Meathead America Warming To BOCare

Barack Obama,Democracy,Democrats,Elections,Healthcare,IMMIGRATION


A GALLUP poll, taken one day after the H.R.4872 Reconciliation Act of 2010 received a majority of votes in the U.S. House of Representatives, shows that “Americans’ emotional responses to the bill’s passage are more positive than negative — with 50% enthusiastic or pleased versus 42% angry or disappointed.”

Bottom Line, conclude the authors, “Passage of healthcare reform was a clear political victory for President Obama and his allies in Congress. While it also pleases most of his Democratic base nationwide, it is met with greater ambivalence among independents and with considerable antipathy among Republicans.”

IF INDEED A MAJORITY OF Americans are beginning to thaw on Obamacare, what does it say about the changing face of this country? I do not believe that tea partiers will embrace this massive intervention into the economy anytime soon. What I do believe is that freedom-loving, small “r” republicans are in a shrinking minority. Mass immigration and the corrupting values of mass society—namely rampant democracy where property and liberty are forfeit—have rendered patriots aliens in their own country.

3 thoughts on “Meathead America Warming To BOCare

  1. Myron Pauli

    Socialism is like HEROIN – once the addiction sets in, you can’t get rid of it. Just like Republicans were screaming about Obama endangering “their Medicare”, they will be screaming in 2040 when President Schmendrick is endangering “their Obamacare”.

    The next generation won’t imagine life WITHOUT Obamacare just like 90% of Americans cannot envision without Social Security, Medicare, American troops all over the planet “protecting our freedom”, public schools, meat inspection, the TSA, the War on Drugs and all the other essentials of national survival.

    What Americans will SEE is their $ 2355 bill magically taken care of by the benevolent government. (What is) NOT SEEN are the doctors who no longer practice, the medicines and procedures not allowed, the loans from China, the inflated currency, or their lost liberties.

    Again, from the first paragraph of Chapter 10 of Animal Farm:

    “The farm seems to have grown richer, but only the many pigs and dogs live comfortable lives. Squealer explains that the pigs and dogs do very important work—filling out forms and such. The other animals largely accept this explanation, and their lives go on very much as before. They never lose their sense of pride in Animal Farm”

  2. Van Wijk

    I’ve read in several different places that the majority of the colonists at the time of the Revolution were either Loyalists or indifferent. Patriots represented a dedicated but relatively small minority. In revolutions, it is always the minority that moves the majority rather than vice versa. It goes without saying that a successful revolution is achieved by non-democratic means.

    I don’t think we’ll be voting our way out of this one. The most important consideration now is what form the revolution will take this time around.

  3. james huggins

    All the angry right-wing zealots, like me, are predicting disaster for the democrats on November 10th. Actually I’m not so sure. If the Tea Partiers start a third party only disaster will ensue. If not, the Republican power structure will get cold feet and try to distance themselves from the right so they can placate the media and the inside-the-beltway crowd. Let’s face it. The Republicans are a pretty leaky life raft on which to depend when one is swimming with sharks.

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