3 thoughts on “Ashoura Matinee

  1. George Pal

    Great, that’s just great! Now Bing Crosby singing Too-ra-Loo-ra-Loo-ra (Paramount Pictures’ Going My Way, 1944) will conjure up the bizzaro world of Islam and its cults of personality. Will nothing Western remain inviolate?

    BTW, might not the premise – the innate rationality of human beings – be proven by “the exception confirms the rule in the cases not excepted”, i.e. the premise is valid except when jinned-up Muslims exempt themselves on certain occasions for… never mind. It’s just occurred to me – the West, having embraced Islamic deviancy as further diversifying diversity, debunks the premise entirely, doesn’t it?

  2. Steve Bernier

    Good grief! This is another “face” of Islam? The pictures make me want to vomit. I’m not trying to be impolite, but these pictures are at best disgusting and at worst beastly.

  3. Barbara Grant

    Many years ago, a dear Christian lady who’d grown up in Tehran told me that on certain festival days (probably this one) she and her family shuttered their windows, locked their doors, and didn’t dare go outside. She could peek out into the street, however, and witnessed a sword being thrown into the air, coming down and slicing open the head of a festival participant. People did this willingly.

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