UPDATE (6/23): Bernie Promises Executive Orders On Citizenship For 11 Million, If Necessary

Barack Obama,Democrats,Elections,IMMIGRATION,Law


My South African relatives Bernie Sanders would, no doubt, deport should they attempt to remain in the US. But “The parents of DREAMers and others” will get to live here at my expense. And YOURS.

Moreover, the little Barack Obama has done to enforce immigration law—Sanders abhors and has promised to reverse. What a piece of work!

“We’ve got 11 million undocumented people in this country. I have talked to some of the young kids with tears rolling down their cheeks, are scared to death that today they may or their parents may be deported.
“I believe that we have got to pass comprehensive immigration reform, something that I strongly supported. I believe that we have got to move toward a path toward citizenship. I agree with President Obama who used executive orders to protect families because the Congress, the House was unable or refused to act. And in fact I would go further….
“Somebody who is very fond of the president, agrees with him most of the time, I disagree with his recent deportation policies. And I would not support those. Bottom line is a path towards citizenship for 11 million undocumented people, if Congress doesn’t do the right thing, we use the executive orders of the president.”


UPDATE II (6/23): Supreme Court blocks Obama immigration plan.

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