Bless the British press for featuring, in “Bare-Faced Chic,” Paltrow, Thurman, (Bundchen looks just fine), Moss, Theron (an albino hound), Beckham (ever ugly), and poor Lulu (whose cheek implant slipped from cheek to jaw)–all sans makeup.
Here is your host, no spring chicken, with not a scrap of make up on her actual skin. We’re holding up.
Men ought to learn realism.These adulated women don’t look like much under the goop.
All the names you mentioned didn’t look like too much with their makeup on.
Saw Thurman on an airplane recently. She was not particularly well made up and didn’t look as young as in the movies. However, she was very attractive.
[You must have been traveling First Class. I’d forgive her anything after the “Kill Bill” series.–IM]
ah, Ilana, still as always, full of WIN! 🙂
Be fair, Lulu shaved a few years off her age to stay the right side of sixty
It is not fair for any of these skin deep, made-up, beauty pretenders to be compared to our “no spring
chicken”,”beauty bare” Ilana. As an old lawyer once said to me, ” Beauty may only be skin deep, but ugliness is always and ever, all the way through.” Not only is our Ilana beautiful, but she also has a charming South African accent, a big heart and a courageous soul.
[You are so kind, Judge Reavis, and sensitive.–IM]
I never got the Press’s fascination with the fact that stars actually look normal without make-up (or occasionally bad). I mean come on, reporters: can’t we act like grown-ups now? You’re old enough to know the ugly truth that celebrities are not really demigods and can’t wake up in the morning looking like them.