UPDATED: Sarah Palin’s Devolution: Will It Rub Off On Donald Trump? (I Was Wrong)

Donald Trump,Elections,Sarah Palin


Regarding Sarah Palin’ endorsement of Donald Trump: She’s a great personality as an Alaskan, a mom, a hunter, runner, oil and gas ace (expertise she has never “tapped”), Big Oil enemy. For the rest, Palin’s life has taken on a reality-show flavor. And the spontaneous ability to connect with an audience has been replaced with a weird, disjointed quality.

Whoever has been choreographing poor Mrs. Palin’s public appearances of late has destroyed her natural charm. For some time now, Palin has been modulating her voice during appearances to sound like a preacher, lending it the cadence of a crazy person’s voice.

The there’s the governor’s propensity for rambling, run-off sentences, peppered with grating gerunds. Pearls of wisdom are often lost in the prolix.

And please don’t attack me for Palin’s devolution. Starting with “Sensational Sarah,” I’ve written oodles in praise of the original Palin persona, recommending that she “fashion herself as an expert, not as a generalist. On energy and environmental issues Palin is indeed an ace. When it comes to the ins-and-outs of the oil and gas industry—ownership, extraction, contracts and leases—Sarah Palin is as sharp as a tack.

As to Ms. Palin’s endorsement of Donald Trump; let’s see.