Monkey Mayor Kenney Sees No Evil, Speaks No Evil Of Islam

Islam,Jihad,Political Correctness,Terrorism


Among its many functions, the tyranny of political correctness serves as a shield for intellectual defectives like Philadelphia’s Democratic mayor, Jim Kenney. A cop got shot by a Muslim, today. “Muslim cop-shooter says he did it ‘in the name of Islam,'” writes Pamela Geller, “but Philly mayor says no, ‘does not represent’ Islam.’ You can’t make this stuff up. His cop is shot in the name of Islam and the mayor’s knee-jerk reaction is to protect Islam, not the cop.” MORE.

Correction: There is nothing “knee-jerk” about the dhimmitude of the mayor. It’s acquired, ingrained and meant to infect.

Just another day in la-la land, following in footsteps of the neutered Europeans, who encourage (by exculpating) the public, mass rape of their women.