UPDATE II: Things To Watch Out For In The Staged, Republican Match (The Matinée)



Come the big kiddie debate tonight—if one can call these ridiculously timed performances debates—there are a number of things to watch out for in the Orwellian newspeak deployed by our media strumpets, when putting forth the pontifications, predictions and pronouncements that never pan out:

When these strumpets use the refrain, “Donald Trump will have to do x and y in order to convince people he is a serious candidate,” what they mean is to lay down the conditions he must fulfill for them—media—to take him a wee bit seriously.

The GOP base already takes Trump seriously.

The other thing: Watch out for my new related essay on WND.

Right now the “GOP underdogs [have] hit [the] stage looking for big breakout in first debate.”

UPDATE I: The Matinée.

Unremarkable. My impressions:

Carly Fiorina: I’ve already commented on her high intelligence and wonderful facility with words. She’s very bright (and I say this without agreeing with a single words she says. Wow: I can chew gun and walk, too*).

Lindsey Graham: All roads lead to Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and WAR. Who knew that the senator was 60 and unmarried? Hmm. A little journalistic shoe-leather here could prove delicious.

* To those robotic libertarains who will accuse me of daring to address the politics I reject and despise: I’m not lazy like you. I deal. With reality, that is.

UPDATE II: “How About Some LiveBlog?–Kid’s Table Edition.” Tom Knapp does a good job in providing much-needed text.