Updated: The Nanny State, Literally



Both the soon-to-be-merged Senate and House healthcare Bills have provisions that allow “children” to stay on mommy and daddy’s plan until they are 25 and 26 respectively.

The Nanny State, Literally. Keep ’em in short pants and diapers forever.

Lacking in the literature are studies of what the welfare state does to family dynamics across generations. Why, the recent expansion by BO of the entitlement plan known as the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, or SCHIP, gave me a renewed hatred of Our Children.

Newsweek distills some of the differences between the two Bills in a table titled, “Our Non-Wonky Guide to Merging the Senate and House Health Bills.”



Update: Michelle Malkin beat us to it; she blogged the “Big Nanny’s slacker plan: Mandating insurance for adult ‘children'” yesterday, calling this “generational theft” “the slacker mandate.”

6 thoughts on “Updated: The Nanny State, Literally

  1. Sean

    Lovely; the infantilization of our once-great nation continues apace. By the time I was 25 I was long-since self-supporting, had a graduate degree in engineering, and was a home-owner. My grandfather was similarly situated at 25, this after losing a couple of years to Wilson’s “war to end all wars.”

    I’d better start brushing up on my Chinese.

  2. james huggins

    I don’t know why they want this set of rules. I don’t care. A rule of thumb on ideas you don’t understand is to look at who is for it and who is against it. Since the left majority is for it I’m against it.

  3. Myron Pauli

    So, in New Jersey, you are now a “child” until age 30. And if you join the military as an 18 year old child, you can be “retired” at 38. So adulthood is down to 8 years and dropping.

    Here’s another disgusting aspect of the Nanny State:


    … where “everyone” is supposed to get a college education. It used to be that one actually had to pass a test to ENTER “Secondary” (e.g. “High”) School and that a High School diploma was good for most jobs. A High School graduate was expected to do advanced tasks like changing a dollar at a cash register, taking messages, and stuff that now requires a college degree. Soon, it will be that everyone, no matter how retarded, will be guaranteed a Ph.D. as a “right” – just like health care.

    With education in one hand and health in the other, the government has us all by the proverbial “balls”. Pardon the sexism but much of this is actually due to the Feminization and Emasculation of a free responsible society for big Nanny.

    The remaining “boys” are left performing irrelevant tasks like dropping bombs on illiterate Pushtun sexists in the name of “freedom”.

  4. Bob Harrison

    The health-care “reform” bill will mandate that people who do not have insurance buy it. Young healthy “children” in their 20’s often do not have insurance but can afford it (at least according to the all-knowing state). This seems like just another unprincipled compromise to appease both insurance companies and the young naive Obama supporters who will get to experience a state mandate for the first time.

  5. John Danforth

    Leave it to the goons of government to take all the fun out of short pants and diapers.

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