Egos In The Anchor’s Chair

Ann Coulter,Etiquette,IMMIGRATION,Journalism,Media


On the rare occasions that Fox News entertains edifying guests, the Ego in the Anchor’s Chair can’t help but make sure he or she is heard above all others.

A case in point: The Megyn Kelly extravaganza (my, is she becoming a waste of time). The woman invited Ann Coulter to educate one of the stupidest men on TV: Geraldo Rivera. Instead, Rivera was allowed to noodle on endlessly and Megyn stole precious time from Ms. Coulter to work through her own ignorance of the word “polemicist” (which is also how my book is often described).

Sean Hannity’s act is way worse. The Egos have their clique. Larry Elder is not as close to Fox News’ hosts as Juan Williams is. The result: Hannity invited Williams to scream over Elder. Why is this good TV? Why don’t their ratings suffer?