UPDATE II (5/11): Weasel Words About The TRUMP Tax Plan

Business,Donald Trump,libertarianism,Private Property,Taxation


I thought I’d listen to some wise words from David Stockman about the Trump tax plan. Stockman is, after all, a hero of libertarians. Instead, I got an earful of weasel words.

I can’t listen to a “libertarian” prattle about “paying for tax cuts.” You’re no libertarian if you talk like this. Taxes are private property stolen. Tax cuts are private property returned to its rightful owners. Or, so we hope. “Paying for tax cuts”: These are weasel words.

Larry Kudlow, Stephen Moore (he wrote a book praising the Bush ‘ownership society,’ more candidly known as the mortgage bubble), anyone?

Corporate America, on the other hand, will benefit big time:

Reduction of rates, but no restructuring of the tax code:

Corporate America über alles.

This seems related, don’t you think?

UPDATE II (5/11):

Mainstream Media, don’t tell America. Trump Admin strikes a trade deal with China to boost exports & benefit the US!