self-explanatory. In this new essay I comprehensively show Israel to be In violation of all laws of war and much of Customary International Humanitarian Law. God’s Law and
Natural Justice are close corollaries.

I go through the US ceasefire farce and lies—the ceasefire is BINDING!–I exposit the laws of war all violated, and expound on at least four laws that make up the genocide standard, flouted by Israel. Rafah appears to be a Final Solution of sorts.

I visualize what a Super Power could and should do. The visual of the essay’s coda is that of a patriot. Alas, and sadly, there is not much to be patriotic about.

Please share, for truth-tellers on Israel’s war of annihilation against Gaza’s Palestinians are being banned and excommunicated.  Go figure: WE CANNOT BE BOUGHT OR SILENCED.

Short excerpt:


 America has conditioned the inalienable right to life of Palestinians on the return of Israeli hostages, in effect nullifying that right ~ilana

For throwing-up clouds of obfuscating sepia over its abstention vote on  the United Nations Security Council’s ceasefire resolution, March 25, the Biden Administration and its UN representative must be exposed.

“Ceasefire” in previous U.S. drafts amounted to Orwellian News Speak. Having never once called for an immediate, unconditional ceasefire, the U.S. had perfunctorily predicated temporary ceasefire resolutions on the return of Israeli hostages.

Whereas it was obligated morally to compel Israel to forthwith cease and desist its systematic and sustained onslaught on Gaza’s civilians; the US had opted, until March 25, to merely condition the temporary cessation of immoral and illegal mass murder of innocent Palestinians on the release of Israeli hostages, in effect tethering a “ceasefire” to the return of the Israeli hostages.

Against the wishes of citizens of our country and the world, America has deployed its veto power, repeatedly and reliably, in previous United Nations Security Council votes, so as to prevent an immediate, unconditional cease-fire in Gaza.

By so doing, America had conditioned the inalienable right to life of Palestinians on the return of Israeli hostages, in effect nullifying that inalienable right.

Recognizing that the right to life of innocent men, women and children is unconditional; Security Council member states, aside the United States and its protégé Israel, had refused to tether the fate of Gaza to hostage negotiations.

With pellucid logic, Amar Bendjama, Algeria’s ambassador to the U.N and the Arab bloc’s current Security Council member, had stated, February 20, 2024, that, “A vote in favor of [an unconditional ceasefire] is a support to the Palestinians’ right to life.” With its prior vetoes and current abstention, the US had nullified Palestinian right to life independent of the rights of Israeli hostages to the same.

You can say that Gaza’s innocent civilians are being held hostage by Israel enablers Blinken, Biden and Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

The general run of people around the world, however, are having none of this. We have been chanting “ceasefire” with catechetical promptness. The West’s “smart” set is belatedly getting the message that their constituents, decent citizens, are revolted by Israel’s acts and are in-revolt against supporting it.

In response, and oh-so cynically, all Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield did on March 25 was to abstain from using American veto power to stop the good guys—China, Russia, Algeria and the rest of the 15-member UN Security Council—from demanding an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza. That’s all.

Expect the Biden Administration and its bi-partisan backers to keep gently cajoling brief lulls—conditional breaks—in the IDF’s bloodletting of a helpless, cornered civilian population.

Covering its wretchedness with sanctimony; the US had not vetoed the last ceasefire resolution; but had, nevertheless, worked to water it down. In its abstention vote, the US has “blocked action in the General Assembly under the Uniting for Peace resolution, where you could have seen some real meaningful action.”

For moral compass scrambled; it’s hard to beat former ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley. In this protracted foreign-policy mirage, Blinken, Biden, Thomas-Greenfield and their political posse do Nikki Haley, a Republican, proud, for Trump’s appointee to the UN would have done nothing different.


A violent offender, a serial killer, must be stopped; not cautioned and observed! ~ilana

IDF soldiers vaporize young men picking their way through rubble as though in a video game; they mock their victims, invade their homes; filch from their businesses, and rummage through the piteous intimate effects of people dead and dispossessed ~ilana

In the world of patronage, it doesn’t get much worse. The United States is at Israel’s elbow—it is a cobelligerent: In actively sustaining Israel’s armed forces, and running diplomatic interference for its politicians; America is acting as Israel’s “principal sponsor,” complicit in war crimes, signaling  to the Jewish State that it will let it continue to its evil endgame.

As I ventured in January, the issuance of the equivalent of a legal cease-and-desist or a restraining order against a violent offender, Israel, is urgent and long overdue. It’s already too late for Gaza as a habitable landmass.

While progressives lauded the International Court of Justice (ICJ), my perspective about the Court’s indecision, some months back, was dimmer. (Disgust, actually.) Unfocused as I was on legalistic definitions of genocide; it was obvious to me that, what was indubitably mass murder and ethnic cleansing—crimes that are in process and ongoing—had to be stopped right away. A violent offender, a serial killer, must be stopped; not cautioned and observed!

Were the International Court of Justice an effective and just organization it would have issued some sort of binding cease and desist order, some manner of restraining order, if you will, instructing the Israel Defense Forces, the Devil’s emissaries on earth, to stop its depredations.

Another international tribunal, the International Criminal Court (ICC), had “issued, in March of 2023, warrants of arrest, no less “for two individuals in the context of the situation in Ukraine,” one of whom was Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation, who was being sought for war crimes.

With respect to Israel, the inept International Court of Justice appears compromised.

For in a just society, the moral strictures that apply to the individual must also extend to the collective. Immoral acts that are forbidden severally cannot be sanctioned collectively. If the citizen must not murder; neither should The State, any state.


A Security Council resolution not defanged by the US could have included a call for diplomatic, military, political, and economic sanctions, the freezing of Israeli assets, the deployment of a protection force, and the establishment of a tribunal for future prosecution ~ilana

In its uncontested superiority, the United States has asserted, moreover, that the UN ceasefire resolution is “non-binding.” “Completely false,” fumes international law expert Graig Mokhiber, in an interview, March 26, with Amy Goodman of “Democracy Now!” And I paraphrase Mr. Mokhiber:

It is black-letter law in the U.N. Charter that all members of the United Nations are bound to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council. The Charter, in Article 25, and in subsequent decisions of the International Court of Justice, has made it indisputable that Security Council resolutions are binding for all member states.

Not only is the last ceasefire resolution binding, but it opens up an opportunity, given that Israel is in breach of it, to table a resolution for enforcement under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, which “empowers the Security Council to orchestrate … collective actions … through a Military Staff Committee.”

A Security Council resolution not defanged by the United States could include a call for corporeal action: diplomatic, military, political, and economic sanctions, the freezing of Israeli assets, the deployment of a protection force, and the establishment of a tribunal for future prosecution. …

... READ THE COMPLETE ESSAY:  “Israel: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law.”

Douglas Damien Murray For IDF Beefcake & Other Such Creepy Curiosities

BAB's A List, Communism, Critique, GAZA, History, Iraq, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Journalism, Media, Propaganda


Herewith, a few disordered (and shamelessly impressionistic) thoughts on the current Australian political scene, as it is impinged on by the Middle East horrors. Before specifying these thoughts, I should stress the fact that I consume far less mass-media news reportage than most of my compatriots do. Besides, I don’t own a television set at all.

On the other hand, what I lose in terms of the ability to acquire up-to-date data, I perhaps gain in terms of detached observation. This is what I’ve observed here over the last few months.

Australia’s Likudniks – many of whom of course are either helots of Rupert Murdoch’s tabloid empire, or Pentecostal fundamentalists, both groups being seldom more ethnically Jewish than I am – are furiously trying to dial up the volume to eleven, SPINAL TAP style. So shameless is the truckling to Bibi, that entire issues of THE WEEKEND AUSTRALIAN and SPECTATOR AUSTRALIA, entire talk-shows on Sky News, appear to consist of press releases from Mossad.

In such milieux, the term “antisemite” is promiscuously applied not only to brain-dead mullahs who now and then chant nasty things about Jews at a public protest outside the Sydney Opera House, but to the coolest and most reasoned criticisms of Israel’s official policy since October 7,  of whom some are even Jewish. And yet …

It isn’t working. Even I can tell that it isn’t working.

In the 21st century’s first few years, when most of these same people furiously defended the buccaneering expedition to Iraq, the policy of shouting down all disagreement with Israel’s regime did still work. As recently as a decade ago, it did still work.

Not now, though. The opposition to the Gaza ethnic cleansing is now too widespread among intelligent Australians, and, I suspect, too confidently maintained, for the toothpaste to be reinserted into the tube. It appears that the time when even the mildest criticism of Netanyahu was equated with mass-murdering Einsatzgruppen has now – for better or for worse – ended.

I’ve also noticed a marked demographic split, on the issue of who is currently supporting Netanyahu and who isn’t. As a general rule (there exist, needless to say, exceptions), the demography is as follows:

* PEOPLE UNDER 40: Pro-Palestinian, except for a handful of neocon dittoheads in the above-named, mostly Murdoch-controlled, outlets.


* RETIREES IN THEIR 70S, 80S, AND 90s: Surprisingly inclined to give Palestinians the benefit of the doubt. I wonder if bitter memories of America’s Anglophobic behavior over Suez in 1956 are figuring in this age group’s memories.

In a way, I could almost feel sorry for the Murdoch-controlled dittoheads. With them, as with Comrade Zhdanov chewing out dissident writers and composers in Stalin’s Russia after World War II, there’s clearly a sense of bewilderment that anyone should show such base ingratitude as to exhibit opposition. To quote Orwell’s comments on the Stalinist cultural purges of 1947-1948:

The thing that politicians are seemingly unable to understand is that you cannot produce a vigorous literature by terrorizing everyone into conformity. A writer’s inventive faculties will not work unless he is allowed to say approximately what he feels. You can destroy spontaneity and produce a literature which is orthodox but feeble, or you can let people say what they choose and take the risk that some of them will utter heresies. … They [the Soviet politicians] don’t know what literature is, but they know that it is important, that it has prestige value, and that it is necessary for propaganda purposes, and they would like to encourage it, if only they knew how. So they continue with their purges and directives, like a fish bashing its nose against the wall of an aquarium again and again, too dim-witted to realize that glass and water are not the same thing.

Strangest of all, to me, is the fact that even the cleverest of Bibi’s apologists (and that’s not saying much) – to wit, Deviant Douglas Murray, neoconservative armchair Clausewitz, and accordingly a tireless apologist for every dirty deed now being carried out by uniformed IDF beefcake – is no longer, as hipsters would put it, “cutting through.” Not on this topic.

Goodness only knows what all of the above portends. What I can say with a measure of certitude about the Australian scene is a variant of the ancient aphorism about New York. Namely, that if the Likudniks can no longer make it here, they can no longer make it anywhere, other than in the United States of America.


Melbourne-based historian and organist R.J. Stove is the author of César Franck: His Life and Times and of a forthcoming book (Kings, Queens and Fallen Monarchies, scheduled for 2024) about Europe’s monarchist movements between the two world wars. Dr. Stove’s  innumerable disastrous career decisions include a total refusal to regard Rod Dreher* as the greatest Christian theologian who ever lived.

*Screen Pictures of Douglas Damien Murray For IDF Beefcake is courtesy of this site:

& here: