UPDATED (9/1/024): Mercer Uninterrupted Physical Continuum In Response to Libel

Aesthetics,History,Ilana Mercer,Israel,Morality


This is the new woke reality: You apologize for not being stupid and immoral; you justify and defend not being physically decrepit in your later years

My authentic physical continuum, against the background of life in all its tumult

This post is a function of sad necessity—in response to wicked libel here: https://www.unz.com/imercer/first-they-came-for-tucker-carlson-next-is-robert-f-kennedy-jr/#comments

Me in my early 40s.

Turned 50, in Santa Barbara. Identical to the above.

Me as a young girl, 13-14, growing up in Israel:

Childhood in Israel, ilana mercer on right, aged 13/14

The same face if a little plumper, aged 13-14. MEMORIES. Childhood in Israel. I’m on the right; my little sister is on the left. My bestie behind us. A lifetime ago.

The beach would have been our childhood hangout, the gorgeous, undeveloped, historic Caesarea, with Herod’s ancient city close by.

Sad that one has to address what is the sin of lashon haraa; the evil, wagging tongue of libel and lies, promulgated by some female foe.

Will update this post with the rest of this necessary, if repulsive, frivolity.

As a lifetime dissident, my words and ideas have been plagiarized. Read “The Moral Writer’s First Commandment: Cite Your Sources!” https://www.ilanamercer.com/2021/05/moral-writers-first-commandment-cite-sources/ I’ll fight that. Good or bad, or both—my words and ideas are MINE. Nobody takes credit for those. They are all I have.

Ditto when the integrity and authenticity of my physicality is maligned, libeled as fake, as is the case here.



In 2022, in old swimsuit bought in Cape Town 30 years back.

North Shore News, age 40:

The gallery at IlanaMercer.com now spans an image culled from the early teens, from me in my early writing career when already “mature,” until today, 2023.  No serious change. A physical continuum pictorially depicted cannot but be authentic, against the background of life in all its tumult.

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