6 thoughts on “Beam Sen. Scottie Brown Up

  1. raylynn

    I am starting to think we need to have some form of non-violent protest and/or revolution in the manner of Ghandi or MLK. I jokingly have suggested the Million Chain Protest, where millions of outraged freedom-loving Americans chain themselves around the U.S. Capitol. What a message that would send!

  2. Myron Pauli

    The Libertarian Party of Massachusetts had tracked State Senator Brown for a long time and nothing is new. As I said in my earlier post:

    “What can Brown do for you?” – increase government!

  3. james huggins

    You take what you can get and hope for the best. To me, anybody from a place like Massachusetts is suspect anyway.

  4. Greg

    Why do so-called conservatives fall for RINOs like Scott Brown? He is not a conservative. Why is anybody surprised?

  5. Van Wijk

    So the latest Republican golden boy turns out to be a typical neocon.

    I can only hope that these pixels can somehow convey the shock I feel in the deepest part of my soul.

  6. Steve Bernier

    Scott Brown said he wasn’t a doctrinaire republican, that he was an “independent thinker”. Bah Humbug! Another big government, liberty limiting politician.

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