Served Straight Up



‘The story of Joseph Farah and the president’s “Happy Holiday” card was first reported by The Washington Post, and is now being carried by newspapers around the world. Bush and his multiculti madam sent out 1.4 million cards, wishing the recipients a happy “holiday season.” (The presidential pets featured on the card. How pathetic.) Here’s The Scotsman:

Joseph Farah, the editor of the conservative website said that Mr Bush ‘claims to be a born-again, evangelical Christian, but sure doesn’t act like one.’ He added: ‘I threw out my White House card as soon as I got it.'”

That’s completely cool. And I hope Mr. Farah didn’t recycle the thing, although I am sure the pinko president had it printed on recycled paper.

‘Israel has tested an anti-ballistic missile, Arrow Weapon System (AWS). According to Jane’s’ Defense Weekly, “It successfully intercepted a target simulating an Iranian Shahab-3 medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) in a test over the Mediterranean on 2 December.”
Talk about a quick quip: When asked by the press how far he would go to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear bomb, Israeli army chief Dan Halutz replied without hesitation: “2000 km!”

‘Sean Mercer, aka Dr. Rock, on the difference between electrical engineers (himself) and computer programmers (lesser beings): “They (programmers) manipulate ones and zeros; we (electrical engineers) manipulate the laws of physics.” It sounds even better in that tart English accent.