His Holiness Eric Holder

Constitution,Crime,Federalism,Homeland Security,Law,Terrorism


Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., was unequivocal today in asserting Executive branch supremacy and his own omniscience in the matter of the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his four, 9/11 co-conspirators. (Transcript.) Recall, Holder’s preference was for the federal courts to try the case. “[O]ur justice system,” he stated today, “would have performed with the same distinction that has been its hallmark for over two hundred years.” (Here’s one example of that justice.) Alas, Holder’s all-knowing self—he informed FoxNews’ reporter, and I paraphrase, “Yes, I do know best”—was frustrated:

Unfortunately, since I made that decision, Members of Congress have intervened and imposed restrictions blocking the administration from bringing any Guantanamo detainees to trial in the United States, regardless of the venue. As the President has said, those unwise and unwarranted restrictions undermine our counterterrorism efforts and could harm our national security. Decisions about who, where and how to prosecute have always been – and must remain – the responsibility of the executive branch. Members of Congress simply do not have access to the evidence and other information necessary to make prosecution judgments. Yet they have taken one of the nation’s most tested counterterrorism tools off the table and tied our hands in a way that could have serious ramifications. We will continue to seek to repeal those restrictions.

5 thoughts on “His Holiness Eric Holder

  1. james huggins

    Holder is nothing more than a front man for Obama’s radical left, racial superiority agenda. Both of them and their many accomplices in the government have openly pushed their agenda since day one. Most of the public is too brainwashed to recognize the game being played. The cowardly Republicans are too afraid of charges of racism and the media unashamedly supports them and shills for them. What is so frustrating is that Obama, Holder and crew aren’t the least bit shy about their radical attack on the country and nobody speaks up except a few right radicals in the blogosphere or talk radio. Of course the fore mentioned right radicals are only listened to by the choirs to which they preach.

  2. Bill Meyer

    “Decisions about who, where, and how to prosecute have always been – and must remain – the responsibility of the executive branch.” In my mind I add “and convict” after “prosecute”.

  3. Allan Erickson

    The only recourse for the incompetent, when found out, is demonizing and blaming others. In George Washington’s day, KSM would have faced a firing squad five days after capture and people like Holder would have been banished to practice law in Tripoli: preferred outcomes for both individuals in the present day. I vote for more people like Ilana Mercer, far fewer like Holder, and none like KSM.

  4. database design software

    It really is shameful that the country collectively wet itself over the idea of these reprobates being tried and jailed here. We are still number one in the world at putting people in prison and keeping them there. Ed rendell is right: we have become a nation of wussies!

  5. Myron Pauli

    Law has been turned largely into a Kabuki theater or game if the defense can afford to oppose the prosecutor. The more political the case, the bigger the stage and the bigger the theater. I’m not sure I found anything intrinsically objectionable in Holder’s statement but whatever farce occurs will have little if any resemblance to classical jurisprudence.

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