Who Needs A Head Exam? Hillary Or The American People?

America,Elections,Hillary Clinton,Politics


We know what’s in Hillary’s head: corruption, statism, militarism, welfarism, multiculturalism, internationalism; naked ambition, and blood lust—on steroids. Even Hillary’s own husband would have fired her for incompetence, as was the fate of Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Defense Les Aspin, for failing in Somalia.

About the caliber of American ruling class, Fred Reed writes this:

“I can’t understand it. Out of three hundred million Americans, and lots of them went to school and can pretty much read, we get a slick minor pol out of Chicago for President and Pickle-Boy Kerry for Secretary of State, God knows why. Before that, we had Hillary, former First Housewife. Even god couldn’t explain that. And they throw their weight around just like they had some.”

The question is, what’s wrong with America? If it is indeed true and Mrs. Clinton’s favorability is as high as her acolytes in media say (47 percent)—then it is Americans who need their heads examined, not the “former First Housewife.”