Ugly American Abroad

Africa,Environmentalism & Animal Rights,Ethics


“Hunting for sport is a barbaric practice suited for Esau, Nimrod and their ilk, and not for the merciful people of Israel.”Node Beyehuda, an authority in Jewish law (1713–1793).


Somehow one can understand the motives of the local Zimbabwean poachers in murdering Cecil The Lion: greed, need, abject poverty. Other than the thrill of the kill, American dentist Walter Palmer, on the other hand, had no justification for tricking, cornering and then killing Cecil The Magnificent. Those are the acts of a blood-thirsty coward, the definition of a canned lion hunt.

Broadcaster Dana Loesch is right to bring up motherf-cker Mugabe’s birthday party menu unmentioned by liberals.(Leave the Planned Parenthood fetuses out of this; one can and should be outraged by both the murder of Cecil and the barter in baby parts. There is no contradiction.) As I wrote at the time:

Question: What do you call a “person” who butchers and barbeques baby elephant?
Answer: A motherf-cker.

Lowbrow Robert Mugabe, as Foreign Policy has reported, “celebrated his 91st birthday followed by a lavish party with an exotic menu, reportedly including barbequed baby elephant. The brazen celebration was yet another reminder of the stark contrast between the increasingly venal lifestyles of the country’s politically-connected nouveau riche and regular Zimbabweans, who are now poorer than they were when Mugabe came to power nearly 35 years ago.”

RELATED “Just A Girl With A Gun; Not A Gratuitous Killer”

This too: “Zoo poisons lion cubs to cut costs”