Updated: BAB Letter of the Week By Rick



Letter of the Week is a feature I’ll endeavor to keep up on Barely a Blog, depending on reader input. In response to “Run, Little Man, If You Can,” Rick, a long-time reader, shares his agonizing experience:

The “war on fathers” has never addressed the real culprit here: The Family Court System and its unlimited corruption. With the cooperation of the legal and mental health communities, they, daily, separate caring and loving fathers from their precious children. In my case, the mother left with another woman and my child and I were put on therapy. Is this a sick society or what? Furthermore, when I complained to the judge about the therapy, I was put an “anger management,” where they do whatever it takes to turn you into a sissy they can easily manipulate. “False and malicious allegations” is another tool they use frequently to destroy fathers and deny children their right to a loving father.

It’s a very sick society we live in and we want the world to be like us?


Update: Rick writes:

Miss Mercer, I am honored to be a weekly recipient of your updates. I’d like to expand on the subject below. It may help someone going through the hoops to eliminate some of the unwanted and unpleasant headaches, like doing your homework before you hire an attorney. It may save you tens of thousands of dollars.
Thanks again, and keep up your great work.

The “War on Fathers” is a subject I personally know very well. As a divorce man and another victim of the Family Courts, the legal and the mental health communities and everybody else in this “boys club,” committed to destroying families. Regarding “false and malicious allegations” against a father, which they bring with the sole purpose of getting the upper hand in custody cases and ruining the father’s life in the process: For 8 long years and after seven very unethical attorneys, I proved my innocence and was able to see my precious daughter once again. Today, she is a very well balanced young lady (let’s hope it stays that way), soon entering high school, a straight-A student and very proud of her daddy.

Last year, for a school project, she wrote an essay on “My Daddy’s Courage”. When I read it, it broke my heart. NO CHILD ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD should ever be exposed to what our precious children are exposed to in America. It’s a sin, a disgrace and we should ALL be ashamed for it. The mother, at the time, was deeply involved with a married woman and moved over two hundred miles away, taking my daughter with her, without a Court Order. Needles to say, her move was later approved by the Courts, without taking into consideration the fact that we had signed a “Joint Custody Agreement” a month earlier. How can a woman inflict so much pain and sorrow on her own flesh and blood is way beyond me. Unfortunately, they do so, with the full cooperation of the Family Courts System, the legal and mental health communities. May God have mercy on us.

South Florida.