The Omen: Establishmentarian Paul Ryan Beats Rebel Paul Nehlen

Conservatism,Constitution,Donald Trump,Republicans


By caving to GOP pressure and supporting the Other Guy Who Never Built a Thing, Paul Ryan, Donald Trump helped return Ryan to the House.

The opponent, Paul Nehlen, 47 had “hard-line views on immigration. He espoused enthusiasm for Trump’s proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and said a discussion on deporting some Muslims was in order.” (WaPo)

For Ryan’s critics, the speaker’s victory represented an opportunity lost. Though they have long acknowledged that Nehlen’s insurgency was more quixotic than competitive, they had hoped that he would have come closer than he did Tuesday, believing that a strong finish would perhaps show Republicans nationally that the party’s Trump-aligned bloc was gaining. (WaPo)

The key words in Ryan’s acceptance blather: We want unity (totalitarians don’t brook differences). We’ll restore the lost constitution.

I put the lie to that bit of fiction in the introduction to “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed,” titled “Welcome to the Post Constitutional Jungle.”

The Constitution is a dead letter. There is no bringing it back from the dead, buried as it is under rooms full of legislation, statute and legal precedent. The Constitution is the box Republicans check when they want to con their constituents.

More of why the Constitution is dead in “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed.”