‘Aviation Gulag’

Government,Homeland Security,Individual Rights,Republicans,Terrorism,The State


A timely, TSA-related blog post at LRC.COM; a reminder that no action has been taken by the tired Tea-Party Congress to abolish the home of the homegrown terrorists of the Transportation and Security Administration:

Rep[robate] John Mica (R-Fl) has treated the TSA to yet another of his verbal lashings: the agency and its security sham are “idiotic,” “a mess,” and “off the charts” when it comes to rates of failure.
John seems to have forgotten we’ve heard it all before, on many, many occasions. Indeed, it’s way past time this chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee moved from words to deeds: Let him wield the power of his office to abolish the TSA.

As was pointed out in “‘It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp,'” “the Fox News Blond Squad” (and its male equivalents) has often “implied that the interminable complainers at the terminals were no more than an insignificant group of noise-makers. Kirsten Powers, a liberal member of that squadron, expressed her satisfaction with the porn protocol. Her sympathies, she said, go out to TSA workers.”

One thought on “‘Aviation Gulag’

  1. JD Hicks

    The TSA IS Obama’s promise to create a well funded civilian force ie:the palace guard.they’ve already started mission creep by placing them at truck weigh stations and bus terminals in Tenn.Next a citizen stopped by them will scream they aren’t sworn officers………thats exactly what they want……..instead of removing them the next thing will be a TSA police academy for a supposedly small # of screeners which will eventually encompass all . VOILA—–O’s private police force and of course their remuneration will have to be on a par with other sworn agencies…….intended consequence higher union dues funneled to Obama .And the SHEEPLE will bleat thats okay as long as were safer!

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