Ann Coulter Buries Marco Rubio

Ann Coulter,Elections,IMMIGRATION,Republicans


Donald Trumps is all sweetness and light about Marco Rubio (The Donald will lose if he doesn’t trample the little worm good and proper). Sean Hannity has become Rubio’s main media cheerleader. And the anchor’s network, Fox News, Rubio’s SUPER PAC, is keeping the candidate’s most formidable enemy off the air, lest she hamper the presidential hopeful’s rise in popularity. And for good reason. Ann Coulter buries Rubio in “Why Will No Debate Moderator Ask Rubio About The Senate Amnesty Bill He Passed?”:

“We have now had the fourth straight Republican debate in which Marco Rubio was not asked one question about his single legislative accomplishment: Passing amnesty in the U.S. Senate. …
… Rubio was Sen. Chuck Schumer’s patsy on the job-killing amnesty bill. He voted for the job-killing—and widely hated—Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. In a debate on economics, he did not get a question on either one. …
… Rubio gave a brave little speech announcing his opposition to jihadists—setting him apart from everyone else on that stage, who LOVES Islamic jihadists!—and claimed that radical terrorist groups ‘recruit Americans using social media.’ …
… No, Marco, ISIS doesn’t recruit ‘Americans’ on social media. It recruits immigrants and their children—whom you want to import more of, by the way. …”

More Ann Coulter.