UPDATE II: Bill Getting Brave

Barack Obama,Conservatism,Government,Healthcare,Intelligence,Private Property,Race,Racism,The State,Welfare


Black and white Americans are divided over President Obama, says Bill O’Reilly, pointing to a Gallop poll according to which 88% of Black Americans support Obama; but only 38% of whites.

“A fifty point differential.”

Whites, of course, are barred from expressing racial affinities; but not blacks. Although O’Reilly neglects the black-racism element (he knows that very many blacks are racists), he nevertheless zeroes in on another important reason blacks go with Obama. White Americans fear the expansion of government and the bankrupting of the nation. [I’m not so sure of the first.] This attitude was on display, says O’Reilly, in Missouri, where 71% of the voters rejected the individual mandate to purchase insurance that ObamaCare would have imposed on them.

O’Reilly goes on to clearly state that black America has a different view of politics, in particular, blacks want a bigger federal government for the purpose of imposing social justice and carrying out distributive policies.

Blacks want a central authority “to redistribute income from the white establishment to their precincts” is how O’Reilly, rather directly, describes what black support for “what BHO is doing” is all about.

Fifty four percent of Hispanics support Obama, down 9 points since April. Here too the social justice issue is in operation, says O’Reilly.

O’Reilly recognizes that there are two Americas. It’s hard to decipher his solution—not when he says he support “strict oversight and fair rules,” but not the imposition of entitlements. Oversight over what? To whom a private property owner rents, sells; and who he hires and fires?

And whose property is it anyway to dispense with?

And what about “Thou Shall Not Covet”?

“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that [is] thy neighbor’s.” (THE 10th COMMANDMENT, Exodus 20:17)

UPDATE I (Aug. 6): We doffed a hat to Bill’s first show of whatever it was that rolled off Sarah’s word-salad producing tongue, HERE.

UPDATE II: With Bill it’s one step forward, two steps back. Why do African-Americans lag so far behind, asked one of O’Reilly’s viewers in a letter to The Factor today. Because of 100 years of slavery, replied The Sage. Pray tell, Bill, what is the reason Africa is centuries behind the West, China, Singapore, etc?

4 thoughts on “UPDATE II: Bill Getting Brave

  1. james huggins

    O Reilly is right some of the time. Some of the time he is so far off I wonder what he is. I don’t agree with Mercer all of the time either, but at least I know where she’s coming from and know she has reasoned her position out. The best I can say for
    Bill is he’s better than a sharp stick in the eye. I never search for him on purpose.

  2. Robert Glisson

    Come on, the fact that two brain cells actually came together and sparked is not cause for rejoicing, it only shows that there is hope for the feeble minded. Now if he could put together one solid week of coherent thought, we might consider the Red Sea parted.

  3. Bob

    “… what is the reason Africa is centuries behind the West, China, Singapore, etc?”

    An abundance of islam.

  4. Van Wijk

    While there are a great many Caucasian statists, O’Reilly is essentially correct. The Tea Party and movements like it are de facto white movements. The same goes for the NRA and most other organizations whose aim is the preservation of negative rights. The fact that blacks simply don’t possess the same value system as whites is the Truth That Must Not Be Named; this is why these organizations scramble to obtain token minorities.

    Unfortunately, libertarians seem to be at the forefront of this active denial of race differences.

    Why do African-Americans lag so far behind, asked one of O’Reilly’s viewers in a letter to The Factor today. Because of 100 years of slavery, replied The Sage.

    That and a mean IQ of 85. Of course, “lagging behind” is the least of our worries in light of murder and rape statistics. Omar Thornton’s eight white victims aren’t even cold yet.

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