Category Archives: Law

UPDATED (1/11): Is Diana West Investigating ‘Just Another Mouth in the Republican Fellatio Machine’? Dunno

Argument, Conservatism, Conspiracy, Government, Israel, Law, Political Philosophy, Sex, The State

People who are killed or entombed by the state’s emissaries are usually not that powerful

Diana West, one of the few writers with whom I check back every now and then as she deserves dwindling energies, offers this tease on her website:

I decided to take the Whitney Webb challenge and fact-check the endnotes of her new book, ‘One Nation Under Blackmail (Vol. 1).’ Here, at my Patreon channel, are my initial results.

The link takes the reader to Diana’s Patreon home, to which, alas, one has to sign up.  “Signing-up” always feels like “signing away” something or another.

The Patreon post is titled “Fact Checking [Whitney Webb’s’] Salacious Endnotes (Someone’s Gotta Do It).”

No idea what Diana found, but I know that the low-watt Webb woman doesn’t warrant my own energies. Most of the Internet’s news porn does not. Quality output, my own, over decades without much appreciation exhausts. Worthy individuals will find that fact worth respecting, and recognize that I’m uninterested in addressing the Internet’s commentary crap or the dummy du jour, anointed fleetingly by elderly conservatives as Delphic oracle. Pelt me all you wish with questions about my own voluminous, wide-ranging writings—good or bad. Those I will happily address.

I’ve been around those fleeting brain infarcts long enough to ignore “Just Another Mouth in the Republican Fellatio Machine” (Yes, that title found a home <smile.> And, by the way, where is S.E. Cupp?)

These days, American publishers, as anatomized in the Foreword to Into the Cannibal’s Pot, published on VDARE, no longer publish important texts, but, rather, those written by popular dummies, as determined and selected according to social-media following and favor curried with equally loud, influential, TV mouths, for this reason:

Sidekick X, Y, Z (mostly interchangeable) is on TV, weighing in on weighty matters, because however hard she and her ilk try, they cannot outsmart their hosts

I can’t say for sure, and I might be wrong—but, from her use of “salacious,” I gather Diana is unimpressed.

A solid reference with respect to the Security and Surveillance State is Glenn Greenwald (if raw intelligence matters any more). He’s a good investigator, whose end-notes are unlikely to be “salacious”, and, to the extent his theoretical constraints allow—his deductions too are solid. Greenwald’s best work, of course, was in facilitating Edward Snowden’s revelations—not that it did any long-term good—and ferrying him to safety.

Thank You For Your Service, Mr. Snowden

Naturally, I’ll listen to Diana’s dispassionate analysis pertaining to said end-notes if she provides it.

However, an author can provide end notes that check out, while still using the data to string together a poor, phantasmagorical thesis. Thus, Diana’s verdict matters on the matter of the data, but  this will not change my own sense of the “thesis” underlying Webb’s Epstein, Israel and Ghislaine Maxwell nexus:

My antenna is not even up. The root of all evil is not in Epstein and his ho. Did they serve the powerful? Yes. Did they imagine they were powerful? I suppose. They are both dead–Ghislaine, poor woman, is as good as dead.

In this connection, an important book to write would be on the loss of due process and the rules of evidence. Paul Craig Roberts wrote the first installation. It is he, not dumbo distaff at large, that ought to be paid to write a second volume, analyzing as I often do, the final death knell dealt to Law by MeToo movementarians, the same species of “due process” that has entombed Maxwell.

In all, people who are killed or entombed by the state’s emissaries are usually not that powerful.

As I say in my blog post, “Ghislaine Maxwell: Not Evidence-Based Law, But MeToo, Sexual Moral Panic,” I didn’t support the couple’s prosecution.

Consider: Matt Gaetz is also libeled now as a so-called pedo, for cavorting with young greedy gals. Mind you, he’s been smeared as a sex trafficker, no less, since he traveled with one willing lass on an airplane. Crossing state lines with a young, willing woman I guess is a crime in Police State USA. Tragic.

The state, overt and deep, is corrupt, and that includes the Israeli state, although Israel distinguishes itself by not dispossessing its own; the Jewish state acts in self-interest. That’s the real scandal: the treason of the Anglo-European Axis. Anything else is a distraction to me.

UPDATED (1/11): Diana West, author of the superb American Betrayal, has promised to provide us with her forensic examination of the “history” of low-watt Whitney Webb. Not that I doubted them—but my instincts have been confirmed. Stay on this page.

US Extends Vaccine Passport Requirement To Enter Country, As The World Drops Requirement

Canada, Constitution, COVID-19, Criminal Injustice, Democracy, Democrats, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Individual Rights, Israel, Law, Propaganda, Regulation, Republicans, The State

Naturally, if you are among the millions crossing the Rio Grande illegally into the United States, are of a swarthy complexion and can produce a current, up-to-date rap-sheet, as well as valid, reliably low IQ and literacy scores—you may enter the US no questions asked, all expenses covered

…Nobody expects our representatives to work for their pay, as in make a difference in the lives of their constituents. Politics being an extension of the cellphone Selfie; a good TV appearance or a ‘feisty’ tweet is considered as good as work

Unvaccinated non-citizens are still barred from entering the Evil Empire’s territory, despite the fact that it has been widely accepted by the criminally negligent Covid cartel that the vaccines—issued under and Emergency Use Authorizations, absent longitudinal clinical studies and while exempting vaccine makers from product liability—are ineffectual and might be dangerous.

As of November 2022,

eligible international visitors must [still] have a current Covid-19 vaccination to enter the country.

As of Thursday, April 21, 2022, DHS will extend COVID-19-related land border entry requirements. Non-U.S. travelers seeking to enter the United States via land ports of entry and ferry terminals at the U.S.-Mexico and U.S.-Canada borders are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and provide proof of vaccination upon request.

Defund and abolish TSA and DHS (established by Genghis Bush Republicans, if memory serves).

The human detritus known as the US president had, originally, On October 25, 2021, … issued a Proclamation requiring that non-U.S. citizen show proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before traveling by air to the United States from a foreign country.

The famed CDC—so institutionally rotten that it now is regularly usurped by Israeli research— (“Israeli study: Natural immunity gives better protection than COVID shot” 8/2021) has extended that restriction to 2023.

Naturally, if you are among the millions crossing the Rio Grande illegally into the United States, are of a swarthy complexion and can produce a current, up-to-date rap-sheet, as well low scores on IQ and literacy tests—you may enter the US no questions asked, all expenses covered.

The Evil Empire is among the last countries to persist in extending the Covid tyranny. And don’t be fooled by Republican campaign foreplay. They looked the other way during the commission of Covid-related constitutional infractions and they continue to do nothing.

I’ve come to believe that our US elected representatives think their role is to tweet their outrage (we’ve got that covered, @laurenboebert). Or, rant flamboyantly on the Tucker Carlson show.

Notice that no TV bobble-head EVER asks these people, “What are you doing about said urgent matter? Tell us how you mean to work for the people to repeal Covid tyranny,” for instance.

Why? Because nobody expects our representatives to work for their pay, as in make a difference in the lives of the constituents. Politics being an extension of the cellphone Selfie; a good TV appearance or a ‘feisty’ tweet is considered as good as work.

I suspect that the intellectual quality of our representatives and the voters has so degraded—that both voters and candidates know not the channels and ropes through which to act on our behalf. The American federal scheme is no longer straightforward.

Note how Boeberts speaks like an outsider to power, like one of us, when she is an insider. A tweet by an elected representative like herself should go something as follows:

“X is an outrage, in violation of … and flouting all the scientific evidence. I intend to call on … and make sure the Republican caucus does … ”

But no. Colorado Representative Boebert, and many of her colleagues, conducts herself as though she’s just a girl tweeting out to her followers on twatter.  American democracy is an idiocracy.


*Image screen shot credit

UPDATED (8/25): Remember: The UniParty Equals Treason, Always

America, Conservatism, Democracy, Democrats, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Inflation, Law, Republicans, Taxation

There is only one single political verity you need to bear in mind, as the TV bobble-heads speak at you about the worthy Republican electoral sweep ahead: The UniParty, and those who carry water for it, equals treason, always.

All you need to know about the depredations on the open, southern border, about inflation, and the scandal of armed IRS agents who, in addition to fleecing you without flinching, are now ready to fire on you, is this:

Fox News is dissembling about the change that is a-coming. Even if the GOP sweeps both chambers and nets the presidency, as it did in 2016, nothing much will change.

The $220 trillion (plus) in unfunded liabilities created under both Democrats and Republicans cannot be reversed. Too huge. The tipping point has been reached vis-a-vis spending and inflation. Besides, and

“Contrary to popular myth,” demurs James Ostrowski, “every Republican president since and including Herbert Hoover has increased the federal government’s size, scope or power—and usually all three. Include regulations and foreign policy, as well as budgets approved by a Republican Congress, and a picture begins to emerge of the Republican Party as a reliable engine of government growth.”

As to promises to “close the border’: Once illegals present at the border—they are never turned back, but are processed and released, a reality that is the legal creation of the UniParty. You can argue all you wish that immigration law does not sanction what’s occurring on the South-Western border, but it is a fact that the Republicans have allowed this practice of the law to prevail, and the GOP conducts itself as if this is de facto law.

Accordingly, any claimant other than a white South African can arrive at that border, do his Les Misérables act, claim to face a “credible fear” back home, get a court date, and then bolt like so many rabbits, to be seen again only at the voting booth, the welfare office, the DMV and at DACA demonstrations. These “credible fear” incomers are also the malcontents holding up signs that read “America is racist.”

Whether this is the case or not in law, Democrats and Republicans alike behave as if the law actually dictates that invaders-cum-“refugees” are to be processed and never expelled, from the USA. That’s all you need to know.

The GOP, when it controlled both chambers and the presidency in 2016, had not voided the “credible fear” standard of open-border immigration, normalized by both parties. It won’t in the future, if past is prologue.

Deficits and national debt will not be reduced under the GOP; only the rate at which they grow will be manipulated by the Uniparty for public consumption.

And not one armed-and-dangerous IRS agent hired by the Dems will ever be fired by GOPers.

Remember: the UniParty = treason

UPDATE (8/25): “Succession” [sic]

Solutions are to be found against and outside of politics, in informal acts of secession.  (Or, “succession” [sic] as Victor Davis Hanson said on August 19 appallingly, on Fox News, at the 4:00 PM slot. Acolytes of the Church of Lincoln struggle to say or pronounce the word secession. CNN’s Don Lemon also says “succession.” Maybe they think it’s from the verb to “succeed.” No, it’s from “secede.” I give up if Hanson can’t speak English.)

Planning and creating real communities of the like-minded. Forging reality on the ground. We the People–as in pockets of civil society–not the politicians.

* Screen pic credit

UPDATE III (8/13/022): Trump Raided: Fate Of The 4th Amendment & Due Process In Police State USA

Celebrity, Constitution, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Law, Music, South-Africa

UPDATE III (8/13/022):  TAKE NOTE: “The American Gestapo A.K.A. FBI” by Paul Craig Roberts: DOJ, Judiciary, FBI: “…none of these people are good people. They are not people we can have any confidence in. These are not people we would let our sons and daughters marry. These are very bad people. Yet these very bad people are in control of our lives. ..”


Ashleigh Banfield of News Nation, ACTUALLY covers the raid of Trump’s Florida mansion, whereas other leftist channels are lying low. Waiting to have the matter focus-group tested given the impending primaries? I bet they are.

Banfield lets a conservative radio mouth, one Bill Cunningham, roar about 4th Amendment violations and the revolt the raid will ignite among Deplorables, all crucial points.

News Nation clearly provides more substantial coverage than does Fox News, which, unlike Cunningham, hardly mentions the Constitution, and only rabbits on about how unprecedented the raid is and about logistics, such as:

“If only the FBI coordinated better with Trump”.

Fox is also indulging in “what aboutism”, namely, “If this were Hillary Clinton… blah, blah”.  As I said, nothing substantial. These people aren’t smart. Tucker excepted, Fox News is about ratings, not deep reflection.

Violations of due process, in the case of the Mar-a-Lago raid today, in search of classified material and presidential records removed,  have become more common in police state America than in Apartheid-era South Africa, which, as chronicled in Into The Cannibal’s Pot, was unsurprisingly legalistic and by-the-book. But then, rooted in Roman-Dutch law, South Africa was a minority ruled, first world civilization at the tip of Africa.

UPDATE II (8/9/022):  Fox News continues to voice support for the “men and women of the FBI.” It’s only those at the top who stink, said a guest agent. Speechless. The FBI is among the most corrupt government agencies.

When in recent memory has the FBI stopped an attack on the homeland other than attacks originating in its own entrapment schemes, where a low-IQ Abdul is persuaded to purchase explosives from the FBI “for Jihad” and then is “caught” in the act. A presser follows. (HERE)

The FBI is progressive to its core.  And Trump hired the last of its major swamp creatures. President Trump hired Christopher Wray, whose heroes, as stated in his confirmation hearings, are Directors Robert Mueller and James Comey. How did Trump imagine Christopher Wray, who looks up to the two and swam in the same polluted waters, would reform the FBI? (“Hiring Another Swamp Creature For The FBI“)

Michelle Malkin offers an excellent summary of FBI depredation in “FBI: Feds Behaving Incorrigibly.

Notes in the margins:

RIP Olivia Newton John. She had had breast cancer. It always comes back to claim its victims, eventually. “Seize the day” has become a cliché, but it should not be. The passing of a vital, rather young woman is a reminder of how often we squander the gifts and opportunities we are afforded, because we would rather play it safe than experience life to the fullest.

I loved this one: Olivia Newton John, 1974, “I Honestly Love You”:

So-called musicians today lack the emotional depth, the facility with language and the skill (for chord progression) to compose a love song. When we were growing up, these kinds of aching tunes were in abundance.

UPDATE (8/9/022): Another youngish woman felled, aged 64: veteran anchor Uma Pemmaraju. Time is something we run out of fast.

Original Fox News Channel Anchor Uma Pemmaraju Dies at 64