‘Limping, Limp Republicans’



From my new, WND column, “Limping, Limp Republicans:

“I get the impression that Republicans are growing more flaccid by the day—and it’s not because John McCain, their presidential pick, blushes at the mention of masculinity-related medication.

McCain thinks you commune with God by amnestying illegal aliens. Time and again, the mushy McCain has scolded the few remaining plucky Republicans daring to defile the Democrats. …

Songbird Sen. Orrin Hatch is another tender heart. The Republican representative from Utah has been serenading “legendary liberal” Teddy Kennedy. …

That a popular women’s television show features females who’re soft in the head is to be expected. But, once again, the Republican led the way. …”

Read the rest “HERE.

9 thoughts on “‘Limping, Limp Republicans’

  1. EN

    I’ve seen this a lot with women and kids. When either group is questioned about the dog bringing them new shoes or eating their homework, they break down in wide-eyed hurt and cry about injustice. In the Republicans’ case they’ve done such a poor job of running things they have decided that “gettin’ weepy” is a great piece of misdirection. It’s not as if they can stand on their accomplishments with the economy coming undone and unwinable wars staring them in the face.

  2. Ray

    Memo to Erudites:

    Yes, I read your title clear (but you may have missed your title dear!)

    Not your fault though… far too many options from which to choose… you must have had an AWFUL time!!!

    You must have spent DAYS pacing back and forth, wringing the editorial digits before (respectfully) deciding to err on the side of caution and go with “presidential pick” instead of the obvious choice. [Hello my old friend: the column didn’t take long to write; so little that I won’t say. And “limp/flaccid” have subtle, sexual connotations.–IM]

    And that wasn’t the half of it!

    Limp (And Limping) Republicans?

    Limp, Gimp Republicans?

    Republicans — Limps, Gimps, and Whimpering Simps?

    Republicans — Limps, Gimps, and Simpering Whimps?

    Aaaannnddd The Republican Nominee for THIS year is… A Limp Simp Gimp Whimp!

    Put ’em all in a pork barrel and send ’em over Viagra Falls I say! And good riddance!!

    You must have downed a half ‘a bottle of Tylenol this week!


  3. John McClain

    While I would heartily agree with Ms. Mercer on this issue of “limp and limping” Republicans, given their actual predilections, I’d say the people you accuse of being so weak show little signs of being connected to “republican principles”, and should not really even be called by the title “Republican”. There is a vast difference between a “federated republic”, which is established by our Constitution, and the social democracy that is the primary aspect of our current Nation, as held up against the actual Constitution as it was written.
    It has been noticed from time to time that certain members of congress like Mr. Chaffee who call themselves “republican” yet have not even a vestige of respect for the actual “republic” as a form of state.
    John McClain
    Vanceboro, NC

    [You “tweaked” my column to make your point–I capitalized “Republican” throughout to denote Republican Party loyalists, as opposed “republicans”.–IM]

  4. John Danforth

    This flaccidity is a prerequisite to entry to ‘The Club’. It must permeate right through the entire thought process, right down to ‘flexibility’ on axioms, making sliminess a necessary quality. Given that the economy is heading towards monetary collapse and an ensuing depression, and that nobody with a clue on economics will be given any attention (except committed socialists), I can only come to one conclusion: We are so freaking doomed!

  5. S. Hayes

    Orrin is Borin’

    My daughter gave me a biography of Albert Einstein recently, and I was reading the last few evenings about his involvement in the Zionist cause. One of the things he was against was Jewish assimilationist attitudes, especially in Germany. He made the point in letters to a number of people about how attempting to be more “German”, and therefore, less Jewish, really worked against the Jews and bred contempt rather than acceptance.

    After reading your column this morning, I am immediately struck by the similarity of behavior of our Senator Hatch in his praise of his old pal Ted Kennedy. Orrin, for all his good qualities, has operated under the mistaken belief that “assimilating” with liberals will do more good for conservatism. I fear it only makes conservatives, if that is what they are, look more like suckers.

    And, you know, the poetry, if that is what it is, … words fail me.

    Is Orrin sincere? I believe so. More’s the pity.

  6. GeoPal

    Sensitivity seems to have become the latest STD, all that hugging, weeping, and especially hugging, rocking, weeping, all at once. I suspect the ever growing cadre of “Sensitives” such as Oprah and Dr. Phil has something to do with it.

    At first, it seemed the phenomenon was endemic, occurring in the genetically predisposed “bleeding heart” – not to worry. That it has reached epidemic proportions is cause for alarm, and explanation. The only thing I can come up with is this. It is a natural phenomenon, something on the order of an evolutionary mutation that serves, in our present social and political environment, to ensure the success of the subject organisms, victims and therapists. Victomology has increased the number of “victims” exponentially – you want a leg up – a social/political advantage – become a victim. The therapeutic element of society needs to certify their credentials, to assure the victims they care. What better way than to exhibit their “sensitivity”. As the competition grows among the therapists (politicians for a victimized constituency and the entertainment industry for a victimized audience) the demonstrations of “sensitivity” escalate into “absurdist” theater.

    It makes one wince and avert the eyes in utter embarrassment for our society and what has come of it. As to the future, I am not sanguine.

  7. Myron Pauli

    Ronald Reagan might say, “Is America better off now than it was 8 years ago?” Even moral degenerate Clinton left with the US mostly at peace, the market high, inflation low, unemployment low, and a nearly balanced budget. 8 years of Bush II has left a mess. How well can one sell “lower taxes” when the market is tanking, inflation has reappeared, the debt went up 5-10 Terabucks, government grew 60%, American troops are bogged down bringing democracy to Moslems who hate us, the Constitution has been shredded, and people are jittery about their jobs and pensions? What else can the poor Republicans do but blubber incoherently and, at best, try out “eeek Obama” the way the pathetic Carter tried “eeek Reagan” in 1980. As the great philosopher Gore (Lesley, not Al!) said in “It’s my party” :

    http:www.oldielyrics.com/lyrics/ lesley_gore/its_my_party.html

    “It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to, cry if I want to, cry if I want to – You would cry too if it happened to you”

    The slobbering may even get worse after the GOP tanks in November.

  8. Fred Cummins

    Hi Ilana
    It has been a while since I have written you. I have a new Grand Baby Girl that is now almost two and this old soul is finding out about the generation chasm, ha to “gap” the grand canyon of generation separations more like.The Child must be on her last lifetime as she is far smarter than my supposed old wisdom.Speaking of wisdom.

    I finished your article “limping, Limp Republicans” and thought to myself the only way to respond to our current Republican dilemma is to say that Bob Doyle should have understood that giving Viagra to to politicians would simply make them “stand up straight” and is apt to make their voices go up and down. Lets send some to our republican representatives and at least they would look like soldiers at attention if could some how keep them from speaking.

    No chance in hell of them developing a back-bone any other way. Maybe it could harden our man McCain against something,anything,get PO’ed, kick a dog, my Lord do something besides whine in a monotone lisp. “Senator McCain Obama says you are a shithead” “Yes, well I can not fault him for his opinion, and we are after all in the united American states of the free speech people and he is an eloquent speaker”

    Gotta go, I am now witnessing our small blond future world leader destroy a ball bearing. How in the………

    You are the best……..Fred

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