Updated: The CBOafs (They Really Can't Count)

Barack Obama,Business,Government,Healthcare,Reason,Regulation,Socialism


In trying to sell the viability of BO’s Health plans, the oafs at the Congressional Budget Office (CBOafs) posit at least one scenario that doesn’t wash. Check the tables attached (via the WSJ). The CBOafs would like you to believe that an employer will choose NOT to drop a $10,000 health benefit for a paltry penalty of $750, thus saving $9,250, in the case of a high-valued employee. In an employer’s market??! Where are they living? Have they even surveyed the private sector?

This is, it would seem, a postulate ObamaCare is premised upon. The bastards.


Update I (Dec. 23): THEY REALLY CAN’T COUNT. The “CBO has discovered an error in the cost estimate released yesterday,” the correction of which “reduces the degree to which the legislation would lower federal deficits in the decade after 2019,” confessed the Chief CBOaf. The entry, tucked away on the “Director’s Blog,” made select TV headlines today.

Call me simple, but with the prospect of merging one Bill (The House’s) that’s estimated to cost more than $1 trillion over the next 10 years (according to the “nonpartisan” CBOafs) with another (The Senate’s) priced at $871 billion over the next 10 years (CBOafs again)—I’m unclear how the cost curve, as they put it, will be bent.

9 thoughts on “Updated: The CBOafs (They Really Can't Count)

  1. Mike Bassett

    As soon as this bill passes, private companies will begin dropping health care coverage on employees/retirees like a hot rock.

    The employee will be immediately divested of any private coverage and told he/she must immediately sign on to Obama care. The premise used by the private sector will be that it’s in the best interests of the company and is cheaper in the long run. This is the most cost effective way for the private sector to operate. Why pay for employee and retiree health care if you don’t have to? Let the government do it.

    The reason for this is simple. Why would a company continue to provide coverage? The government is going to be the alternative provider.

    Anything else you hear is all smoke and mirrors. With the government take over in place, the continuing move from individual freedoms to Marxo-fascism will be in full stride.

    All we need now is Obama’s new “Civilian Defense Force” (a.k.a. The Americorps SS) to enforce it and the “remaking” of America will be a reality.

    What was it he said? We live in the greatest country in the world. Now let’s go out there and change it. (Or something like that.) Now that makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?

    They’re coming for your guns next. Of course, the confiscation of private weapons is another story. This will come in the guise of lowering the crime rate. Ha! Every city or state that has banned or restricted private ownership of firearms has seen significant increases in crime. Bye bye 2nd Amendment. Hello resistance.

    Fortunately we have the Fund for Personal Liberty, the Tenth Amendment Foundation, The Washington Legal Foundation, and others I’m sure, waiting in the wings with legal briefs to sue the asses off the FEDS new Health Care mandates because, without a doubt, the Health Care Bill is positively unconstitutional and it can only be imposed on us by use of force.

    JOIN THE RESISTANCE!!!!!!! Contact a Tea Party near you!!!

    [Please check the BAB “Posting Policy” for length limits.]

  2. Robert Glisson

    I guess my lack of intelligence is showing again; but, I fail to understand where an employer that can only afford to pay an employee 40K, can afford to pay 10K (25% or 20% if you count it as income) for health insurance. My other loss of mental comprehension is “Subsidies” to make up for the 10K loss come from. I mean does the good fairy wave her wand or does Santa make a deposit and a subsidy magically appears.

  3. james huggins

    All these complications are just that. Complications. The game is rigged in favor of the dealer. No matter what cards the employer or employee plays the government will trump them. Remember the golden rule: “He who has the gold, makes the rules.” What’s bad is that the government got the gold from us in the first place.

  4. haym

    Yes, the bastards are blind and ignorant. But they will not suffer. They are either wealthy, or are related to wealthy lobbyists, or get their health care from a government plan for special people like them.

    [Important point.–IM]

  5. ~greenhell~

    While I agree with your last sentence, I don’t understand the point you are making. If an employer wanted to drop the coverage, why not drop it now and save 10000 dollars, not just 9250? Surely they don’t think their employees would consider government insurance equal to the insurance they get through the company. Help me think like a goon please!

    We buy our own insurance where I work now, as it should be. Frankly I’m angry that my compensation will be affected when the big boss has to start paying a 750 fine per employee.

  6. Myron Pauli

    Oh ye of little faith. The federal contractors will require the private companies (or nudge them) to keep their employees covered – thus burying the cost burden into the cost of government contracting. Don’t worry, it will all be “FREE” once the politicians figure out how to bury the manure. Free at last, free at last, thanks to government, it’s free at last!

  7. Gringo Malo

    Eternal optimist that I am, I still have hope that the conference committee bill will fail to pass one house or the other.

  8. Robert Glisson

    ILANA: May you have a very enjoyable holiday with your family. Bob

    [THANKS; the same to you and yours.]

  9. Ernie

    Unfortunately, the opposition to this is going to end up looking like buffoons.

    When this abomination goes into effect- people won’t notice a difference. They already pay exhorbitant premiums, have (private insurance) bureaucrats refusing to pay, have little freedom to choose, etc.

    For many, there will be some improvement- for a struggling enterpreneur like myself without coverage for my family, it will be a “gift”. Since the “conservatives” and Republicans have mostly argued against things like “death panels” and “health care by DMV”, (which we already have) they will look fools when it works out pretty well for Jose sixpack. At least initially.

    I don’t know what to do about it but hide- perhaps run is an option, because fighting is going to be a losing proposition thanks to the law and order crowd’s favorite bureaucracy- “Law Enforcement”. Happy new year all.

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