‘The GOP has to stick to positions, talking points, because the Republicans don’t hold a philosophy, much less one that can support concepts like nationalism, nation-state and national sovereignty’
Unlike most of our GOP candidates, who promote positions, as opposed to a philosophy of liberty (even the very nice ones such as Kari Lake)—Giorgia Meloni, prime minister elect of Italy and leader of Brothers Of Italy, bases her opinions on a systematic philosophy which is central to her core beliefs.
Liberty to Meloni is not the party’s talking points—positions and political plank—as it is for the GOP—“God, Groceries, Gas,” as one hack summed it up on Hannity. Rather, Meloni holds a philosophy of liberty which she grasps. Thus she quotes GK Chesterton not for the meaty words, but to shore up a philosophy. Coming from her, Chesterton doesn’t ring hollow.
What do I mean? Example: Meloni talks about “the nation state” and a “political sovereignty that belongs to the citizens of that state.”
The GOP confines itself to noodling against open borders, but for legal immigration (they love it) and against illegal immigration. The GOP has to stick to positions, talking points, because the Republicans don’t hold a philosophy, much less one that can support concepts like nationalism, nation-state and national sovereignty.
Meloni knows that individual rights are not deracinated, free-floating entitlements that attach naturally to every person who can then show up on the West’s doorstep demanding these abstracted rights be defended and optimized. No, this position is that of the Republicans and Democrats. Their positions justify open borders to varying degrees and an adventurous foreign policy to varying degrees.
A party that holds positions bereft of philosophy will never restore the nation. Why, the concept of a nation (not nation-state) Republicans reach for only to promote and project Lincoln-like visions of political might and can-do optimism.
On the other hand, Meloni, an Italian nationalist, will want to slow immigration to a halt because she believes that everything that is good in Italy comes from its Italian essence.
Suffice it to say that, in her references, the Italian prime minister elect evinces erudition and knowledge.
Alas, as I’ve been told, Meloni is wishy-washy on the vaccine and I note that she suffer the Ukraine euphoria, although is about Italy First.
Since she’s a member of the globalist Aspen Institute, I’ll withhold judgment until I see what she does instead of what she says.
Right you are. Thanks!
She’s all in on the globalist war on Russia and a big supporter of the Ukonazis.
The Trump lesson is instructive. A lot of us were enthusiastic about the Donald because of his agenda, & the rousing manner in which he advocated those positions out on the hustings. In office, in practice, he became embroiled in promoting the Javanka Agenda. By then a MAGA cult of personality had formed, & to them the man could do no wrong. Electing Trump is an end in itself to the Ultra-MAGAs. (That said, I suspect Trump will be the nominee in 2024, & I’ll vote for him, praying that a little of the Spirit of ‘16 remains).
With Meloni, I pray her constituents will keep focused on the issues most important to Italy, & hold her feet to the fire, when necessary.