UPDATED: Barack Obama’s Blabber Is Always Like A Rorschach Blot

Barack Obama,IMMIGRATION,Psychology & Pop-Psychology,Race,Socialism


Nothing Barack Hussein Obama has ever said is memorable, or has intellectual acuity to it. The president’s words are like a Rorschach test: fuzzy, blurred, designed to absorb the listener’s projected emotions so that he may reflect them back in inane, meaningless heart-warming ways. The cliche is the operative word in an Obama sentence.

Go to any random site or video clip featuring Obama excerpts and you’re confronted with mind-numbing cliches. Here’s one at random (2009): “What brings us together is stronger than what pulls us apart.”

Rorschach Blot

Rorschach Blot

I’ll be tweeting this ill-defined babble, over which the braindead will be marveling.

A republic if you can keep it:

Should be “spoiltbrat daughters”:

So long as you keep the Obama values, you’ll be fine:

“Root-and-branch,” of course, not brunch, but I was hungry and bored:

There you go again:

Should have written “racial exclusiveness”