UPDATE II: Not So Pale-Lin

Aesthetics,China,Debt,Federal Reserve Bank,Inflation,Political Economy,Regulation,Sarah Palin


“He’s backwards,” said Sarah Palin about Barack Hussein Obama’s lack of economic smarts. She spoke on the occasion of Judge Andrew Napolitano’s Fox Business show, Freedom Watch, going daily. Palin has an unadorned way of looking at things. She spoke forcefully and fairly knowledgeably about monetary policy tonight.

Less welcome was what Palin adorned on the occasion. Palin, a natural beauty with a glowing skin, had squeezed herself into the sort of Little Black Dress Ann Coulter wears to every event. Worse still was the orange, bottled tan with which Palin’s arms, shoulders, and alarmingly large bosom had been sprayed. The difference between the pallor of Palin’s face and the bright orange of her decolletage was plain to see on the TV. Less so in the online clip. Oy vey.

Palin does not need to heed TV’s repulsive stylists; most of them have acquired their “talents” making-up Kim kardashian’s private parts for public viewing. Palin should tell the image consultants to back off. There is no need to repeat the make-over failures of the McCain campaign.

It’s good to see Mrs. Palin coming to grips with monetary policy. A mature, natural beauty like Palin has no need to adopt the trashy TV look.

UPDATED I: I don’t understand the question below. Was Palin fundamentally wrong about monetary policy tonight? Did she recommend bad policies? Why do you care where she got the ideas she was promoting vis-a-vis the Fed? If she’s reading Ron Paul’s End The Fed, or Tom Woods’ Meltdown—why do you care? Speaking to—and against—current monetary policy makes Palin and Bachmann better than almost any other pol around.

UPDATE II (Nov. 16): Let me correct the above statement: “Speaking to—and against—current monetary policy makes Palin and Bachmann better than almost any other AMERICAN, most of whom draw a blank at the causes of inflation and the devaluation of the country’s coin—except to hoot obscenities at the Chinese, as a primate would scream at a someone with a coveted banana.

5 thoughts on “UPDATE II: Not So Pale-Lin

  1. Steve Hogan

    I’ve probably seen 3-4 minutes of Palin talking in total. One of the benefits of not having a television. The woman didn’t strike me as having the ability to think on her feet and express herself extemporaneously. She ended up speaking in platitudes and empty phrases.

    That said, it doesn’t mean she is devoid of intelligence or common sense (very different qualities). My question: do you think she studied the issue and came to her conclusions about monetary policy on her own, or is this just a means of differentiating herself from her political opponents?

  2. Derek

    I agree Palin should appear more professional and less like she is about to hit a cocktail party. Having said that I can’t complain too much about her looks. After following your link, I also played a clip of Ariana Huffington which made Palin look even more stunning.

  3. Myron Pauli

    Although the Election of 1828 included allegations of John Quincy Adams being a pimp and Rachel Robards Jackson being an adultress,


    the subject of breast implants did not “pop up” as they have with Sarah Palin:


    But, let’s face it, “Quantitative Easing” is pretty boring stuff so a tight sleeveless outfit with a little cleavage and some leg will keep the viewer interest. For a grandmother approaching 47, Madame Palin still can appeal to prurient interests. Perhaps the Democrats need to come up with their own version of Sarah Palin (no, God, not Madeline Albright!) and the next Presidential debate can look like the Miller Light Catfight Girls Commercial:


    [The two “dudes” at the end of the Catfight commercial could be Barack Obama and Glenn Beck]. Hmmm – Maybe Michelle O vs. Sarah P on Pay-Per-View!


    Michelle and Sarah are, in fact, born within one month of each other.

    I’m not sure what to think when Mama Grizzly babbles something right (Auditing the Fed) or wrong (Having the US intervening militarily for “NATO ally” Georgia against Russia) in her unique simplistic-cutie Mama Grizzly wink-wink style. Thus, I might as well enjoy the curves and the cleavage!

  4. james huggins

    Let’s hear it for alarmingly large bosoms. Sarah, you go girl.

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