Gratitude Breeds Contempt

Africa,Healthcare,Race,Racism,The West


When do wimpy whites put down their stethoscopes, in this particular case, and say, “No more. F-ck this. I’ve had enough”? The family of the late Thomas Eric Duncan, the index patient who brought Ebola to the US, is accusing the “system” involved in his expensive, tax-funded care with racism, after considerable encouragement from loathsome media.

Incompetent perhaps, but racist?

Had he survived, Duncan’s own government, promised Liberian Ambassador to the U.S, Jeremiah Sulunteh, intended to sue him for lying to authorities about his exposure and placing many others at risk.

“When it comes to America,” writes Daniel Greenfield at FronPage Magazine, “no good deed goes unpunished.”

the fact that America took in this guy and provided him medical care only becomes another indictment. Duncan grew up next to a leper colony in Liberia. His family were resettled as refugees. He chose to go back to Liberia and brought a highly lethal and infectious disease to the United States.
And for all the charity that America gave this clan, they’re now bashing America.

Neoconservatives assiduously avoid speaking openly about race. Considering this reality, it is understandable that the author couches the hostility evinced by the Liberian clan against their American benefactors as a case of hostility against the nebulous entity neocons (like Dinesh D’Souza’s) dub America.

I dealt with D’Souza’s incongruities in “D’Souza’s Epic ‘America’ Error.” Either way, if media were moral and in the habit of practicing journalism, they’d report the story and its outcome and leave it be. “Analysis” by the Idiocracy is unwarranted.

Invariably, Africa has a lot for which to thank selfless Westeners. And gratitude breeds contempt.