Crashing The Trash House

Barack Obama,Celebrity,Etiquette,Pop-Culture


TRASH people crash the White House. So what? The place is packed with nasty, noisome parasites. An extra pair makes no difference. At least not to me. Therefore, I’m unexercised by the specter of Tareq and Michaele Salahi frolicking with Rham, Barack, and Biden. There’s something apropos in a couple of reality-show exhibitionists brazenly elbowing their way uninvited into a party of ponces.

This is a party thrown by a president who was launched by the Queen of Kitsch (Oprah). This is the place where Bono came to petition Bush for loot. Before him, Clinton used the space for his nefarious dealings. All in all, from the White House are issued shake-down schemes that make Bernie Madoff look like “a mere babe in grand larceny boot camp.” So it’s entirely fitting that a nation of reality-show viewers should have representatives at the Trash House who themselves “have left an extensive paper trail in federal bankruptcy and state court filings.”

You get the drift: the White House has long since lost the dignity of the office. Trash people crashing a party there completes the picture.

As for security: The president has very few real risks; the huffing and puffing over the alleged danger he was exposed to is just that: a whole lot of hooey.

What you can be sure of is that heads will role over this faux paux. The responsible parties will be made to fall on their swords way faster than will the cogs in the military machine who facilitated the eventual death of 13 servicemen and women at Fort Hood, at the hand of the jihadi Major Nidal Hasan.

One thought on “Crashing The Trash House

  1. Steve Bernier

    I thought the whole thing was funny. I am wondering though, why this White House gets exercised by this couple, but can’t seem to get worked up about our troops dying in far away places like Afghanistan, and Iraq without a Congressional declaration of war.

    Your writing is so needed. Keep it up.

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