The Hateful Eric Holder

Barack Obama,Capitalism,Crime,Race,Racism


While he’s a legal positivist, a militarist, and loves Lincoln for every unpardonable crime Honest Abe ever committed—Mark Levin offers good commentary on a good many issues. Unlike the rest on radio, he’s smart. Today he nailed Eric Holder, who had rushed to Ferguson, Missouri, to racialize the shooting of Michael Brown, but who has said nothing on the murder of a string of white girls by, allegedly, one Jesse Matthew, a black man. Likewise, Obama is mum about “cops and soldiers coming under attack,” but wouldn’t shut up about his personal affinity for Trayvon Martin.

Admirable too is Levin’s ongoing offensive against establishment Republicans, Chris Cristie of late, and the “Chamber of Crony Capitalism,” whose business it is to collude with government to obtain corporate welfare and subsidies (amnesty) and undermine free-market capitalism. “They use the nomenclature of liberty,” says Levin, to bamboozle.

More on Mark:

“Secession, Not Convention, Offers Salvation”

“Conned About Marriage, Constitution And ‘States’ Rights'”

“Levin Claims Liberty’s Language”

“Natural Law Vs. The War Powers Resolution”