Satan’s Little Helpers



Other apologists have framed Iran’s nuclear belligerence as the “ultimate safeguard against an attack.” The reference is, presumably, to Iran’s legitimate quest to defend against an American army that advanced on a neighbor—Iraq—and conquered it in the absence of provocation.
That Iran fears an out-of-control, aggressive U.S. is likely—and understandable. However, Iran’s Majnun-in-Chief hasn’t threatened the United States; he has threatened Israel. Yet Iranophiles seldom depict Israel’s nuclear program as an equally legitimate, last-ditch defense. Instead, they contort like Cirque du Soleil contortionists to downplay the threat Iran poses to Israel.
To their credit, Muslims make no bones about the need to solve the Jewish Question for once and for all. (In case you’re a public school graduate, this is code for liquidation.) It’s time Iran’s dissembling defenders were as honest.

Satan’s Little Helpers, my new column, explains why Iran has Mohamed ElBaradei, Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, scared stiff. Iran’s enablers, on the other hand, aren’t too worried. Feel free to comment.