Wrong, Trump, Islam Loves Us … To Bits

Donald Trump,IMMIGRATION,Islam,Terrorism


“Wrong, Trump, Islam Loves Us … To Bits” is the current column, now on WND (abridged). An (unabridged) excerpt:

“I think Islam hates us,” said Donald J. Trump days before the last, March 10 debate in Coral Gables, Miami.

To mainstream media, this was a body blow as big as the blasts at the Brussels airport and metro station, on March 22.

The debate moderator gave Trump room to retract. Or, rather, to furnish the religion-of-peace politically correct pieties supplied by John Kasich before Brussels, and Hillary Clinton after the latest murder-by-Muslim of 31 European innocents.

The Kasich-Clinton statements are interchangeable:

“Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.”

Trump plowed on. To the question, “Did you mean all … Muslims?” he replied by insisting that a large number of Islam’s 1.6 billion-strong nation—Ummah—are prepared, even poised, to “use very, very harsh means” against Americans, whom, oddly, he, Donald Trump, would dearly like to protect.

They’re talking about radical Islamic terrorism or radical Islam,” said Trump. “But I will tell you this. There’s something going on that maybe you don’t know about, maybe a lot of other people don’t know about.”

It’s in the “they” and the “but.” Trump, whose pronouns are often missing a subject, was likely questioning the competition’s habit of pairing “radical” with “Islamic terrorism.” For if Islam is radical, as he probably suspects, then the “radical” adjectival is redundant.

People are pacified by such pairings. They persist in using veiled language. We’re up against an “ideology,” they noodle. We have to fight the ISIS “ideology”—which happens to be the al-Qaida “ideology”; is the “ideology” shared by Boko Haram and the Al-Nusra front; and has been the “ideology” around which Islam has organized since the 7th century, without meaningful religious reformation.

The ISIS “ideology” “represents the natural and inevitable outgrowth of a faith that is given over to hate on a massive scale,” writes NRO’s David French. Surveys conducted across the Muslim world reveal that a majority of Muslims are virulent anti-Semites, those “far removed from the Arab–Israeli conflict” as well.

Well, of course. The vilest vitriol in the Qur’an is reserved for us Jewish “apes.”

“Enormous numbers of Muslims are terrorist sympathizers,” observes French. “Roughly 50 million” are sympathetic to ISIS. “In Britain, for example, more Muslims join ISIS than join the British army.” Overwhelmingly, the Muslims questioned held disgusting views. How can they not? “Polygamy and sexual slavery” (verse 4:3) and the violent subjugation of women (4:34) are commanded in their Holy Book, too.

Brian Kilmeade, a Fox News Channel personality—with all the cerebral deficiencies the affiliation portends—wrote a book, “Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates: The Forgotten War That Changed American History.” In it, to judge by a Factor interview he gave, late in 2015, Kilmeade co-opted Jefferson as a neocon, fighting 21st century America’s War On Terror.

Kilmeade’s silliest pronouncement during that interview was to say that the Muslim Tripoli Pirates had been practicing Islam in the way it was not meant to be practiced.

Did the Tripoli Pirates pirate The Authentic Islam, Mr. Kilmeade? If so, when in the course of its bloody history does The Authentic Islam kick-in?

Delve into the Qur’an, the hadith and the Sira, and it becomes abundantly clear: Islam is radical, has been for some time. …

… Read the rest. The complete column, “Wrong, Trump, Islam Loves Us … To Bits,” is now on WND.

The unabridged version will be on The Unz Review, Saturday morning.