'Obsession' By Muhammad



“‘Obsession’ is a new documentary about ‘Radical Islam’s War against the West.’ The unfortunate title, however, conjures a Calvin Klein fragrance, not a serious examination of the foundations of Jihad. To the faithful, Jihad is not an obsession; it’s a religious obligation. It’s not a ‘compulsive preoccupation’ with an ‘unreasonable idea or emotion,’ to follow the dictionary’s definition of ‘obsession; it’s the sixth pillar of Islam, exhorted to in over a hundred verses in the Qur’an; Jihad isn’t like a scent, picked up and chased in a pheromonal frenzy; it’s what Mohammad described as the Muslim’s highest duty.
That’s the problem with ‘Obsession’: Jihadists cite Mohammad and the Qur’an faithfully; ‘Obsession’ is mum about their muse…”

The excerpt is from my new WorldNetDaily.com column, “‘Obsession’ By Muhammad.” Comments are welcome.

5 thoughts on “'Obsession' By Muhammad

  1. Grady Dearman

    A friend gave me a DVD “OBSESSION” which I viewed, as you, with disappointment. Those religious fanatics have a hell wish and mean to replace modern civilization with “Madi” and a 7th Century nightmare.

    Neither King George and his effete courtiers, nor any Western leaders, nor Mr. Olmert have a clue…and if they do suspect anything, they “tote sugar” to the jihadist devils.

  2. Deborah Tomlin

    I find myself saying the following more and more often:

    We hear of “extreme” Muslims and “moderate” Muslims, but we never hear of “conservative” Muslims. Could that be because there is no such thing and that “moderate” Muslims are simply just a little less terrifying than “extreme” Muslims? Makes a person wonder.

  3. james huggins

    I’ve never read the Koran nor do I expect to watch “Obsession”. Whether Muhhammad was the sinister inventer of a murderous cult or an enlightened messenger of God matters not a wit. What does matter is how this “religion” is being practiced right now. Mass murder, past present and future, is the modus operandi of the jihadists. Who cares how many nice and friendly Muslims are out there? Their brothers and sisters are doing their best to kill all non Muslims and all Muslims who don’t practice it the way they should, such as Sunnis, Shiites etc. If our leadership can’t see the obvious here they should be relegated to the trash heap of political failures. Of course, we know that will never happen. Now that the juhadists have discovered that the US and Western Europe are governed and citizened by weaklings they are poised for a world wide Jihad where they will happily shed blood by the ton. Over the years I have been labeled an alarmist old crackpot for views such as these. Well, I am an alarmist, when there is something about which to be alarmed. I may also be an old crackpot but in this case I think I’m an old crackpot who smells the coffee. Others should wake up and do the same.

    [As well as smelling the coffee as to not invading their countries–for sure.]

  4. concha

    In a recent mass I attended the priest told us to “be prepared to die for your faith.” [Sounds very Islamic]
    I have never, ever heard that one before. I am not afraid though, in fact, this makes me want to proclaim my faith even more.

  5. Beacon

    We hear of “extreme” Muslims and “moderate” Muslims, but we never hear of “conservative” Muslims. Could that be because there is no such thing and that “moderate” Muslims are simply just a little less terrifying than “extreme” Muslims? Makes a person wonder.

    When you are operating under that simplistic and dualistic paradigm, then, yes, you will end up “wondering” about something that silly.

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