Media War-Profiteers

Media,The Zeitgeist,War


The elections have certainly brought a change in the tone of “debate” conducted on the networks. One sees less of those Republican, media “Madame Defarges,” their faces twisted in orgiastic war frenzy, accusing any and all of treason if opposed to the carnage and wanton waste in Iraq. It’s nice to see less of these clones of the French revolutionaries.

I even felt sufficiently buoyed to write, “At Least Saddam Kept Order.” And duly, hate mail—the kind I was knee-deep in from 2002 until late 2004—was almost non-existent.

This makes a nice change.

Groupies of the media “Madame Defarges,” assorted Robespierres, and their knock-offs, should remind themselves that their media heroes are part of the media elite. I know; you’ve been brainwashed to think only in terms of liberal media elites. But all those moneyed populist poseurs—they’ve all benefited financially from firing up poor sods with untruths about the war. Many then enlisted; some came back in body bags or bereft of body parts.

In the financial benefits they derived from whooping it up for war, a great many media types were as good as Halliburton war profiteers.

2 thoughts on “Media War-Profiteers

  1. Stephen W. Browne

    Indeed there has been a great deal of incivility on the issue of the Iraq war, unbecoming of rational debate among free people.

    When I was told in Germany that “It’s because of the Jews.” I was disgusted. When an old friend here in the States said the same thing, I was deeply saddened. [Not one of the main media “neocon lethal ladies” is Jewish]

  2. james huggins

    My only problem with the war in Iraq is that it is unwinnable and we weren’t smart enough to recognize that in the first place. But we have hashed that over many times already. Mercer makes a good point about the media. Pro or con, liberal or otherwise the MSM is certainly no place to go for unbiased logic, honest presentation of events or and an open discussion on any subject.
    Mr. Browne makes two good points. One is incivility. The days of rational debate are gone in Western civilization. The overall decline in the quality of education has raised a generation of people who can’t think or rationalize because they no longer have the tools to do so. Therefore they attack rather than discuss. I of all people realize there’s a time to get tough and attack but even I miss the opportunity to discuss first.

    Mr Browne’s second point is a fact of history. It’s always the Jews. The scapegoats of a thousand disasters of history, but still surviving when their enemies are long relegated to the dust bins of history. The Jews are a maddening race but they will still be there, arguing among themselves no doubt until the end of time. Being God’s chosen people is sometimes a dubious honor.

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