Category Archives: Iran

PODCAST: ‘Iran Tries To Restore Regional Balance; Israel Continues To Murder And Get Away With Murder’

Ethics, Foreign Policy, Individual Rights, Iran, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Military, Neoconservatism, War

In “Iran Tries To Restore Regional Balance; Israel Continues To Murder And Get Away With Murder,” a HARD TRUTH podcast, David Vance and I have a heated discussion about Iran’s response, on April 13 and 14, to Israel’s murder of senior commanders in Damascus, on April 1. Six other Iranian nationals and six Syrian citizens were assassinated. In all, Israel murdered 13 people in its April 1 strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus.

I detail Israel’s lengthy, illegal, immoral and extra-judicial assassination program against Iranian civilians and military ongoing for decades, coupled as it is with Israeli cyberterrorism directed at Iran’s infrastructure and state apparatus.

All things considered, I think Iran’s restraint was quite commendable in launching what was a theatrical, victimless, precision attack on Israeli military targets alone. This was the first time Teheran had directly struck Israel proper. Israel, conversely, regularly strikes on Iranian soil.

All the more so is Teheran’s restraint commendable considering that its attempt to make a point, as it deescalated a conflict begun by Israel in Damascus, occurs against the backdrop of a US-led crippling program of sanctions and embargoes directed at the Iranian people, and Israel’s American-backed and sponsored mass killing and land confiscation programs underway in Gaza and the West Bank.

Both myself and David Vance agree that the Israel First neoconservatives have always aimed at regime change in Iran. David, however, pushes back: He sees even greater forces at work in creating global chaos.


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UPDATED (10/14): NEW COLUMN: Hamas, Israel And The Anatomy Of State Treason

Ethics, Foreign Policy, Iran, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Middle East, Military, Morality, Neoconservatism, Relatives, Terrorism, The State, War

NEW ESSAY, “Hamas, Israel And The Anatomy Of State Treason,” has been published at The New American, The Unz Review and WND.COM. As you see from its headings—LOW TECH INVASION, MAGA AND ISRAEL, TREASON, DEPLOYING GIZMOS TO GAZA, GEOPOLITICS, TREASON IN THE HOMELAND—it is a wide-ranging analysis contextualized to the American homeland. This analysis is of the backdrop to the treasonous abrogation of Israeli citizens’ rights to life, liberty and property, by the security entities, the IDF and the Israeli intelligence community, who were entrusted to uphold these natural, G-d-given rights.




Witnessed in Israel on October 7 was the utter forsaking by the State of its most elementary—and only—obligations to the citizenry: Defend their natural rights to life, liberty and property.

Seventy-two hours on, and a top banana for the Israeli Defense Forces was blaming Hamas for duping Israeli “experts.” D’oh! Why of course: After all, it is expected that a blood-lusting cabal of satanical sub-humans would apprise targets of its comings-and-goings.

Ok, but if you’re deaf and dumb, why not heed Egyptian intelligence, whose officials now claim Israel ignored repeated warnings that “something big” was going down? Google the phrase “What went wrong?” and you’ll discover that the patsy press has received Israeli officialdom’s memo. The efforts of the State to deflect blame, to reject responsibility for treason, have begun. Thus was Danny Dannon, another top banana, recounting to BBC’s HARDtalk what terrible characters are the Hamasniks. D’oh! Again.

Stendhal, a French writer, said there was no hypocrisy in mathematics. Hamas is mathematically honest about what it wants to do to all Jews.

It is the custodians of Israeli security whose calculus is off. If you correctly think Hamas is so horrible, why had Israel opted to deploy gizmos to the border with Gaza?


As your columnist divulged in 2008, Israel opted for “Robo-Snipers” instead of flesh-and-blood men and women. The nation’s “19- and 20-year-old soldiers” were still deployed to the front—but virtually. They sit at a safe distance “behind computer screens,” waiting on “approval by a commanding officer” before “pushing the kill button.”

Yes, Israel automated the process of defense against Gaza, creating a set of “auto kill-zones” “by networking together remote-controlled machine guns, ground sensors, and drones along the 60-kilometer border.”

Gizmos are useless against the stuff of Gaza—and Latin America, for that matter. In 2005, with great enthusiasm from the Israeli Left, Gaza was given over to the dogs of war, Hamas and their avid constituents. Despite the fertile, coastal land they were handed, the precious ground water they sit on, and generous international assistance, the place soon went to the dogs. Egypt, Jordan and Israel are all terrified to open their borders to the seething snake pit that is Gaza.

It matters not whether you think the cauldron of cruelty that is Gaza created its inhabitants or whether it’s the obverse. The reality is that every nation in the region fears the Gazans. Nobody in the region wants immigrants from Gaza—although given the US Uniparty’s appetite for progressive, smug preening (aka treason); one can envisage Gaza being air lifted to America by the same Special Ops forces who rushed to import Afghanistan. In any event, hearth and home are best defended by men, military or militia, on the ground, carrying guns and grenades.

Besides, all defense systems are fallible and finite in their capacity. Air-defense systems fail. The Russians have the best possible air-defense system, yet they too, on occasion, are overwhelmed by barrages of British cruise missiles supplied to a flailing Ukraine.

If military experts were doing the work currently done by neophyte chicklet reporters; they’d explain, in newspapers like The Hill, that no defense system can intercept 3000 missiles lobbed all at once. Instead of military experts, alas, we have girls cutting-and-pasting from Wikipedia about Israel’s Iron Dome air missile defense system.

Digital docility was never going to ward off a hissing enclave like Gaza, where people, young and old, writhe in hate (watch the children of Gaza bully a Jewish little boy held captive).


… Not unlike the United States, Hamas aims to disrupt any productive, cooperative alliances arising out of the forging of regional powers in the Middle East, and has thus made its malign presence felt. …

READ THE REST … “Hamas, Israel And The Anatomy Of State Treason” can now be read, free of pop-up ads, satanical antisemitism, and other such grotesque spam, on  A warrior is unafraid of Little Men and their impotent hatred.


NEW COLUMN: Win Or Die: Ukraine’s America-Engineered ‘Options’

Foreign Policy, Iran, Iraq, Multiculturalism, Neoconservatism, Russia, War

America has engineered Ukraine’s current existential reality to dislodge Vladimir Putin ~ilana

By America’s prescriptions, Russia should be a woke, minority white, multicultural sewer, awash with MeToo, BLM, and ANTIFA sensibilities ~ilana

NEW COLUMN is “Win Or Die: Ukraine’s America-Engineered ‘Options’.” It is a feature on The New American, The Unz Review, and WND.

Now on


… America has engineered Ukraine’s current existential reality by purging the pursuit of diplomacy and peace from its duties as the world Super Power. Mention of a negotiated truce between Ukraine and Russia is practically labeled treason by the command-and-control US media.

That the Ukraine-Russia “war is the health of the US State” was top-of-mind with one Dan Sullivan, Republican representative from Alaska, on August 3.

Following a recent NATO Summit, which determined that faithful stooge Ukraine would not be rewarded with NATO membership—Fox News, an establishment shill, entertained Sullivan for a comment.

With a demented grin you’d expect to see on a patient with end-stage syphilis (a career-destroying line I used on Genghis Bush in 2003)— Sullivan griped that Ukraine has not yet won. The question was not Ukraine’s admission into NATO, said this Republican reptile; the question was Ukraine vanquishing Russia.

“Win or die, dummies” is what Ukrainians are being instructed by the US UniParty, its NATO marionettes and their leader Zelensky, who is protected by the above forces.

The “win or die” policy imperialism, vis-à-vis Ukraine, was seconded, on August 7, by Joni Ernst, junior senator from Iowa. Ernst proves, in the end, that it is as Dr. Johnson said: “There is no settling the point of precedency between a louse and a flea.” Neoconservative or neoliberal; louse or flea, a pest is a pest is a pest.


The words of this particular political pest were as follows, and I paraphrase their gist accurately with added cynical embellishment:

Once Republicans explain to Americans the nature of the mission to Iraq, oops, Ukraine—yes, where have we heard such Machiavellian GOP rhetoric before?—The People, being boobs, will somehow get behind the mission.

“Shock-‘n-awe of the old days,” beamed Joni. That will garner support for the war in Ukraine. …

No worries, Joni. America’s top pundits are with the pols. On August 5, also on Fox News, Victor Davis Hanson turned in his standard neoconservative performance. He critiqued Obama for the scant good 44 did: returning to Iran monies stolen by the American government and maintaining diplomacy with—rather than warring against—Russia. …

… THE REST. Win Or Die: Ukraine’s America-Engineered ‘Options’ can be read on The New American, The Unz Review, and WND.

Now on


NEW COLUMN: Forget Iran, China And Hunter: Americans Are Suffering

COVID-19, Crime, Foreign Policy, IMMIGRATION, Iran, Latin American, Neoconservatism, Race, Republicans, Technology

NEW COLUMN, “Forget Iran, China And Hunter: Americans Are Suffering,” is currently featured on WND, The Unz Review, The New American. It’s scheduled on

And is now on


… Eddies of passion now flow from the conservative commentariat to the Chinese locked down by their government. And for Iranian women locked behind the hijab. Iran is no great shakes. China is terrible. But how dare our “thought leaders” agitate at cyclone strength for Chinese and Iranian protesters, yet offer a collective yawn over liberty sundered at home!

Americans have endured lockdowns, still battle vaccine mandates, cannot unite with unvaccinated friends and family outside the US and are subjected to FBI raids and other Security State surveillance.

The pincer for the person bucking orthodoxy comes when, with state acquiescence, corporate thought police cancels nonconformists, publicly shames and financially ousts them. Jan. 6 protesters and other prisoners of conscience are denied their due process rights. Other than Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican from Georgia, no representatives intervene on their behalf. Libertarian activist Julian Assange is slowly being murdered by the Anglo-American axis of evil for exposing its machinations; and Americans are maimed and murdered daily by a sinecured, coddled criminal class, imported or hot-housed here at home by elected officials who reject the Sixth Commandment. …

It so happens that the real story in Iran is not the women and their nosebags—who, once in the US, become indistinguishable from our own woke witches, down to the tumbleweed hair and the banalities that tumble from their motor mouths. Rather, the real story is our successive, neoconservative administrations starving the Iranian people. If they can’t kill directly, the neocons of Foggy Bottom and DOJ, whichever party is in charge, steal from Iranians or starve ’em. …

… READ THE REST on WND, The Unz Review, The New American.