Category Archives: Law

IMPORTANT ESSAY: ISRAEL: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law

America, Crime, Europe, Foreign Aid, Foreign Policy, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Just War, Law, Media, Morality, Natural Law, Political Philosophy, Propaganda, UN, War

Over and above industrial-scale mass murder of individual people—Israel is engaged in the eradication of Gazans as a People ~ilana

NEW ESSAY in its totality is on The Unz Review: “Israel: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law.”

AND serialized on the Mises Institute’s Power & Market:

The State of Israel Abandons Law and Morality in Its War on Gaza,” Part I, April 2
“The US Vetoes International Action on Gaza,” Part II, April 3
Why Genocide?: Every Law of War Has Been Violated in Gaza,” Part III, April 4
Gaza: What If America Were the Good Guy?” Part IV, April 5

The title is self-explanatory. In this new essay I comprehensively show Israel to be In violation of all laws of war and much of Customary International Humanitarian Law. God’s Law and
Natural Justice are close corollaries.

I go through the US ceasefire farce and lies—the ceasefire is BINDING!–I exposit the laws of war all violated, and expound on at least four laws that make up the genocide standard, flouted by Israel. Rafah appears to be a Final Solution of sorts.

I visualize what a Super Power could and should do. The visual of the essay’s coda is that of a patriot. Alas, and sadly, there is not much to be patriotic about.

Please share, for truth-tellers on Israel’s war of annihilation against Gaza’s Palestinians are being banned and excommunicated.  Go figure: WE CANNOT BE BOUGHT OR SILENCED.

Short excerpt:


 America has conditioned the inalienable right to life of Palestinians on the return of Israeli hostages, in effect nullifying that right ~ilana

For throwing-up clouds of obfuscating sepia over its abstention vote on  the United Nations Security Council’s ceasefire resolution, March 25, the Biden Administration and its UN representative must be exposed.

“Ceasefire” in previous U.S. drafts amounted to Orwellian News Speak. Having never once called for an immediate, unconditional ceasefire, the U.S. had perfunctorily predicated temporary ceasefire resolutions on the return of Israeli hostages.

Whereas it was obligated morally to compel Israel to forthwith cease and desist its systematic and sustained onslaught on Gaza’s civilians; the US had opted, until March 25, to merely condition the temporary cessation of immoral and illegal mass murder of innocent Palestinians on the release of Israeli hostages, in effect tethering a “ceasefire” to the return of the Israeli hostages.

Against the wishes of citizens of our country and the world, America has deployed its veto power, repeatedly and reliably, in previous United Nations Security Council votes, so as to prevent an immediate, unconditional cease-fire in Gaza.

By so doing, America had conditioned the inalienable right to life of Palestinians on the return of Israeli hostages, in effect nullifying that inalienable right.

Recognizing that the right to life of innocent men, women and children is unconditional; Security Council member states, aside the United States and its protégé Israel, had refused to tether the fate of Gaza to hostage negotiations.

With pellucid logic, Amar Bendjama, Algeria’s ambassador to the U.N and the Arab bloc’s current Security Council member, had stated, February 20, 2024, that, “A vote in favor of [an unconditional ceasefire] is a support to the Palestinians’ right to life.” With its prior vetoes and current abstention, the US had nullified Palestinian right to life independent of the rights of Israeli hostages to the same.

You can say that Gaza’s innocent civilians are being held hostage by Israel enablers Blinken, Biden and Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

The general run of people around the world, however, are having none of this. We have been chanting “ceasefire” with catechetical promptness. The West’s “smart” set is belatedly getting the message that their constituents, decent citizens, are revolted by Israel’s acts and are in-revolt against supporting it.

In response, and oh-so cynically, all Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield did on March 25 was to abstain from using American veto power to stop the good guys—China, Russia, Algeria and the rest of the 15-member UN Security Council—from demanding an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza. That’s all.

Expect the Biden Administration and its bi-partisan backers to keep gently cajoling brief lulls—conditional breaks—in the IDF’s bloodletting of a helpless, cornered civilian population.

Covering its wretchedness with sanctimony; the US had not vetoed the last ceasefire resolution; but had, nevertheless, worked to water it down. In its abstention vote, the US has “blocked action in the General Assembly under the Uniting for Peace resolution, where you could have seen some real meaningful action.”

For moral compass scrambled; it’s hard to beat former ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley. In this protracted foreign-policy mirage, Blinken, Biden, Thomas-Greenfield and their political posse do Nikki Haley, a Republican, proud, for Trump’s appointee to the UN would have done nothing different.


A violent offender, a serial killer, must be stopped; not cautioned and observed! ~ilana

IDF soldiers vaporize young men picking their way through rubble as though in a video game; they mock their victims, invade their homes; filch from their businesses, and rummage through the piteous intimate effects of people dead and dispossessed ~ilana

In the world of patronage, it doesn’t get much worse. The United States is at Israel’s elbow—it is a cobelligerent: In actively sustaining Israel’s armed forces, and running diplomatic interference for its politicians; America is acting as Israel’s “principal sponsor,” complicit in war crimes, signaling  to the Jewish State that it will let it continue to its evil endgame.

As I ventured in January, the issuance of the equivalent of a legal cease-and-desist or a restraining order against a violent offender, Israel, is urgent and long overdue. It’s already too late for Gaza as a habitable landmass.

While progressives lauded the International Court of Justice (ICJ), my perspective about the Court’s indecision, some months back, was dimmer. (Disgust, actually.) Unfocused as I was on legalistic definitions of genocide; it was obvious to me that, what was indubitably mass murder and ethnic cleansing—crimes that are in process and ongoing—had to be stopped right away. A violent offender, a serial killer, must be stopped; not cautioned and observed!

Were the International Court of Justice an effective and just organization it would have issued some sort of binding cease and desist order, some manner of restraining order, if you will, instructing the Israel Defense Forces, the Devil’s emissaries on earth, to stop its depredations.

Another international tribunal, the International Criminal Court (ICC), had “issued, in March of 2023, warrants of arrest, no less “for two individuals in the context of the situation in Ukraine,” one of whom was Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation, who was being sought for war crimes.

With respect to Israel, the inept International Court of Justice appears compromised.

For in a just society, the moral strictures that apply to the individual must also extend to the collective. Immoral acts that are forbidden severally cannot be sanctioned collectively. If the citizen must not murder; neither should The State, any state.


A Security Council resolution not defanged by the US could have included a call for diplomatic, military, political, and economic sanctions, the freezing of Israeli assets, the deployment of a protection force, and the establishment of a tribunal for future prosecution ~ilana

In its uncontested superiority, the United States has asserted, moreover, that the UN ceasefire resolution is “non-binding.” “Completely false,” fumes international law expert Graig Mokhiber, in an interview, March 26, with Amy Goodman of “Democracy Now!” And I paraphrase Mr. Mokhiber:

It is black-letter law in the U.N. Charter that all members of the United Nations are bound to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council. The Charter, in Article 25, and in subsequent decisions of the International Court of Justice, has made it indisputable that Security Council resolutions are binding for all member states.

Not only is the last ceasefire resolution binding, but it opens up an opportunity, given that Israel is in breach of it, to table a resolution for enforcement under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, which “empowers the Security Council to orchestrate … collective actions … through a Military Staff Committee.”

A Security Council resolution not defanged by the United States could include a call for corporeal action: diplomatic, military, political, and economic sanctions, the freezing of Israeli assets, the deployment of a protection force, and the establishment of a tribunal for future prosecution. …

... READ THE COMPLETE ESSAY:  “Israel: In Violation Of God’s Law, Natural Justice, The Laws Of War & All Customary International Humanitarian Law.”

Israel’s ANTIFA (Still Saner Than America’s) Marches Against Parliamentary Representation And For Judicial Supremacy

Democracy, Israel, Justice, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, The Courts

That power may tilt toward the people’s elected officials, rather than remain in the hands of unelected judges, terrifies the illiberal Israeli Left ~ilana

When there is a hint of “danger” that the balance of power will tilt toward “the people’s elected officials, rather than remain in the hands of unelected judges“—the Wokerati has a collective grand mal. That is “a form of epilepsy characterized by loss of consciousness for up to five minutes and violent convulsions.” (Free Dictionary)

This is what’s underway on Israel’s streets.

All with the same hysteria America’s Wokerati reserves for anti-MAGA America.

To its credit, Israel’s ANTIFA is civilized and intelligent, but similar in its aims. They lost. So the dummies are aflutter.

Yet, unlike America’s ANTIFA, Israel’s Wokerati is not howling, stripping, discussing its reproductive orifices, inventing pronouns, and burning the country down. Credit for this we shall accord them. Instead, the Israeli Wokerati is showing its consternation with weak, one-sided, baleful argument and cries of despair (joy!)

The Knesset has reclaimed some power of representation. Parliament has democratically reduced the powers of a woke, hyperactive Judiciary. Over this, the usual Israeli and US culprits are foaming at the mouth.  The Left, stateside, wants Israel to continue to be a US clone—a mere American satellite state. Israel’s Supreme Court better serves these ultra-progressive forces than its parliament.

That power may tilt toward the people’s elected officials, rather than remain in the hands of unelected judges, terrifies the illiberal Israeli Left.

The Vox reporting linked in my brief blog post is hyperbolic, apoplectic and as close to Fake News as it gets.

* Woke is always flabby. Screen pic via Mother Jones

NEWS On A LOOP: Same Old Same. Police Forsakes Victims Mid-Crime. GOP Loses Over Abortion

Abortion, Argument, Crime, Democrats, Elections, Individual Rights, Law, Republicans, Taxation, Terrorism

WHEN THE WRONG ISSUES ARE FOCAL, more wrong is enabled.

The scandal, Tucker Carlson, is not that swimming champion Riley Gaines was terrorized by trans terrorists. A is A. Terrorists terrorize.

THE REAL STORY is that law enforcement is AWOL in protecting the public from domestic terrorism caught mid-action.

A CRIME IS IN PROGRESS. An event that is paid for by a host has been disrupted, invaded, a guest chased and assaulted. In a country that is not crime and thug-friendly—high-pressure water cannons would be used to disperse violent crowds; protestors who are fighting and visiting bodily harm on peaceful others are packed into police vans and booked for related offenses.

Astoundingly, law enforcement has few qualms about forsaking the victims of crime mid-crime.

The scandal missed or glossed over in this Tucker Carlson Tonight segment is that law enforcement stands down. ALWAYS. They did so—betrayed the public—during the Summer of Love in 2020 (See “The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes From The Sacking of America” & “Bring In The Feds! Protection Of Natural Rights Trumps Federalism“). And have continued to do so.

We regular taxpayers pay for law enforcement’s upkeep. But they consistently refuse to uphold their oath of office and DO THEIR JOB. Police are beholden to the public, not to the man or woman in office.

Another topic I revisit wearily: Wisconsin voters poll conservative on major positions, YET voted for a progressive supreme court judge, Janet Protasiewicz, over the Republican Justice Dan Kelly, because:

“Amid the collapse of the American civilization, Republicans are most concerned with preserving the enemy’s embryos.”

ABORTION: Nobody except busybodies cares if Democrat distaff scrape their wombs. (See “Should Deranged, Moronic Females Really Be Procreating?“) Even if one cared—and at some point one does care, as abortion is a very sad affair—there is no point. As the columns linked here argue cogently, the body over which busybodies wish to exercise dominion IS JUST NOT YOURS TO CONTROL. It’s the property of someone else.

UPDATED (1/11): Is Diana West Investigating ‘Just Another Mouth in the Republican Fellatio Machine’? Dunno

Argument, Conservatism, Conspiracy, Government, Israel, Law, Political Philosophy, Sex, The State

People who are killed or entombed by the state’s emissaries are usually not that powerful

Diana West, one of the few writers with whom I check back every now and then as she deserves dwindling energies, offers this tease on her website:

I decided to take the Whitney Webb challenge and fact-check the endnotes of her new book, ‘One Nation Under Blackmail (Vol. 1).’ Here, at my Patreon channel, are my initial results.

The link takes the reader to Diana’s Patreon home, to which, alas, one has to sign up.  “Signing-up” always feels like “signing away” something or another.

The Patreon post is titled “Fact Checking [Whitney Webb’s’] Salacious Endnotes (Someone’s Gotta Do It).”

No idea what Diana found, but I know that the low-watt Webb woman doesn’t warrant my own energies. Most of the Internet’s news porn does not. Quality output, my own, over decades without much appreciation exhausts. Worthy individuals will find that fact worth respecting, and recognize that I’m uninterested in addressing the Internet’s commentary crap or the dummy du jour, anointed fleetingly by elderly conservatives as Delphic oracle. Pelt me all you wish with questions about my own voluminous, wide-ranging writings—good or bad. Those I will happily address.

I’ve been around those fleeting brain infarcts long enough to ignore “Just Another Mouth in the Republican Fellatio Machine” (Yes, that title found a home <smile.> And, by the way, where is S.E. Cupp?)

These days, American publishers, as anatomized in the Foreword to Into the Cannibal’s Pot, published on VDARE, no longer publish important texts, but, rather, those written by popular dummies, as determined and selected according to social-media following and favor curried with equally loud, influential, TV mouths, for this reason:

Sidekick X, Y, Z (mostly interchangeable) is on TV, weighing in on weighty matters, because however hard she and her ilk try, they cannot outsmart their hosts

I can’t say for sure, and I might be wrong—but, from her use of “salacious,” I gather Diana is unimpressed.

A solid reference with respect to the Security and Surveillance State is Glenn Greenwald (if raw intelligence matters any more). He’s a good investigator, whose end-notes are unlikely to be “salacious”, and, to the extent his theoretical constraints allow—his deductions too are solid. Greenwald’s best work, of course, was in facilitating Edward Snowden’s revelations—not that it did any long-term good—and ferrying him to safety.

Thank You For Your Service, Mr. Snowden

Naturally, I’ll listen to Diana’s dispassionate analysis pertaining to said end-notes if she provides it.

However, an author can provide end notes that check out, while still using the data to string together a poor, phantasmagorical thesis. Thus, Diana’s verdict matters on the matter of the data, but  this will not change my own sense of the “thesis” underlying Webb’s Epstein, Israel and Ghislaine Maxwell nexus:

My antenna is not even up. The root of all evil is not in Epstein and his ho. Did they serve the powerful? Yes. Did they imagine they were powerful? I suppose. They are both dead–Ghislaine, poor woman, is as good as dead.

In this connection, an important book to write would be on the loss of due process and the rules of evidence. Paul Craig Roberts wrote the first installation. It is he, not dumbo distaff at large, that ought to be paid to write a second volume, analyzing as I often do, the final death knell dealt to Law by MeToo movementarians, the same species of “due process” that has entombed Maxwell.

In all, people who are killed or entombed by the state’s emissaries are usually not that powerful.

As I say in my blog post, “Ghislaine Maxwell: Not Evidence-Based Law, But MeToo, Sexual Moral Panic,” I didn’t support the couple’s prosecution.

Consider: Matt Gaetz is also libeled now as a so-called pedo, for cavorting with young greedy gals. Mind you, he’s been smeared as a sex trafficker, no less, since he traveled with one willing lass on an airplane. Crossing state lines with a young, willing woman I guess is a crime in Police State USA. Tragic.

The state, overt and deep, is corrupt, and that includes the Israeli state, although Israel distinguishes itself by not dispossessing its own; the Jewish state acts in self-interest. That’s the real scandal: the treason of the Anglo-European Axis. Anything else is a distraction to me.

UPDATED (1/11): Diana West, author of the superb American Betrayal, has promised to provide us with her forensic examination of the “history” of low-watt Whitney Webb. Not that I doubted them—but my instincts have been confirmed. Stay on this page.